Curriculum Vitae


Honors and Awards

Recent Publications

Aditya Cowsik, TC, & Paolo Glorioso, Flatter, faster: scaling momentum for optimal speedup of SGD , 2022

Timothy D. Kim, TC, & Kamesh Krishnamurthy, Trainability, Expressivity and Interpretability in Gated Neural ODEs , ICML 2023

TC & Kamesh Krishnamurthy, Emergence of Memory Manifolds, 2021

Kamesh Krishnamurthy, TC, & David J. Schwab, Theory of Gating in Recurrent Neural Networks, Phys. Rev. X 2022

Lucas Sá, Pedro Ribeiro, TC, & Tomaž Prosen, Spectral Transitions and Universal Steady-States in Random Kraus Maps and Circuits, Phys. Rev. B 2020

TC, Kamesh Krishnamurthy, & David J. Schwab, Gating creates slow modes and controls phase-space complexity in GRUs and LSTMs, MSML 2020

Alexander G. Abanov, TC, Sriram Ganeshan, & Gustavo M. Monteiro, Hydrodynamics of two-dimensional compressible fluid with broken parity: variational principle and free surface dynamics in the absence of dissipation, Phys. Rev. Fluids 2019

TC, Vadim Oganesyan, Dror Orgad, & Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Spectral gaps and mid-gap states in random quantum master equations, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2019

TC, Random Lindblad Dynamics, J. Phys. A 2019

Nathan Schine, Michelle Chalupnik, TC, Andrey Gromov,  & Jonathan Simon, Electromagnetic and Gravitational Responses of Photonic Landau Levels, Nature 2019

Full List of Publications can be found on Google Scholar 

Selected Talks

Dynamics of Gated Recurrent Neural Networks, City College of New York Physics Colloquium, Sept. 16, 2020

Gating Creates Slow Modes and Controls Phase-space Complexity in GRUs and LSTMs, Mathematical and Scientific Machine Learning (MSML) Virtual Conference July 20, 2020.