Working Papers

Published Papers

Successfully Scaled Solutions Need Not Be Homogenous, with Dilip Soman

Behavioural Public Policy, January 2021, 5 (1), 80-89

Fairness Consideration in Joint Venture Formation, with Elizabeth Lyons and Aloysius Siow

Experimental Economics, September 2020, 63 (3), 632-667

Measuring Rank-based Utility in Contests: The Effect of Disclosure Schemes, with Mengze Shi and Robert Waiser

Journal of Marketing Research, December 2019, 56 (5), 981-994

Bargaining with Learning

Journal of Mathematical Economics, May 2019, 82, 90-97

Testing the Theory of Multitasking: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment in Chinese Factories, with Fuhai Hong, John A. List , and Migiwa Tanaka

International Economic Review, May 2018, 59 (2), 511-536

Framing Manipulation in Contests: A Natural Field Experiment, with Fuhai Hong and John A. List

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, October 2015, 118, 372-382

Crowding Out in the Labor Market: A Pro-Social Setting is Necessary, with King King Li

Management Science, May 2014, 60 (5), 1128-1160

The Binarized Scoring Rule, with Ryo Okui

Review of Economic Studies, July 2013, 80 (3), 984-1001

When Do Markets Tip? A Cognitive Hierarchies Approach, with John Morgan

Marketing Science, May/June 2013, 32 (3), 431-453

Competing Matchmakers: An Experimental Analysis, with Dylan Minor and John Morgan

Management Science, November 2011, 57(11), 1913-1925

Sniping and Squatting in Auction Markets, with Jeffrey C. Ely

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2009, 1(2), 68-94

The Quest for QWERTY, with John Morgan

American Economic Review (P&P), May 2009, 99(2), 435-440

Learning by Bidding

RAND Journal of Economics, Summer 2008, 39(2), 509-529