Google Data Analytics Capstone Project

Using Excel, SQL (BigQuery), and Tableau 


For The Google Data Analytics Capstone Project, I will be working with BellaBeat, a high-tech company that manufactures health-focused smart products for women. I am a junior data analyst working in the marketing analytics team at Bellabeat. Bellabeat is a successful small company, but they have the potential to become a larger player in the global smart device market.  A co-founder of Bellabeat believes that analyzing smart device fitness data could help unlock new growth opportunities for the company. 

My project goal is to analyze smart device data to gain insight into how consumers are using their smart devices. The insights will help guide the marketing strategy for the company.  I will be using Excel to clean and analyze the data, import the data to BigQuery using SQL queries to analyze the data, and then use Tableau to create the dashboard and recommendations.


The business tasks

To analyze smart device usage data to understand how consumers use non-Bellabeat smart devices. Then select one Bellabeat product to apply these insights in the final presentation with recommendations. 


I will use public data that explores smart device users’ daily habits. The first step of the Prepare stage is to download all of the data that I will need for the analysis. The data set FitBit Fitness Tracker Data: this Kaggle data set contains a personal fitness tracker from Fitbit users. Thirty eligible Fitbit users consented to the submission of personal tracker data, including minute-level output for physical activity, heart rate, and sleep monitoring. It includes information about daily activity, steps, and heart rate that can be used to explore users’ habits. 


Data Cleaning

Excel & Google Sheets

To ensure the data was clean and ready for analysis, I checked every file from the data set and performed cleaning steps in Excel and Spreadsheet documenting the process in the Google Doc. Some cleaning steps include:


For Analysing Stage I used Google BigQuery and Pivot Tables in Excel. When the data had been prepared for analysis I uploaded three files (daily_activity, sleep_day, heart_rate) to Google BigQuery.  For SQL code please refer to the SQL file here


For visualization, I have used Tableau to create an interactive dashboard with the insights I gained during analysis. Click here to explore the current version of the dashboard.


Main insights from the analysis of FitBit usage smart app:

Conclusions and Recommendations