
October 2022, new external funding:

Jonathan Siegel is a co-PI on the collaborative grant Interpretable Machine Learning based on Deep Neural Networks: a Source Coding Perspective awarded by the NSF.

September 2022, new external funding:

Minh Binh Tran is a co-PI on the collaborative grant Machine Learning and Mean Field Control awarded by the NSF.

August 2022, new graduate course:

MATH 649: Mathematical Principles of Deep Learning (S. Wojtowytsch).

August 2022, noteworthy article:

Nate Veldt is a coauthor of the Research Spotlights article Hypergraph Cuts with General Splitting Functions appearing in SIAM Review.

August 2022, congratulations!

TAMIDS postdoc and CAMDA affiliate Ming Zhong is joining the Illinois Institute of Technology as an assistant professor.

August 2022, welcome to two new assistants professors:

Jonathan Siegel and Minh Binh Tran join the Department of Mathematics.

April 2022, new textbook:

Mathematical Pictures at a Data Science Exhibition, by S. Foucart, has been published by Cambridge University Press.

April 2022, congratulations!

Rui Tuo and Nate Veldt have become TAMIDS Career Initiation Fellows.

Older News

  • November 2021, noteworthy article: Optimal Recovery from Inaccurate Data in Hilbert Spaces: Regularize, but what of the Parameter?, by S. Foucart and C. Liao, now on arXiv.

  • August 2021, new course for the MS in Data Science: MATH 667: Mathematical Foundations for Data Science (S. Foucart).

  • August 2021, welcome to a new assistant professor: Stephan Wojtowytsch joins the Department of Mathematics.

  • August 2021, new role: S. Foucart becomes TAMIDS associated director for external academic engagement.

  • August 2021, welcome to a new postdoc: Ming Zhong joins the Texas A&M Institute for Data Science (TAMIDS).

  • August 2021, new external funding: Guergana Petrova is the PI and Ron DeVore the co-PI on the collaborative grant New Perspectives on Deep Learning: Bridging Approximation, Statistical, and Algorithmic Theories awarded by the NSF.

  • July 2021, new external funding: Simon Foucart is the sole PI on the grant Optimal Recovery in the Age of Data Science awarded by the NSF.

  • May 2021, noteworthy article: Neural Network Approximation, by R. DeVore, B, Hanin, and G. Petrova, appeared in Acta Numerica.

  • March 2021, congratulations! Irina Gaynanova is the recipient of an NSF CAREER award.

  • March 2021, new internal funding: S. Foucart is the recipient of a TAMIDS Course Development Grant for MATH 664: Topics in Mathematical Data Science.

  • December 2020, noteworthy article: Finer metagenomic reconstruction via biodiversity optimization, by S. Foucart and D. Koslicki, appeared in NeurIPS 2020.

  • October 2020, seminar : the first CAMDA seminar talk, joint with TAMIDS, is given remotely by J. Romberg for Georgia Tech.

  • August 2020, welcome to two new postdocs: Kung-Ching Lin and Josiah Park are joining the Department of Mathematics.

  • August 2020, data-related graduate courses being offered: MATH 664: Topics in Mathematical Data Science (S. Foucart) and MATH 676: Mathematical Algorithms and their Implementation (A. Bonito).

  • June 2020, new role: S. Foucart joins the editorial board of Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis.

  • March 2020, setback: the COVID crisis derails CAMDA's inception.

  • February 2020, new external funding: Ron DeVore is a co-PI on the MURI grant Theoretical Foundations of Deep Learning awarded by the ONR.

  • September 2019, new external funding: Ron DeVore is a co-PI and Simon Foucart, Guergana Petrova are senior personnel on the TRIOPDS grant Texas A&M Research Institute for Foundations of Interdisciplinary Data Science awarded by the NSF.