Players control an avatar of one of the four main characters of Digimon Tamers: Takato Matsuki, Rika Nonaka, Henry Wong, and Jeri Katou. The players are not intended to be representing the actual characters, and thus are allowed to choose their own name and modify their appearance to some extent. Players then choose a "starter Digimon." The starter Digimon selected is one of the three used by Takato, Rika, and Henry in Tamers: Gigimon, Gummymon, or Viximon. In addition, different starter Digimon are sometimes offered during special events. So far, events have offered DemiVeemon, Hopmon, Yaamon, Dorimon, and a Digimon Savers-themed Koromon. Regardless, the player chooses a starter Digimon, which they use in battle to obtain stronger Digimon and accomplish NPC-given missions. Over the course of the game, starter and captured Digimon will digivolve into stronger forms with more powerful attacks.

Most Digimon begin at In-Training and generally are able to digivolve to either Ultimate or Mega Level. During battle, the player has three tries to capture an In-Training level Digimon, via the "capture" option in the in-game interface. Rookie level Digimon can also be captured with a special item "Taming Net : Rookie X".

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Battling is done in a turn based style. The player does not directly fight in battle. Instead, a Digimon chosen by the player as his or her "main" Digimon fights in their stead. Each Digimon has a time bar that goes up over the course of the battle. When the time bar fills, the Tamer may take action with that Digimon, such as attacking, fleeing, or using items to recover health.

In battle, the player is only directly able to use card items to temporarily alter their Digimon's stats, induce digivolution, or switch in other Digimon they own. A tamer can only use 3 cards at a time, and are limited to a certain number of card uses per battle. Cards are bought in-game or traded with other players.

There are two methods of capturing Digimon. The first has a very low chance of capturing a Digimon, but is free. During battle, you have three tries to capture a Digimon. All you need to do is select the capture option, then select the Digimon you wish to capture. The other method for capturing is to purchase a net, which can be either bought at the cash shop for Korean Won, or from other players in the game. The net has a 100% chance of capture. All the player must do is right click the net, then left click the Digimon they wish to capture with it.

There are things the Tamer may do to take action during a Digimons turn. A Tamer is able to Card Slash, switch in other Digimon they own, or even evolve their Digimon. A tamer can only slash 3 cards at a time, and are limited to a certain number of slashes per battle.

There are 7 types of Digimons you can choose from when making a new character. Gigimon, Gummymon and Viximon are the basic choices; Yamon, DemiVeemon, Dorimon and Hopmon can be chosen after you take part in special in-game events. These are your partner Digimons who fight in your Digimon field battles.

These are Digimon captured on your adventures in Digimon Battle. Captured Digimon join in battles only when your partner Digimon recalls them. You can open your list of Digimon (keyboard shortcut L) and switch a captured Digimon with your current partner.

Digimon have different digivolution stages, beginning with 'In-Training'. Once they reach Lv. 6, Digimon start gaining their skills. New-born Digimon are weak and need lots of help from you to survive in the beginning.

By gaining Experience Points (EXP) from winning battles, they gain levels. After they gain enough levels, they will digivolve into thier next forms, including Rookie, Champion, Ultimate and Mega. Their appearances will change, as well as their skills and powers. Each Digimon has its own 'Digivolution Tree' that it follows. The 3 possible trees are:

("General Digivolution" is only available during OBT)

The General Digivolution tree is Digimon's own natural tree. It describes their digivolution progress without use of items, quests or any other aids.

Although the normal digivolution path of a digimon is Rookie, Champion, Ultimate and Mega (at Levels 11, 21, 31, and 41 respectively), some Digimon do not ever reach the Mega stage.

The Card tree is what your Digimon follow if you introduce Digivolution Card to their General Tree.

You can get the cards by capturing Evil Digimon. Cards are divided into 5 levels. The lower the level, the greater the chance of a successful Digivolution. Sometimes, Digivolution is also dependant on your Tamer level and reputation, as well as your Digimon's level and battle sucesses. Even if you don't meet all these requirements, you can still try to digivolve your Digimon, but it may not be as successful.

Digivolution Cards can be improved by combining different ones. But be careful, if you are really unlucky, combing cards may turn your digimon into a Raremon.

All the partner Digimon have a unique Digivolution stage that is higher than the Mega stage.

Because the conditions for Digivolutionsizing to this stage are determined by their achievements in battles, events, and quests, it is considered to be a very rare Digivolution stage.

When a Digimon digivolves during battle, the WonderSwan version plays one of three different themes: shortened instrumental renditions of the songs "Brave Heart", "Beat Hit!", and "EVO" from the Japanese version of the anime.

Each match is won by collecting small blue spheres called "D-Spirits". These are obtained by hitting your opponent, which causes a few of them to fly from their body and scatter across the battlefield. Different attacks can produce more spheres to fly out, and the player who has collected the most by the time the round ends wins. Each character can also digivolve into their most powerful or "Ultimate" (Mega) form by touching a flying Digimon named Calumon that appears every so often in each stage. This form grants them different, more powerful attacks for a limited time.

As the player advances through each stage, they will occasionally have to battle a character named Impmon. Winning or losing this encounter has no bearing on the actual game progression itself, and only serves to award more points. In the final stage, the Digimon must face off against Millenniummon himself.

Note 2: Since the Digimon are naturally beings of a different plane of existence from the conventional one, the interaction between them and the beings of a lower plane in their normal conditions is not expected, which is translated into unfair disputes between Digimon and other characters in battles. Conveniently, in the franchise itself, there is the process of Realize (Also called Re: Digitize, ReArise, or Materialize) in which a Digimon manifests itself in the Real World using pseudo proteins that follow its true form so that it is possible to equate its existence with that of Humans, although still being able to use their powers, although in a more "real" way.

Note 3: Digimon have many diverging evolutionary lines, and as such, they can evolve, devolve, and obtain multiple different abilities. The profiles take all canon evolutionary lines (minus lore-based contradictions) into account. However, a Digimon should only be assumed to have its baseline skills (basically its own skills and it skills obtained from its mainline pre-evolutions) as a standard. When making a battle the original poster must state if the Digimon is allowed all its inherited skills as they are to be treated in a similar way to Optional Equipment.

Join the battle to save Earth and the Digital World from theevil Digimon! Based on the wildly popular cartoon series, DigimonBattle is an online role-playing game where players take on therole of a Digimon Tamer, a special human who is able to nurture andtrain creatures called Digimon to become great warriors. Tamersmust help the good Digimon digivolve into stronger, better fightersso they can work as partners to defeat the evil Digimon and be aheroes. Together, you will embark on daring adventures in theDigital World, play with other Tamers and Digimon friends andmaster the critical attack skills just like the ones that Digimoncharacters used in the popular animated TV show! For moreinformation, please visit

Across its many seasons and various iterations, Digimon has taken on a lot of different ideas and approaches to their stories and characters. One thing that's remained consistent across all of them has been the action. With each new season, viewers watch as new Digimon progressively get new forms, and with them, some interesting and action-packed monster battles.

Digimon Adventure Tri sees the original Digidestined come back together years later to face a new threat facing both their world and the digital one. The action starts when Tai runs into a Kuwagamon in the city and soon reunites with Agumon to fight it, which spans both worlds as the battle rages.

Another big standout battle for Digimon Adventure Tri was Omnimon returning to combat Alphamon. With the black-armored Royal Knight Digimon on the attack and making quick work of the other Digidestined, Tai and Matt come together to fight him, having both Agumon and Gabumon rush through their evolutions until they fuse into Omnimon.

The battle starts out with WarGreymon trying to talk his darker counterpart down, but it's clear that he's not willing to listen. Eventually, Imperialdramon arrives to lend WarGreymon the assistance he needs to defeat and reason with BlackWarGreymon.

The two colossal Digimon fight and while ShineGreymon gets knocked around in his normal form, he gets his second wind while in Burst Mode, stopping Argomon once and for all. It's a battle as epic as it was huge.

Thanks to Tai, Matt, and all those watching the battle, the two Digimon are able to fuse into Omnimon for the first time. Without breaking a sweat, Omnimon takes out the clones and races to end the real Diaboromon. Omnimon finishes him off with mere seconds to spare, making it an amazing and heart-pounding first battle. be457b7860

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