It allows its users to customize and enhance the functionality of your favorite web pages. Userscripts are small JavaScript programs that can be used to add new features or modify existing ones on web pages. With Tampermonkey, you can easily create, manage, and run these userscripts on any website you visit.

Additionally, Tampermonkey makes it easy to find and install userscripts created by other users. This means that you can quickly and easily access a vast library of customizations and enhancements for your favorite web pages, without having to spend hours writing your own code.

Tampermonkey Scripts

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The Tampermonkey's popup is useful for quickly and easily managing installed userscripts. In some browsers you have to manually pin the icon to see it all the time.It allows users to enable or disable scripts, view the status of scripts, and start update checks without leaving the current page.This makes it easy for users to control the behavior of their installed userscripts and customize their browsing experience.Furthermore the number of running scripts is displayed as small number right at the extension icon near the address bar. ( video tutorial)

Tampermonkey's dashboard shows a clear overview of the scripts that are installed.You can see when they were updated the last time, if they do have a homepage, you can sort them and many more... ( video tutorial)

Automatic updates can help to keep you userscripts secure by automatically installing the latest security patches and updates. It can also help to maintain compatibility by automatically installing the latest updates for web page changes. You will also automatically benefit from latest features and enhancements added.You can setup how often the scripts will be checked for updates.

User scripts put you in control of your browsing experience. Once installed, they automatically make the sites you visit better by adding features, making them easier to use, or taking out the annoying bits. The user scripts on Greasy Fork were written by other users and posted to share with the world. They're free to install and easy to use.

Tampermonkey scripts were stored in a special SQLite database and were/are not directly editable in file form.

Update: As of version 3.5.3630, Tampermonkey scripts are now stored using Chrome's extension storage. They are still not editable in file form, but the developer of Tampermonkey (derjanb) has helpfully made a Python script to extract them.

The trouble is that it is evaluating userscripts as if someone called eval() on them, so you will see VM### instead of something nice like myscript.js and you can't normally navigate to them like permanent scripts.

If you run into trouble, you can also debug the main logic of tampermonkey itself by opening the background page inspection in chrome://extensions. It prints nice messages to let you know what it is up to which you can use to jump around in its code.

I use the normal version of Chrome as well as Canary (on both Windows and OS X). It's kind of a pain that my TamperMonkey scripts are only available in one or the other. Trying to maintain both, and synchronize changes I made in one to the other, is a ridiculous pain.

Synchronize scripts that are downloadable from a Webserver.

Just set the config mode to beginner or advanced, enable TESLA.

Set the mode to chrome sync and login with chrome to your Google account.

I'm trying to get my Tampermonkey userscripts off an old hard drive - I can't boot into the OS where I ran the Chrome instance where I had the userscripts stored, but I have complete access to the hard drive itself.

Browsers don't vet user scripts the same as most extensions. So, use scripts at your own risk. The scripts featured here have a significant user base and have proven to be relatively safe. However, there's no guarantee when it comes to overall safety.

Out of nowhere I suddenly got a blue screen of death for a split second and my computer came back frozen. I had to restart it and when I started Firefox it acted like it was a fresh install with everything. My theme went to default, all the addons I use acted like they were just installed, all my firefox settings are default I believe, and all my scripts from Tampermonkey are gone.

I'll be honest here, I am trying to figure out how to just get firefox back to how I had it and I don't know how to. I'm tense as all Hell and frustrated. I don't remember what scripts I had for Tampermonkey and it's just one more thing that is greatly irritating. I'm trying to find ways to roll back to how I had firefox set up before this blue screen happened while I'm also trying to work with firefox because everything is topsy tervy.

Beyond all that, which is just commentary to get the ball rolling, how did you arrive at the combination of user scripts and Postman? They seem similar but separate. Postman can get you started to figure out what you need to help with the user scripts, as can the live API, but it would also help with writing in any language.

Yes, jQuery UI deprecation will affect some of my scripts, but not in a terrible way. I can add a @require line to require the jQuery UI for the versions that run in the browser. It will break things that people have put in their custom JavaScript unless they add it there or we find a different way to do those.

The scripts affected include the rubric sorter, the dashboard course card sorter, and a few others. The software engineer told me the deprecation was a ways off, but what that means to me is that I should start doing things the recommended way now rather than waiting until it's deprecated. I did not find out what the "right way" is. The user scripts are easy because they load all of the required files ahead of time and store them on the user's hard drive. Putting things into the custom JavaScript is more difficult.

The problem with making my user scripts into global custom JavaScript, as some have done, is that if I start requiring a library, I might depend on React, but someone else is loading Prism, and someone else is loading jQuery, and [you get the idea]. Pretty soon, we've got all these things being loaded and someone else might need React, but they need a different version than the one I have.

Unfortunately, not everything that we need to do has been exposed through the API. My rubric importer and access report data scripts use undocumented internal non-API AJAX calls. I get that Canvas doesn't want us using those since they may break at any moment and then it looks bad for Canvas, but sometimes you got to do what you got to do. That's a benefit of user scripts over Google Sheets, which are limited to only the API calls. I did talk to the software people Tuesday night and they said "There's an API for that." I couldn't find it, so I dug a little deeper and found out it's there, but it didn't make it into the documentation so I don't know about it.

User scripts have an additional benefit over LTIs in that you don't have to find anywhere to host them and you don't have to worry about storing data outside of the country (I know Canada has some regulations about that).

Steps to reproduce

Tempermonkey/Violentmonkey do not work properly on my Orion. The extensions could be installed successfully, but could not load and install userscripts as expected, nor could the extension dashboard be opened correctly.

Extension icon: popup works ok, icon itself in wrong small size

Option page: dashboard page could be opened, but some strings is not correctly displayed, with the same "Orion.SchemeHandlerError error 2":

Could not install or import scripts:

I haven't done a full test of every possible feature, but I can say that at least te basic functionality is working again.

ViolentMonkey (for FireFox) is once again able to manage and run userscripts for me in the latest Orion beta.

The next version with an xpi download available on github is beta v2.13.0.22:


This version shows errors in the console of webpages (and the userscripts don't seem to be executed).

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'o.wrappedJSObject[s]')

I have downloaded all 4 scripts and exported to my desktop. I went into the readme and it says to "click here" in which I clicked the link and nothing happened. I went into the folders themselves and executed the JavaScript File and still have no luck. Any help?

Greetings AARC,

I have downloaded all 4 scripts and exported to my desktop. I went into the readme and it says to "click here" in which I clicked the link and nothing happened. I went into the folders themselves and executed the JavaScript File and still have no luck. Any help?

Click on the github on the said script, scroll down until you find "Click here to install the script", press that, and press "INSTALL" when tampermonkey opens up, do this for each script you want & reload MC.

@SemperDeadly as stated in the very first post, Tampermonkey is needed to run these scripts. Once you have that browser extension installed, the "click here" in the readme's should auto direct you to installing the script

It looks like you can go into the code of the script and change the font color. Click on the tampermonkey app > click the + next to the MC-missiontimer script > click edit > line #14, change the color for the text to whatever hexadecimal color you want.

Both GitHub repositories and GISTs permit you to get a "Raw" object link which points to the object itself and serves that object up directly, as plain text if possible, in the web browser. Userscripts are usually picked up properly with these "Raw" URLs. You can get the raw URL by clicking the "Raw" button on an individual item in the GIST, or when you're viewing a specific object in the GitHub repository. That "raw link" is then what you can distribute for installation purposes. ff782bc1db

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