In some places in India, the corpse may be carried out of the house from the side door, rather than the front door so that the deceased does not find her way back in the house.[13] If a woman dies during childbirth or during her menstrual cycle, her "corpse is anointed with five different products of the cow and special texts are recited."[1] In the Hilly regions, the place where a pregnant woman died is carefully scraped and the earth removed. The spot is then sown with mustard (sarson), which is also sprinkled along the road traversed by the corpse on its way to the burial ground. The reason behind this is that the mustard blossoms in the world of the dead, and the sweet smell pleases the spirit and keeps her content, so that she does not long to revisit her earthly home; secondly, the Churel rises from her grave at nightfall and seeks to return to her friends but when she sees the minute grains of the mustard scattered abroad and stoops to pick it up, and while she is engaged, the sun rises and she is unable to visit her home. This story also tells us that the Churel usually only comes out during the night.[14]

Some sources say she can only be stopped by a Baiga (someone who gets rid of evil spirits) after a goat has been sacrificed.[18] In one story, a boy described his visits from the Churel. Medicine men (men who were in charge of concocting herbal medicines and reciting incantations to get rid of evil) were called in and they helped get rid of the Churel which led to the survival of the boy.[22]

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Netflix original film Bulbbul (2020) is a retelling of this legend which gives a fictional origin of Churel. But without depicting her as an antagonist, this film takes a more feminist approach by narrating the story in a different perspective.

Such fears of the unknown and the darkness are still prevalent today as it were then. Anyone who has travelled in the mountains or grown up in its embrace, will have either heard of the it, or know someone who has either had a hairy encounter, or been victimised by the chudail. The locals consider it as much part of life as death. be457b7860

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