On iPhone 12, IOS 14.6, got Apple Music subscription last month and since then have not been able to remove songs from my playlists without deleting them from my library and having to re-add and re-download them. There is no option I can find to simply remove from the playlist.

Such a garbage problem. Have no idea how to get these songs back now or which ones I even deleted. Do these people even use their own app? Seriously, things like "play last" instead of an add to queue, now this crap? What a joke, I might just to switch back to spotify at this point

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Thank you for posting in Apple Support Communities. From our understanding, when you attempt to remove a song from a specific playlist it remove the song from your library completely, is that correct? How are you deleting it? Are you selecting the 3 dots at the top right, selecting "Edit" and then selecting the minus sign next to the song instead of selecting the song and selecting "Delete From Library"?

To re-download them, I had to search for the songs individually in the ITunes Store app on my phone. Once they showed up in search , I clicked the little price and authorized payment. Then I got a "you already bought this, click here to download again" message and downloaded from there!

I have the same understanding. Apple removed functionality on mobile to remove specific songs from playlists without removing them from the library. This was previously possible mobile. Now it's not and what looks like the same feature achieves what it is I'm trying to avoid: remove song from library.

She was do frustrated she showed me on my phone. One of my playlist had the same song seven times. Deleted one instance of the seven in play list, all seven instances disappeared as well as from my library.

For some reason, users are unable to remove songs from daily mixes, or from playlists created from them. As far as I can tell this is by design, and not a bug. I'm honestly not sure what the thought process was here - if the point of a daily mix is to find new music you enjoy, surely not allowing the user to say "I don't want to listen to this song again" defeats the point entirely?

It's gotten to the point where I have to skip through about five awful songs to get to one I actually want to listen to, even when I exclusively "like" the songs I actually enjoy. Spotify's philosophy of seemingly removing basic features at random is starting to turn me away from using it, I'd really appreciate it if someone could explain the reasoning behind this decision in particular.

They keep asking me to pay for premium when I cannot even enjoy their daily mixes and have no way of customizing them? I thought the point of this was to customize your music experience and discover new music? How, when my Daily Mix keeps repeating the same songs over and over? I am just trying Spotify and am not impressed. With this kind of Daily Mix setup, I am not using Spotify and thus will never be a customer. Not a smart decision to render Daily Mixes useless to many (most?)

Keep in mind that the best way to get more diverse content in the Made for You section is to expand your music library. So if you keep liking new songs and following different artists, you should start to see an improvement after a while.

Dear Apple support, songs are added to playlist with a simple klick and choosing add to playlist. Removing the same song from the same playlist is a complete different process. With a simple klick on the song you can add the song to the library, to a new playlist, you can share the song, show lyrics, create a station, like the song or just letting Apple music know that you don't like the song, but no possibility to deleting the song from the playlist.

I cant believe that Apple haven't thought of this so what is the explanation. With the current process you get inside a Playlist, you Tap on "Edit", then select the songs you want to remove from the Playlist (minus sign). It sounds easy but if you have more than a couple of hundred songs which is the usual case and you are not even allowed to sort in alphabetical order the process becomes very complicated. When you listen to a song and realise that you don't like that song anymore you simply want to remove it from your list by a simple klick as easy as when you added the track.

Please explain why apple makes it so difficult. Is it because of increasing profit? Maybe the artist receives less money if the listener plays the song from a playlist? I don't know, I am just amazed that a such a simple feature is not there.

I am 44 years old and I have seen Motorola, Ericsson and Nokia almost disappear from the market due to negligence. I don't want the same thing to happen apple. I have all the products and my recent purchase was an Apple Watch and because of it I opened Apple music instead of Spotify since the latter do not exist on Apple watch. I have several friends that are equally upset about this removing song matter and they say that as soon as Spotify creates an app for the Apple watch they will change back.

Dear Nicholas, thanks for much appreciated response. I do not believe several thousands of highly rewarded Apple ingeniers haven't thought of this improvement. Fairly simple to understand the need to simply add and to remove a track from your playlist. So it have to be another explanation to why Apple deliberately complicate this feature. If I post my question on the page you suggesting, we know that nothing will happen.

I might be wrong. Very much looking forward to your frank and honest response. From my side, and many with me, I will stop my subscription of Apple music after the three months gratuitous period if its close to impossible to delete a song from my playlist.

Thanks for taking the time to post on the Apple Support Communities page. Apple is always looking for ways to improve products and software. Many changes and improvements come from user feedback like yours. We have a page dedicated to feedback and suggestions. This would be the best place for you to submit your ideas directly to our engineers. You can access our feedback site here: Product Feedback

I've been trying to remove songs from a collaborative playlist that I have with my friend, however I'm unable to do so. I am currently using the Spotify desktop app and I have followed/liked the playlist. Although I can click and see the "Remove from playlist" button, but whenever I click that, the song just pops back. Any idea on why this is happening?

We can confirm that the way collaborative playlists work was changed recently. The playlist owner still has full control over the playlist and can add or remove tracks freely, but when it comes to collaborators, they can only remove the songs they've personally added. This is done to prevent the potential unwanted data loss within the playlist.

In the recent months, nearly EVERY one of my collaborative playlists have been spammed by bots. I don't mean people I am not in touch with adding to my playlists, I mean, repeatedly, bot accounts that have no connection to me are adding dozens of songs to my playlist from a specific unknown artist (completely different than my playlist's genre), presumably to cheat the Spotify system and gain more streams to their audio. These are not well followed playlists (maybe 1 follow each), so I can only assume that they were found by bots.

I'm going through the trouble of posting because this is strongly affecting my use of Spotify and enjoyment of my few public playlists, and it's very taxing to frequently remove hundreds of added spam songs.

We know it must be frustrating to have bots add songs to the playlists you share with your friends. I've had this happen to myself and I know how annoying it is. Other users feel the same way and have created this Idea about limiting the editing access to Collaborative playlists, which has now been marked as Good Suggestion. It would be great if you can add your +Vote. The more votes an Idea gets, the more likely it is to get implemented. Here you can read more on how ideas work.

Regarding reporting bot accounts - Spotify takes streaming manipulation in all forms seriously and responds proactively to reports and also works behind the scenes to prevent this. It would be helpful if you can send us a link to the profile which is added songs to your collaborative playlists repeatedly, so that we can pass this info on to the right teams.

Oh my gooodness! It's only been two weeks and the same playlist (again, only 1 follower and a completely different genre) has been spammed by a different bot account posting the same songs! This is so annoying!

This has also happened to me frequently. The spam accounts have attacked every single one of my collaborative playlists. Every time it is the same artists (Empty Elevator, Pesukone, SongBot, S productions Mizta Z, Teddy Hits, Drip Overkill) so please remove their music from the platform. Here are the links to the most recent users spamming my playlists.

When I made a playlist with songs in my library and songs from the Apple Music streaming platform, the application took the songs out of my library (and from their folders in the Finder level) and replaced them with ones from Apple Music streaming. I have since removed said songs from the playlist and manually added them back in my library but the application with continue to remove them upon each launch. Its kinda wild 0852c4b9a8

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