As to the First, methought I had some feeling in thePassion of Christ, but yet I desired more by the grace ofGod. Methought I would have been that time with MaryMagdalene, and with other that were Christ's lovers, andtherefore I desired a bodily sight wherein I might havemore knowledge of the bodily pains of our Saviour andof the compassion of our Lady and of all His true loversthat saw, that time, His pains. For I would be one ofthem and suffer with Him. Other sight nor shewing ofGod desired I never none, till the soul were dispartedfrom the body. The cause of this petition was thatafter the shewing I should have the more true mind inthe Passion of Christ.

And all His disciples and all His true lovers sufferedpains more than their own bodily dying. For I am sureby mine own feeling that the least of them loved Himso far above himself that it passeth all that I can say.

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Our Lord God shewed that a deed shall be done,and Himself shall do it, and I shall do nothing butsin, and my sin shall not hinder[1] His Goodness working.[Pg 73]And I saw that the beholding of this is a heavenly joy ina fearing soul which evermore kindly by grace desirethGod's will. This deed shall be begun here, and it shallbe worshipful to God and plenteously profitable to Hislovers in earth; and ever as we come to Heaven weshall see it in marvellous joy, and it shall last thus inworking unto the last Day; and the worship and thebliss of it shall last in Heaven afore God and all HisHoly [ones] for ever.

But "Regard" (scope of true, continuing, divine Sight, Insight,All-comprehending sight) seems more likely to be the true rendering."Long and broad" go strangely with the word, but on p. 113 thelength and breadth of the garments is interpreted immediately after thecolour of the eyes, and is said to betoken that "He hath in Him, allHeavens, and all Joy and Bliss," and indeed these words but fill outthe idea of the more frequently used "high" to signify the "enclosing"of "endless heavens:" that Sphere of "fulness" which is infinite.With this passage may be compared one below, on p. 113: "TheMerciful Beholding of His loving Cheer fulfilled all earth and descendeddown with Adam into hell, ... and thus Mercy and Pitydwelleth with mankind unto the time we come up into Heaven." Theother, the Inward, the high Beholding or Regard it not said to "fill"Heaven, but to be "full of" endless Heavens. So elsewhere it is saidthat in our Sense-soul, the lower part of human nature, God dwells, butthat our Substance, the higher part, dwells in God. (The regard of Mercyand Pity is with the Sense-soul; the high Regard of Joy and Bliss is withthe Substance.) P. 132, chap. lv.: "I saw that our Substance is in God,and also I saw that in our Sense-soul God is." lvi. p. 135:" The worshipfulCity that our Lord Jesus sitteth in, it is our Sense-part, inwhich He is enclosed; and our Nature-Substance is beclosed in Jesus,with the blessed Soul of Christ sitting in rest in the Godhead."

And in our spiritual forthbringing He useth moretenderness of keeping, without any likeness: byas much as our soul is of more price in His sight. Hekindleth our understanding, He directeth our ways, Heeaseth our conscience, He comforteth our soul, Helighteneth our heart, and giveth us, in part, knowingand believing in His blissful Godhead, with graciousmind in His sweet Manhood and His blessed Passion,with reverent marvelling in His high, overpassing Goodness;and maketh us to love all that He loveth, for Hislove, and to be well-pleased with Him and all His works.And when we fall, hastily He raiseth us by His lovelycalling[1][2] and gracious touching. And when we be[Pg 153]thus strengthened by His sweet working, then we withall our will choose Him, by His sweet grace, to be Hisservants and His lovers lastingly without end.

And for help of this, full meekly our Lord shewed thepatience that He had in His Hard Passion; and also thejoying and the satisfying that He hath of that Passion,for love. And this He shewed in example that we shouldgladly and wisely bear our pains, for that is great pleasingto Him and endless profit to us. And the cause whywe are travailed with them is for lack in knowing[1] ofLove. Though the three Persons in the Trinity[2] be alleven[3] in Itself, the soul[4] took most understanding inLove; yea, and He willeth that in all things we have ourbeholding and our enjoying in Love. And of thisknowing are we most blind. For some of us believethat God is Almighty and may do all, and that He isAll-Wisdom and can do all; but that He is All-Love andwill do all, there we stop short.[5] And this not-knowingit is, that hindereth most God's lovers, as to my sight.

I pray Almyty God that this booke com not but to the handsof them that will be his faithfull lovers, and to those that willsubmitt them to the faith of holy Church, and obey the holesomunderstondying and teching of the men that be of vertuous life,sadde Age and sound lering: ffor this Revelation is heyDivinitye and hey wisdom, wherfore it may not dwelle withhim that is thrall to synne and to the Devill.

The love shared by Radha and Krishna is considered unparalleled and most divine as it is said that their bond is symbolic of that of the Lord and devotee. Radha is symbolic of the mortal being whose ultimate purpose is to be united with the divine one (Krishna). It is said that the way to reach Paramatma (Lord Krishna) is through Radha (love and devotion). Bring home this Beechwood sculpture as an ode to the purest and ultimate love in the universe. 

 Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e., hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs. 

 Dimensions: 36"18"x6" 

 Culture: India 

 Medium: Beechwood 

 Suggested Placement: In your living room or meditation room 

 Weight: 25Kgs 

 Product Code: acdtbwrkdp-05

Radha and Krishan even after being separated remain united in soul till eternity. The love of Radha and Krishna is the blissful form of divine regality, an ocean of unlimited divine bliss. Krishna is referred as the poornatam purushottam brahm or the supreme personality of the god. Thus all the forms of god reside within Krishna, where all the forms are absolute and divinely one. This brass-stone carved sculpture in all its magnificence potrays the divine bonding of Radha and Krishna in Gokul. 

Suggested Placement: In the living room or prayer (puja) room 

Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs. 

"To paraphrase a well-known allegory, he is then comparable to an idol made of sugar that sought to measure the depth of the Ocean of Divine Nectar. On entering the Sea, it found itself melting. The idol retreated hurriedly to the shore, thinking: 'Why lose my identity in order to determine the depth of divine sweetness? I already know that the Ocean is indeed very deep, and Its nectar exceedingly sweet.' Thus the sugar idol chose to perceive the Ocean of Sweetness through the isolated consciousness of individuality. Similarly, a devotee may love to be one with the Infinite, yet love even more the enjoyment of God experienced by retaining his individual existence. The latter is the state of supreme devotion." 

According to the Divine Plan, once they have re-entered the Garden within them, once they have achieved this state of supreme devotion, human beings would restore the Garden of Eden physically on Earth by restoring an ecological balance and bringing peace to the world.

When the lovers find that they have a general sense of ease and grace in one another's presence, a feeling that they understand one another easily without lengthy verbal exchanges, this indicates an affinity at the level of the second chakra, which energizes the etheric body.

An additional level of compatibility is achieved when the lovers share hopes and dreams. This can mean life goals and desires as specific and limited as having children, raising a family, achieving success and abundance through their careers. Or it can mean aspiring to create art or literature that inspires others.

It can mean having the hope that through working diligently the lovers can help one another achieve accelerated spiritual progress in a partnership. It can mean a shared desire to make the world a better place to live through political activism of one kind or another.

These are just a few examples of shared hopes and dreams. As long as the lovers can maintain their shared intent to manifest these hopes and dreams, and have the faith that together they can manifest these material and/or spiritual goals, they will activate the third chakra at the navel, which energizes the astral bodies of the lovers.

This level of compatibility can also be activated when the lovers share strongly felt religious and spiritual beliefs, and a shared spiritual practice, especially a consistent practice over time. These practices will actually energize the exchange of subtle energy through their throat chakras, and can trigger telepathic experiences.

It is out of these trans-personal experiences where the two lovers find themselves sympathetically connected to the larger collective consciousness and the web of life that a strong bond is created in the higher realms of subtle energy that can generate significant synchronicities and meaningful coincidences and lead the lovers to their spiritual teacher, their soul group, and to the work and the play that will enable them to be of maximum service in the world.

Compatibility at the level of the crown chakra, which activates the Soul Bodies of the lovers is quite rare, because most individuals on Earth do not currently have their Soul Bodies activated. Lovers who share spontaneous memories of past lives they both remember in similar ways are fortunate indeed because their Soul Bodies are activated and they can, through their love, achieve a shared sense of the immortality of their love, and of their reincarnating Higher Selves. be457b7860

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