Arthas returns to the Undead-controlled regions of Lordaeron where three dreadlords loyal to the Burning Legion - Balnazzar, Detheroc, and Varimathras - rule. Arthas informs them of the Legion's defeat and retreat before declaring himself king. While purging the kingdom of the remnants of the Alliance aided by Sylvanas Windrunner and the Lich Kel'Thuzad, Arthas notices that his powers have diminished. The Lich King telepathically contacts Arthas and explains his loss of power is a result of Illidan's attacks, and summons him to defend the Frozen Throne. Arthas leaves for Northrend where he, with the help of the Lich King's minions, defeats Illidan in a duel. Arthas shatters the ice of the throne and dons the Lich King's helmet, thereby joining their souls and becoming the new Lich King. Meanwhile, in Lordaeron, Sylvanas is freed from the Lich King's control. With the help of Varimathras, she kills the remaining two dreadlords and Garithos and declares Lordaeron the home of the free undead, rechristened the "Forsaken".

Soon after, the Prince is sent back to the frozen wastelands, as per the orders of the Lich King of the North. According to the storyline, Illidan makes a deal with the Burning Legion to destroy the Lich King. In return, he wants a new homeland for the community, consisting of the Blood Elves and Naga.

  Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne    

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The Frozen Throne was the receptacle of the soul of the Elder Shaman Ner'zhul following his transformation into the dreaded Lich King. It stood atop a tall spire within a vast chamber of ice, and was described as a diamond-hard block.[1] At the end of the Ascension of the Lich King, King Arthas Menethil entered the Throne Chamber, ascended the spire, shattered that ice with Frostmourne and made it into a much more literal throne.[1] After the throne chamber collapsed and Arthas merged with Ner'zhul to become the new Lich King, he used the remnants of the Frozen Throne as the place from which he commanded the Scourge.[2] While the Lich King slept, Icecrown Citadel was built around the spire.

Illidan Stormrage was charged by Kil'jaeden with destroying the Frozen Throne.[4] To this end, he recovered the Eye of Sargeras and brought it to Dalaran. Illidan and his naga summoners used the eye, combined with Dalaran's natural magical energies, to create devastating earthquakes that would tear Icecrown apart. The intervention of his brother Malfurion, along with his former jailer Maiev Shadowsong and Prince Kael'thas, stopped Illidan from completing his spell.[5] Though he did not succeed in destroying the throne, Illidan's spell did rupture it. As a result, the Lich King began losing his power daily.[6]

Fearing that Kil'jaeden would punish him for his failure, Illidan went to Outland, but the demon lord quickly found him and commanded that he try again.[7] Illidan led an army of blood elves (led by Prince Kael'thas) and naga (led by Lady Vashj) to Icecrown in a bid to attack the throne directly.[8]

Illidan was ultimately defeated by King Arthas, who ascended the spire and shattered the throne with Frostmourne. Arthas donned the Helm of Domination, which contained Ner'zhul's spirit, and they merged into the new Lich King. "The Frozen Throne" came to refer to the remnants of the crystal that Arthas physically sat upon as an actual throne.[2]

The exact description of the original throne chamber before its destruction has differed between sources. In Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, it was described and shown as lying within a frozen peak at the center of a valley in Icecrown. The RPG described the Frozen Throne as sitting at the bottom of a rift made upon its impact. The novel Arthas: Rise of the Lich King implies that the throne chamber was deep inside a cavern within the Icecrown Glacier itself, which sat in the middle of a valley.

The short story Road to Damnation doesn't make reference to the cavern or rift (although the "very peak of Icecrown" is mentioned), but instead describes the Frozen Throne as sitting inside a massive chamber inside a citadel. This could be a reference to the overall fortified nature of the throne chamber. Both Arthas[14] and Kel'Thuzad[15] were said to have traveled downward before ascending the spire.

In Wrath of the Lich King, it seems as if the developers went with the original description from The Frozen Throne. Angrathar the Wrath Gate appears to connect directly to the current Icecrown Citadel via a tunnel drilled through a mountain. This mountain is most likely what's left of the original frozen peak that housed the throne chamber, though it stands further south than it was implied to be before.

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Magtheridon is in a locked throne room. To gain access, you must eliminate his two dark lieutenants--the master of pain and the mistress of torment. Once they're dead, you can grab the shadowkeys, which will give you access to Magtheridon's throne room.

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