
  • Character formulas for Reductive Algebraic Groups, Oberwolfach, Germany, Nov 18-24th, 2018.

  • Southern Lie theory conference, Louisiana State University, May 2019.

  • Graduate Summer School on the Geometry and Modular Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups, August 2019. Given talk.

  • twinned conference "Geometric Representation Theory" June 22 - 26, 2020.

  • The 2020 Paul J. Sally, Jr. Midwest Representation Theory conference. October 16-18.

  • Lie Theory seminar in University of California, Riverside, March 2, 2021.

  • Southern sectional meeting at University of South Alabama, Nov 2021. Giving talk.

  • University of Georgia, giving a mini series of talks in the algebra seminar on the topic Parity sheaves on graded Lie Algebras. September, 2021.

Links to some talks.

  • Here is the link of my talk in Simon's center for geometry and physics, Stonybrook on 20th August, 2019.

  • Here is the link of my talk in The 2020 Paul J. Sally, Jr. Midwest Representation Theory conference. October 17, 2020.

  • Here are two links from a mini series of talks that I gave the algebra seminar in University of Georgia. Link-1, Link-2.