Pdf Splitter

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You may have to get all info from panes (like objects on it) and splitters, then delete the splitters, create new splitters in correct style, put all objects on the correct pane. I'd opt out. It won't be fun. It might not even be possible...

Sets a reference to the AggregationStrategy to be used to assemble the replies from the split messages, into a single outgoing message from the Splitter. By default Camel will use the original incoming message to the splitter (leave it unchanged). You can also use a POJO as the AggregationStrategy.

When in streaming mode, then the splitter splits the original message on-demand, and each split message is processed one by one. This reduces memory usage as the splitter do not split all the messages first, but then we do not know the total size, and therefore the org.apache.camel.Exchange#SPLIT_SIZE is empty. In non-streaming mode (default) the splitter will split each message first, to know the total size, and then process each message one by one. This requires to keep all the split messages in memory and therefore requires more memory. The total size is provided in the org.apache.camel.Exchange#SPLIT_SIZE header. The streaming mode also affects the aggregation behavior. If enabled then Camel will process replies out-of-order, e.g. in the order they come back. If disabled, Camel will process replies in the same order as the messages was split.

Will now stop further processing if an exception or failure occurred during processing of an org.apache.camel.Exchange and the caused exception will be thrown. Will also stop if processing the exchange failed (has a fault message) or an exception was thrown and handled by the error handler (such as using onException). In all situations the splitter will stop further processing. This is the same behavior as in pipeline, which is used by the routing engine. The default behavior is to not stop but continue processing till the end.

When parallel processing is enabled, then the Camel routing engin will continue processing using last used thread from the parallel thread pool. However, if you want to use the original thread that called the splitter, then make sure to enable the synchronous option as well.

And our custom AggregationStrategy that is responsible for holding the in progress aggregated message that after the splitter is ended will be sent to the buildCombinedResponse method for final processing before the combined response can be returned to the waiting caller.

You can see the widgets are resized. I was able to do this running the application, and manually adjusting the splitters. Is there a way in QtDesigner to do this? I tried playing with policies. I didn't really get any further however. Does this indicate a lack of knowledge of my part about policies? Perhaps layouts in general?

The __________ file is the list of bounding boxes that were calculated. Ifyou want you can use this on a subsequent call the the splitter using the--split-file option to use exactly the same areas as last time. This might beuseful if you produce a map regularly and want to keep the tile areas the samefrom month to month. It is also useful to avoid the time it takes toregenerate the file each time (currently about a third of the overall timetaken to perform the split). Of course if the map grows enough that one of thetiles overflows you will have to re-calculate the areas again.

You can also use a gzip'ed or bz2'ed compressed .osm file as the input file.Note that this can slow down the splitter considerably (particularly true forbz2) because decompressing the .osm file can take quite a lot of CPU power. Ifyou are likely to be processing a file several times you're probably betteroff converting the file to one of the binary formats pbf or o5m. The o5mformat is faster to read, but requires more space on the disk.

Do not specify it with --overlap unless you have a good reason to do so.--mapid=63240001Set the filename for the split files. In the example the first file will becalled 63240001.osm.pbf and the next one will be 63240002.osm.pbf and so on.--max-areas=512The maximum number of areas that can be processed in a single pass duringthe second stage of processing. This must be a number from 1 to 4096. Highernumbers mean fewer passes over the source file and hence quicker overallprocessing, but also require more memory. If you find you are running out ofmemory but don't want to increase your --max-nodes value, try reducing thisinstead. Changing this will have no effect on the result of the split, it'spurely to let you trade off memory for performance. Note that the first stageof the processing has a fixed memory overhead regardless of what this is setto so if you are running out of memory before the areas.list file isgenerated, you need to either increase your -Xmx value or reduce the size ofthe input file you're trying to split.--max-nodes=1600000The maximum number of nodes that can be in any of the resultant files. Thedefault is fairly conservative, I think you could increase it quite a lotbefore getting any 'map too big' messages. I've not experimented much. Alsothe bigger this value, the less memory is required during the splitting stage.--max-threadsThe maximum number of threads used by splitter. Default is auto.--mixedSpecify this if the input osm file has nodes, ways and relationsintermingled or the ids are not strictly sorted. To increase performance, usethe osmosis sort function.--no-trimDon't trim empty space off the edges of tiles. This option is ignored when--polygon-file is used.--output=pbfThe format in which the output files are written. Possible values are xml,pbf, o5m, and simulate. The default is pbf, which produces the smallest filesizes. The o5m format is faster to write, but creates around 40% larger files.The simulate option is for debugging purposes.--output-dir=.The directory to which splitter should write the output files. If thespecified path to a directory doesn't exist, splitter tries to create it.Defaults to the current working directory.--overlap=Deprecated since r279. With keep-complete=false, splitter should includenodes outside the bounding box, so that mkgmap can neatly crop exactly at theborder. This parameter controls the size of that overlap. It is in map units,a default of 2000 is used which means about 0.04 degrees of latitude orlongitude. If --keep-complete=true is active and --overlap is given, a warningwill be printed because this combination rarely makes sense.--polygon-fileThe name of a file containing a bounding polygon in theosmosis polygon file format.Splitter uses this fie when calculating the areas. It first calculates a gridusing the given --resolution. The input file is read and for each node, acounter is increased for the related grid area. If the input file contains abounding box, this is applied to the grid so that nodes outside of thebounding box are ignored. Next, if specified, the bounding polygon is used tozero those grid elements outside of the bounding polygon area. If the polygonarea(s) describe(s) a rectilinear area with no more than 40 vertices, splitterwill try to create output files that fit exactly into the area, otherwise itwill approximate the polygon area with rectangles. --precomp-seaThe name of a directory containing precompiled sea tiles. If given,splitter will use the precompiled sea tiles in the same way as mkgmap does.Use this if you want to use a polygon-file or --no-trim=true and mkgmapcreates empty *.img files combined with a message starting "There is notenough room in a single garmin map for all the input data".--problem-fileThe name of a file containing ways and relations that are known to causeproblems in the split process. Use this option if --keep-complete requires toomuch time or memory and --overlap doesn't solve your problem. Syntax of problem file: way: # comment... rel: # comment...example: way:2784765 # Ferry Guernsey - Jersey--problem-reportThe name of a file to write the generated problem list createdwith --keep-complete. The parameter is ignored if --keep-complete=false. You canreuse this file with the --problem-file parameter, but do this only if you usethe same values for max-nodes and resolution. --resolution=13The resolution of the density map produced during the first phase. A valuebetween 1 and 24. Default is 13. Increasing the value to 14 requires fourtimes more memory in the split phase. The value is ignored if a --split-fileis given. --split-file=areas.listUse the previously calculated tile areas instead of calculating them fromscratch. The file can also be in *.kml format.--status-freqDisplays the amount of memory used by the JVM every --status-freq seconds.Set =0 to disable. Default is 120.--stop-afterDebugging: stop after a given program phase. Can be split,gen-problem-list, or handle-problem-list Default is dist which means executeall phases.--wanted-admin-levelSpecifies the lowest admin_level value of boundary relations that should be kept complete. Used to filter boundary relations forproblem-list processing. The default value 5 means that boundary relations are kept complete when the admin_level is5 or higher (5..11).The parameter is ignored if --keep-complete=false. Default: 5--write-kmlThe name of a kml file to write out the areas to. This is in addition toareas.list (which is always written out).Special options --versionIf the parameter --version is found somewhere in the options, splitter willjust print the version info and exit. Version info looks like this:splitter 279 compiled 2013-01-12T01:45:02+0000--helpIf the parameter --help is found somewhere in the options, splitter willprint a list of all known normal options together with a short help and exit.Tuning Tuning for best performance A few hints for those that are using splitter to split large files.

This means splitter has to read the input file input three times because themax-areas parameter was much smaller than the number of areas. If you haveenough heap, set max-areas value to a value that is higher than the number ofareas, e.g. --max-areas=2048. Execute splitter again and you should findProcessing 1502 areas in a single pass1____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tuning for low memory requirements If your machine has less than 1GB free memory (eg. a netbook), you can stilluse splitter, but you might have to be patient if you use theparameter --keep-complete and want to split a file like germany.osm.pbf or alarger one. If needed, reduce the number of parrallel processed areas to 50with the max-areas parameter. You have to use --keep-complete=false whensplitting an area like Europe. 5376163bf9

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