WE want to ensure that the evaluand is qualified to be evaluated by our approach; - that you are able to put together - I want to do my homework; and make sure that I have everything put together and have an understanding of how everyone is perceived; capacity of leaders . . .

So this diagram shows you how P3-VALUE is structured. First, you have project assumptions that you feed into the various modules, and starting with Risk Assessment, which shows up at the bottom there. There's Risk Assessment, and you evaluate or value risks, which feed into your financial viability assessment, which looks at base cost and your risks and tries to evaluate whether you have sufficient funds to build the project. If that is then affordable, you can go to value-for-money analysis, which is another module in the P3-VALUE tool. Now, as indicated here, risk assessment also feeds into project delivery benefit-cost analysis, which is the societal perspective in P3 valuation.

Evaluate Homework And Practice Module 4 Answers

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Patrick DeCorla-Souza: Thank you, Wim. Thank you. All right, so let's move on to the webinar summary. So we've so far talked about the benefit-cost analysis process and I suggest that for more detail and to understand it better you can go to our P3 Toolkit webpage and download a guide on the framework for benefit-cost analysis. That'll give you more information on that. With regard to the P3 delivery economic differences and the concepts behind how those differences are estimated as well as how they affect benefits and costs, you can refer to the Concept Guide, which is actually Part 2 of the Guide to P3-VALUE 2.0, and that is also downloadable from our website. So it's called Guide to P3-VALUE 2.0. The first part is the User Guide, and the second part is the Concept Guide. Finally, we of course encourage you to download the tool itself and explore it, and to help you get a little practice, we have created a homework or an exercise that you can try out. It is available for download on your screen, on the left-hand side, you see Materials for Download. The first is the presentation and the second is the exercise. That'll help you understand how the tool works. Now, of course, as I said, I encourage you to read the User Guide and the primers and guidebooks that are on the website.

So with that, I think we've got a couple minutes left for any questions, so feel free to either type your question into the chat box or hit star six to unmute your phone. By way of encouragement, I should have mentioned-- to encourage you to do the exercise-- we will be awarding certificates for those that submit their answers by 10 a.m. on February 29, which is the day of the webinar. So I encourage you to send in your answers. Of course they don't have to be correct. I mean, we just need to see that you've done the exercise. So star six for any questions. I don't see anybody typing in the chat box, so I think with that I would like to thank Jordan Wainer for moderating this webinar, and I'd like to thank my colleagues from IMG Rebel, Wim Verdouw and Marcel Ham, for their presentations, and I look forward to seeing you back here again next Monday to review the homework exercise. Thank you all, and see you next Monday.

In this module, I want to encourage you to go in with an open mind. You may have some preconceived notions of how you will approach your academics, and some of the strategies we discuss you may have never tried before, but come into it willing to give it a try. Assessments - Papers, Projects, Presentations, or Exams - don't need to be daunting undertakings that are all consuming and leave you feeling drained. Rather, let's view assessments in your courses as opportunities to demonstrate all that you have learned. Use these as moments to show how much you have gained from the hard work you have put in. Should an athlete shy away from a game, a match, or a race because of the pressure to perform? They have likely put in hours of hard work, practice, and preparation to get to this point. And they want to show their skills. And so can you!

If however, looking over your preparation strategies and approach made it glaringly obvious where you did not put in as much effort as you could have, and that reinforced why your assessment performance was not where you wanted/needed it to be, well now you know what areas need to be changed. You recognize specific areas on the assessment that you could better prepare for on the next assessment. When looking through the feedback on your assessment you begin to identify simple mistakes that occurred because you felt rushed due to lack of time, well that is important to know! If time has been a factor on your assessments, then you should be sure to incorporate time as a preparation strategy for the next assessment. How do you do that? Well, you will want to time yourself on how long it take you to complete a practice problem. And then recognize how much time you were given for a comparable question on the exam. For example, if it takes you 30 minutes to complete a homework problem, but a simple problem on the exam you only have about 10 minutes to determine the answer, well that means you will need to work through several practice problems to get very comfortable with that material in order to answer that type of question in in the limited timeframe you are given. If for a paper you only gave yourself the night before the due date to write the 10-page essay, but after a thorough analysis of how you did you realize you would have done better if you had more time... then for the next essay you will want to start earlier and account for the time needed to develop a strong, well articulated essay.

Let's put all of this to practice now. Go find an assessment you had in a previous semester. Yes, I'm serious... go find that exam, or paper, or project, or presentation and I want you to apply the Assessment Wrapper technique. Granted, depending on what previous assessment you find/dig up, it may be from several months ago. It may be from over a year ago. That's ok! I want you to take a moment and look through that assessment and apply the three questions we just addressed in this module - How Did I Prepare? How Did I Do? What Will I Do Next Time? be457b7860

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