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Ongoing projects


Cogni-E-Spin (2024-ongoing)

Project goals: The goal of this R&D activity is to create technology for scalable inline quality control of electrospun nanofiber meshes. Using cognitive electronics, the system will be capable of continuous multiparameter monitoring and electrospinning process control to maintain optimal product quality and distribution.

Our part: The project was launched and is run by TalTech LoC   

Project contact(s): Tamas Pardy

Publications: ETIS

Links: ETIS

More information:  PSG897: Cogni-E-Spin 


CHIRALFORCE (2023-ongoing)

Project goals: CHIRALFORCE aims at a radically new strategy to separate enantiometers on chip, using chiral optical forces at silicon-based integrated waveguides.

Our part: Development of automated instrumentation for liquid handling and detection of enantiomer products

Project contact(s): Ott Scheler, Tamas Pardy

Publications: TBA

More information: Cordis 

Finished projects


CogniFlow-Cyte (2020-2024)

Project goals:  creating the proof of concept of and develop the methodology for low-cost, fully portable flow cytometers based on droplet microfluidics, which will allow field analysis of bacteria.

Our part: The project was launched and is run by TalTech LoC   

Project contact(s): Toomas Rang, Tamas Pardy, Ott Scheler


More information: ETIS | Webpage

Project goals: Determine the relatedness between toxic metal resistance or exposure and antibiotic resistance on a single cell level.

Our part: We are the main researchers in this project. We are collaborating with professor of Bioinformatics (Asst.) Olli-Pekka Smolander at Tallinn University of Technology, Division of Gene Technology

Project contact(s): Ott Scheler, Simona Bartkova, Immanuel Sanka


More information: ETIS


Project goals: Development of novel droplet tools for microbiological research (antibiotic susceptibility, drug resistance, image analysis, heteroresistance) 

Our part: We are the main researchers in this project. We are collaborating with prof. Garstecki at ICHF PAN, Poland

Project contact(s): Ott Scheler, Simona Bartkova, Immanuel Sanka 


More information : 


Cognitive electronics COEL (2015-2019) 

Project goals: Develop new competences in cognitive electronics at Dept. of Electronics

Our part: Building Lab-on-a-Chip (LoC) research competence & infrastructure. Started work on open-source hardware for LoC. 

Project contact(s): Yannick Le Moullec, Tamás Pardy


More information: ETIS


InTime NINAAT (2014-2019)

Project goals: The STD Multitest CT/NG is the world’s smallest PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test, developed partly in-house at TalTech, in collaboration with SelfDiagnostics Deutschland GmbH, an industrial partner located in Leipzig, Germany.   

Our part: Our group worked on the development of temperature regulation and electronics for the device under H2020 grant #666852.

Project contact(s): Tamas Pardy
