In computing, a hang or freeze occurs when either a process or system ceases to respond to inputs. A typical example is when computer's graphical user interface (such as Microsoft Windows[a]) no longer responds to the user typing on the keyboard or moving the mouse. The term covers a wide range of behaviors in both clients and servers, and is not limited to graphical user interface issues.

Hangs have varied causes and symptoms, including software or hardware defects, such as an infinite loop or long-running uninterruptible computation, resource exhaustion (thrashing), under-performing hardware (throttling), external events such as a slow computer network, misconfiguration, and compatibility problems. The fundamental reason is typically resource exhaustion: resources necessary for some part of the system to run are not available, due to being in use by other processes or simply insufficient. Often the cause is an interaction of multiple factors, making "hang" a loose umbrella term rather than a technical one.

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A hang may be temporary if caused by a condition that resolves itself, such as slow hardware, or it may be permanent and require manual intervention, as in the case of a hardware or software logic error. Many modern operating systems provide the user with a means to forcibly terminate a hung program without rebooting or logging out; some operating systems, such as those designed for mobile devices, may even do this automatically. In more severe hangs affecting the whole system, the only solution might be to reboot the machine, usually by power cycling with an off/on or reset button.

In a multitasking operating system, it is possible for an individual process or thread to get stuck, such as blocking on a resource or getting into an infinite loop, though the effect on the overall system varies significantly. In a cooperative multitasking system, any thread that gets stuck without yielding will hang the system, as it will wedge itself as the running thread and prevent other threads from running.

By contrast, modern operating systems primarily use pre-emptive multitasking, such as Windows 2000 and its successors, as well as Linux and Apple Inc.'s macOS. In these cases, a single thread getting stuck will not necessarily hang the system, as the operating system will preempt it when its time slice expires, allowing another thread to run. If a thread does hang, the scheduler may switch to another group of interdependent tasks so that all processes will not hang.[1] However, a stuck thread will still consume resources: at least an entry in scheduling, and if it is running (for instance, stuck in an infinite loop), it will consume processor cycles and power when it is scheduled, slowing the system though it does not hang it.

However, even with preemptive multitasking, a system can hang, and a misbehaved or malicious task can hang the system, primarily by monopolizing some other resource, such as IO or memory, even though processor time cannot be monopolized. For example, a process that blocks the file system will often hang the system.

Hardware can cause a computer to hang, either because it is intermittent or because it is mismatched with other hardware in the computer[3] (this can occur when one makes an upgrade). Hardware can also become defective over time due to dirt or heat damage.

A hang can also occur due to the fact that the programmer has incorrect termination conditions for a loop, or, in a co-operative multitasking operating system, forgetting to yield to other tasks. Said differently, many software-related hangs are caused by threads waiting for an event to occur which will never occur.[4] This is also known as an infinite loop.

A computer may seem to hang when in fact it is simply processing very slowly. This can be caused by too many programs running at once, not enough memory (RAM), or memory fragmentation, slow hardware access (especially to remote devices), slow system APIs, etc. It can also be caused by hidden programs which were installed surreptitiously, such as spyware.

Modern operating systems provide a mechanism for terminating hung processes, for instance, with the Unix kill command, or through a graphical means such as the Task Manager's "end task" button in Windows (select the particular process in the list and press "end task"). Older systems, such as those running MS-DOS, early versions of Windows, or Classic Mac OS often needed to be completely restarted in the event of a hang.

It hangs because you created a condition called "deadlock". The problem is that a synchronized method can be accessed only by one thread at the time. So, your method is accessing this sync method, and calling another thread to access the same method, which is locked. So, the second thread is waiting for the function to be released by the other thread, and this never happens.

Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Hyperlinking and either uncheck Enable on demand hyperlink style navigation or change Default modifier key.

So quick workaround which I made to have a temp file for development and once all done, moving the code to respective java file, get me out of this hurdle. (I am a selenium + Java guy, so this workaround worked for me).

The problem is that once background operation finishes nothing happens. Instead my expectation times out after the specified time. Below is a simplified model and test case that simulates my code. Running it displays only "before doSomethingAsync" and "in doSomethingAsync" messages in console. It looks to me like execution is not returning to main actor while waitForExpectations is running.

I am currently trying to communicated to a pc via a tcp socket.I am using LwIP and FreeRTOS on my discoveryF4 board. My problem is thta the code hangs on an assert when I try to use functions for socket creation/management but what is weird is that the assert on which the code is hung changes depending on where I call these functions.If I create a seperate thread for my tcp socket the code hangs when trying to execute the socket() function (which is used to create the socket)But if I try the same code but place it in a function and call that function from the defaul thread the code executes socket() with no problem but then hangs on an assert while trying to execute the connect() function.I have seen a similar problem on this forum on this post :

Could it be that I'm running out of stack/heap ? Which would be surprising since im running 0x4000 of heap and 0x6000 of stack.I've tried changing the priority of my ethernet peripheral but that didn't work.

Good evening everyone

I have used Arduino in some pretty noisy environments and, with proper decoupling and good practices, was able to get the circuit working fine.

However, I was wondering if there was a way to auto detect Arduino hanging up (meaning frozen due to electromagnetic noise, not responding to inputs anymore) and self reset. It would be awesome if, after self reset, the code would resume from where it left off.

Does anyone have any idea how this could be implemented? Thanks

It's not possible to go back to the specific line in the code where it hung, but if you have state information that you need to save across the reset then you can do that in EEPROM. Depending on how hung up the hang up is, sometimes you can get away with doing that from the watchdog interrupt.

I'm having a weird problem where execution of Python code cells in the Jupyter notebook hangs constantly (maybe every second attempt causes a hang). Weirdly, the code execution continues if I click on "Jupyter: Variables" on the bottom console display.

I've got a Metal app running with Xcode 8, latest Base SDK (10.2), and it runs fine on devices with iOS 9.2. However when running on a device with iOS 10.2.1, the screen draws black and it spits out this error every frame:

This looks suspicious to me: "Any calls to drawIndexedPrimitives". This is just a guess, take for what it is, but when I read "any calls to drawIndexedPrimitives", my intuition is that somehow you have problems with loading your data. What I'd do is to write some extremally simplified debug shader (like, pass-through vertex and fragment drawing just white points), and then use that shader in call to drawIndexedPrimitives. Then, you'd either get some output (meaning that something is wrong "in between" simplified shader and full-blown one). Or you get error still, meaning that either Metal on your OS is completely broken (unlikely) or some change between versions screwed your data loading/generation for example.

Many sophisticated shaders can generate long running loops when fed with wrong data. GPU sees this as a hang and aborts. I used to have list (like single linked list)-following shader. Give it a bad data and GPU Hang Error was very likely outcome.

Hmm, what do you mean by "no way to look at the size of vertex structs"? Do you mean that you have some layour vertex shader expects, and you're not sure you got this one right? Because sorry, this is like exact science, you have to get it right, or else...could you post you vertex struct layout and how you're preparing that data on the Swift side? Frankly, I know nothing about the Swift, but yeah, something might have changed between iOS 9 and 10 (Swift could change, too) and that could spoil your vertex layout...if done improperly.

Nope, they're not visible. The proper way is to 1) design these structures taking into account sizes and alignment of member types 2) calculate member offsets carefully 3) fill up their counterparts on CPU side really carefully, taking aforementioned types, sizes and offsets into account. You really shouldn't assume that structure layout from one environment (Swift on 64 bit CPU) will be compatible with another (Metal on 32 bit GPU). This is a no-no. Please paste one of your vertex structures, and Swift code you use to fill the fields, it would be easier to work on concrete example, Regards Michal 589ccfa754

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