
Fiction, non-fiction, art, spoken word, music

The Carbarism Project:  How to civilize the automobile - http://www.carbarism.org 

The MacSpeer Project: a literary discourse on modern technocracy (Mac-Speer being a contraction of the names Robert McNamara (US Secretary of Defense during the Vietnam War) and Albert Speer (Armaments Minister under Hitler)  -  http://www.macspeer.org  

Many possible worlds: An interdisciplinary history of the world economy since 1800

Palgrave Macmillan has issued the book and it is out and available for purchase: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-19-9281-0

This book tells the sweeping saga of the creation of the modern economy, and the world it has wrought, for better and for worse. An earlier full outline of the work can be found at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341285408_The_birth_of_the_modern_world_an_interdisciplinary_history_of_the_world_economy_since_1800.  To see more details, progress reports,  and works-in-progress, follow this page: https://sites.google.com/view/talltelling/1800-book

TallTelling Press

TallTelling Press specializes in quirky offbeat books of all lengths and many different genres.  These are distributed through all major online retail channels. For further information see: https://sites.google.com/view/talltelling/talltelling-press ). Or write to: talltelling@yahoo.com 

Visual Art

Paintings, drawings, photography, and other visual ephemera.   https://sites.google.com/view/talltelling/visual-art 

"Cosmic" and other series



Life drawings

Cameron Gordon is the Creator and Director of this website and Principal and Founder of TallTelling Press and the Carbarism Project.  You can email him at cameron.gordon@carbarism.org