For the past three years, the Talking Jesus course has been inspiring thousands of Christians to share their faith. The six video-based sessions give practical suggestions to help encourage natural and relevant conversations about Jesus. The sessions include short films, inspirational short testimonies, and real-life examples from people who are talking Jesus. A short, easy-to-follow course book helps groups to use the course. 

The Talking Jesus course is available FREE to download as well as available to buy on DVD or USB. Find out more at

If one person asks a question aloud, then usually there are a lot more people wondering the same but without a chance to ask! Hear are my answers to some great questions a student at a theological college asked me about talking with Catholics about Jesus.

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The Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement has been in Australia since the 1960s, and through this movement there has been much more cross-fertilization of ideas between charismatic Catholics and Protestants. I think that because of this you are more likely to find converted Roman Catholics who are charismatic. When I was involved in it in the Catholic Church, people did things like talking in tongues, having words of prophecy, and many other emotional experiences.

Just start talking to Jesus

Just start talking to Jesus

You can talk to Jesus

Oh whenever you like

Just start talking to Jesus

Just start talking to Jesus

Just keep talking to Jesus

For the rest of your life

This short chapter raised a few extra questions for me lately. The basic premise seems to be some heavenly being speaking to John. And, grammatically, it appears to be a single one. Verses 13-16 in particular are quite explicitly Jesus talking, as he says "I, Jesus..." And verses 7 and 12 both start "See, I am coming quickly"... which I assume to be Jesus, and it seems to be confirmed in verse 20 where John responds "even so, come, Lord Jesus."

This all seems rather simple and straight forward except immediately after Jesus is talking in verse 7, and in verse 8, John saw these things and heard these things and bowed before the person speaking to him. Not too much of a problem as people have done this before Jesus in the past. But verse 9 "And he said to me, see you do it not, I am your brother-servant with you and with your brothers the prophets, and with those who keep the words of this book. Give worship to God."

And then this goes directly into Jesus speaking again. So... Did Jesus say this? Some say that in the middle of Jesus speaking in verse 7, some other unnamed angel just happened by in the middle of the conversation, and although John never thought to bow to Jesus, he immediately started bowing to this angel, who only stopped to tell him not to bow, and Jesus just kept talking without acknowledging this second person in any way. ... but I'm not seeing any textual justification for this beyond "Seeing Jesus say this doesn't fit my preconception, so it must be someone else that said it."

The gospel really is the best news anyone will ever receive. So why do Christians shy away from talking about Jesus outside of church? And, when they do speak of Jesus, why do they often get a disinterested or scornful reponse?

In this new series, we are going to continue to enjoy being with Jesus. It is named Walking and Talking with Jesus. We are going to learn what does it mean to walk with Jesus one on one and talking to him personally.

One emphasis of the series is going to be talking to Jesus, praying and listening to Jesus. Another focus is going to be is living our life by faith and trust in God with the Holy Spirit. We will spend extended time in prayer as a group during our time together.

In John 16, Jesus is talking to his close friends the night before he goes to the cross to die, he is going to be raised again and then he will be ascending to heaven soon. Jesus knows time is short when he will be with them, and he gives them the greatest encouragement he could give them, saying: 

The toys are based on biblical stories. For example, there's a set of 3-inch figures based on Daniel in the lion's den for about $7. A 12-inch talking Jesus doll is about $15. And 14-inch Samson or Goliath action figures are about $20.

Do you think, without emendation, the size of Jesus and the angels might be related to the Shiur Kommah literature?

As for the talking cross, I immediately though of the talking lamp-stands in Hellenistic erotic poetry. They are so often chosen as the narrator of the poem (however unlikely it is that they might speak) because they are the only witness to the lover's tryst (cf. the statues of Priapic in the Priapea).

Not to say that the text isn't corrupt (my knowledge of text criticism is rudimentary), but it does seem possible to explain and accept the coherency of the extant readings.

Just then his disciples came. They marveled that he was talking with a woman, but none said, "What do you wish?" or, "Why are you talking with her?" So the woman left her water jar, and went away into the city, and said to the people, "Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?" They went out of the city and were coming to him. 006ab0faaa

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