
Our Goals

  • Bridge the gap between CS Education Research & K-12 Classroom practice

  • Create & source implementable resources that are accessible to K-12 educators

  • Create a digital space for K-12 educators to reflect on their teaching practice as it relates to research-based best practices

Our Implementation

  • Chats occur on Twitter using the #talkcsed hashtag every Monday from 7:30-8:30 ET. This document describes how to participate.

  • We post at most 3-5 questions over the entire hour so we have time to process answers from other participants and engage in meaningful conversations with other chatters.

  • We invite guest moderators to choose articles and curate questions for the chat to amplify a diverse set of voices that address a variety of issues in CSEd across a variety of grade levels.

  • We post the questions for the chat on Monday morning to help prepare for the chat that night. After the chat, we post additional questions we didn't use to help facilitate continued face-to-face conversations

  • We compile resources from each chat into a 1-page digestible resource that K-12 educators can use to help implement research strategies in their classroom.


We're grateful to the San Mateo County CSEd Reading Group run by Emily Thomforde, who has been doing this work for over a year and has a wealth of topics & research

We're grateful to the following communities that are exemplary twitter chats and were very influential in developing our model for #talkcsed:

Get In Touch

Email - talkcsed@gmail.com

Twitter - @talkcsed