Tales of Reality is a fictional and fantasy history based around 5 protagonists, who were randomly threwn into another unknown and mysterious world. Their main goal is to somehow get out of it. How will they? Follow the history!
Founder and Main Author: ket19
Founder and Helper: the_real_c0smic0ct0
Art by: @lecritow, ket19 and @fckandros
If you wish to contact authors,
(Discord) - _ket19 or fromtheheart77777@gmail.com
(Discord) - cosm0cto
When will chapters be released?
Rarely. For some reason, my father doesn't like me writing this. ???
Chapters (Click on the name to access it)
Chapter 14 - Surfacing- 27/9/2024
Chapter 13 - The Sindicate - 04/08/2024 - START OF ARC 2!
Chapter 12.5 - Resolution - 19/06/2024
Chapter 12 - The Spark - 17/06/2024
Chapter 11 - Domino Effect - 10/04/2024
Chapter 10 - Test the Limits - 27/03/2024
Chapter 9 - Genetics - 23/03/2024
Chapter 8 - Show the Unknown - 20/03/2024
Chapter 7 - Supernova - 16/03/2024
Chapter 6 - Through the Start - 09/03/2024
Chapter 5 - The 27th Tournament of Keplen - 02/03/2024
Chapter 4 - Feel Alive - 29/02/2024
Chapter 3 - The Ways - 17/02/2024
Chapter 2 - It Takes Two - 03/02/2024
Chapter 1 - The Wanderers - 26/01/2024