Tales from the Phanerozoic

Even though the Phanerozoic Eon (from around 539 million years ago all the way to the present) is a rather small slice of Earth's rich existence, which can be traced back to about 4.5 billion years ago, it was during this time interval that truly complex life flourished (it still does), laying the groundwork for a world we are now quite familiar with. This life would diversify, adapt to new conditions and breakthrough boundaries, colonizing many different environments. However, extinctions would not be rare and some, particularly devastating, would change the biosphere in ways never before seen. It is with this in mind, that I invite you, dear reader, to experience the past, now gone, but definitely not forgotten. What do you say? Will you take a peek?


This website and its contents are dedicated to my father, who always supports and fuels my interests.


*Disclaimers: this work, while based on current scientific knowledge, is speculative and, consequently, many aspects cannot be taken for granted, something only natural to expect when trying to reconstruct lifeforms and habitats now out of reach. Also keep in mind that:

-a few of the following scenes may be somewhat artificially busy in order to maximize the number of organisms presented; 

-the given size estimates for organisms in each chapter are just that, estimates, with size being subject to change, either it being from individual variation, ontogeny, or sexual dimorphism.

Check the sources for each entry and chapter on their respective pages.


For any comments, enter in contact via talesfromthephanerozoic@gmail.com.


© 2021-2024 All the illustrations on this site were made by the very talented paleoartist Vitor Silva. For more information, visit http://vitorsilvapaleoartista.blogspot.com.br.   All other material is the intellectual property of João Pedro Olinda de Macêdo. Do not use without proper permission.