A mid length wallet made with either 5/6 oz Horween Chromexcel, natural veg tan, shell cordovan, or Italian Ghost leather outside and 2/3 oz natural veg tan inside; hand cut and hand sewn, stamped with the 'Tree E' and the edges beveled and burnished to a beautiful glass like look.

As we walked, William told us the sad stories of the people that lived here. One man even refused to leave when Craco was evacuated and he lived out his days there until he was over 100 years old. Just as William pointed toward where the man had lived out his days, a shepherd passed through with his flock of goats and donkeys. Another reminder that Craco became a ghost town really not all that long ago.

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The old town in its various stages of decay might be perfect for a haunted Hollywood tale, but there are absolutely no ghosts here. William is adamant about it. He explains that up on the hill it is often windy, and the inevitable creaks and groans a slowly crumbling town makes have previous tourists spinning tales.

I've always been intrigued by Maltese shells, and, as I learned more about them, I was pleasantly suprised by the discovery that the Maltese make ball shells in addition to their more famous cylinder shells. Videos of these ball shells show them to be of excellent quality: big round breaks, nicely synchronized color changes, pisils, etc.

Does anyone know anything more about these shells, things that would make them different from other round shells? The most obvious "difference" is the fact that they are given lift wraps just like cylinders. This is just out of curiosity .

There is not known much about their skills and technique because they don't like to share their knowledge. It's their proud of making high quality shells, and they are only able of doing this because it's more like a hobby for them and the competition is big on the island hehe.

Their round shells are from a really high quality, most color shells start with a little charcoal tail, which is really nice. They are also masters in making ghost shells, have seen really nice ones a few weeks ago.

Maltese ball shells seem to be a relatively new phenomenon. I've only really started seeing them in the last 5-10 years. They've really come along way since the first few that I saw. As Freakydutchman said there is really very little information on them. I don't know much about Italian ball shells either. I know a very little about spanish shells, but nothing really of use. The little bits and pieces I've heard around are that the Maltese ball shells still use a maroon and sometimes a sabot to lift their shells. From that picture, and the square lift charge I'd guess it's just a maroon in those. Most of the other Mediterranean ball shells I've seen have more of a round bun of lift, similar to this image -8QrPTc74bqg/TjnCevcfdbI/AAAAAAAAD3I/2fJTI5FGKWQ/s1600/bomb.jpg

They seem to make use of pillbox stars (as seen in the shell displayed in the still of the 2nd video) I think. And those rings of bright insert salutes are a very pleasing sight. Are these the infamous "Beraq"? Forgive me, Im a newb when it comes to maltese shell (in most fireworks areas in fact ). Is there a classic source on maltese shellmaking, such as Fulcanelli is one for the traditional italian type of canister?

There isn't a ton of information out there on the manufacture of these types of shells. The best resource I know of off hand is passfire. Maltese shells are typically loaded, spiked, and pasted individually, then assembled together into multibreaks. This is actually a very old Italian method that was brought to the island or adopted. There are a few books on the matter, but they are in Italian, and I can't for the life of me remember which one has it. The authors are de Francesco, di Maio, and Izzo. Izzo and de Francesco were published in relatively modern times, where as di Maio is from the late 19th to early 20th century.

warthog, I cannot agree more: while in US the competition is focused on individual level, in Malta there are teams competing, with many members. The development of the recent round shells in Malta is incredible: it took them only few years to equal the Japonese counterparts, if I'm not wrong.

Hard to compare this to Malta were they make mines, wheels, set pieces, ball shells now as well as their own special cylinder shells. TR makes one thing really well, Maltese teams mAke every thing really well and if it hasn't been done before, they are likely the ones who will try it and make it work. I was also loathe to bring up the religious aspect of the heritage since most US citizens claim Christianity but are in fact CINOs* just trying to cover their bases. Again, it is another reason things get passed down there and not so much here.

Time? I have BOATLOADS of it and if I had been able to convince my buddy how much that would free up his limited time, I imagine I would still have a place to work. "Will do pyro drudge work for time to do my own work" is my motto. I would have been happy to churn out all the BP needed fr the summer plus coat the rice hulls to HIS specs and as much as he asked me to do, in fact if he knew what comps he wanted made into stars and I was able to do it, star plates, pumps and cut stars I can do well, just learning how to roll them and for some reason I simply cannot screen cut them period, I would have done those for him as well. All he would have had to do was make his shells and I was willing to do as much or as little of the stuff he wanted me to do as he asked for too.

Sort of like what an apprentice to one of these teams must have to do to get a chance to really get into the game if you understand. He told me he wanted to be left alone. All good and I left and now seek some land of my own on which I wold be most pleased to try and assemble a team. I love mines, set pieces, wheels and gerbs... GROUND ITEMS and dabble in ball shells. Most folks are all about the aerial stuff as it gets the most OOOHS & AAAAHS from the crowd. I wouldn't mind learning more about rocketry but it is way down on my list except for what I need to learn to make girandolas. Teamed up with at the very least a ball shell person and a cylinder sheller and you have the barest of teams as long as each member help the others with some of the grunt work. Add a grunt worker who wants to learn more and things get even better for the team. I think you can see ho this works out, eventually you have a good core of people who are able to work together to do things they could NEVER achieve on their own.

TR is not a rocket guy, he will be the very first person to tell you this. Hie sole purpose in using rockets at all is to deliver his shells in the proper orientation, in that regard, he excels over the Maltese. TR is not a large shell maker, he keeps shells to about 3" or smaller (most of the time) so that he can lift them with his mule of a motor.

If I were to compare Maltese shells with TR's shells, I would have to say that the four break beraq shells with a thousand reports is at the top of my list but that is like comparing the Queen Mary II to a

OK, I will give you this then, TR makes really nice shells. I do think this is true and I do like his work. He is truly talented and I wish I could met the man. I don't think I have belittled him by saying what I have either. Ned and others are really good at what they do too...

This thread started off with an interesting question from wiley in regard to the construcion of Maltese shells. Freaky replies and explains some stuff. He has actually been there this year , shot some footage for us to enjoy and generally knows a lot of stuff about pyrotecnics. I enjoy reading his factual information in regard to the first question.

Then Mr warthog feels the need to make a lengthy monologue about group effort, and why Americans never work as a team and so on. Instead of talking about the interesting subject of Maltese shells, the discussion derails into an (uninteresting) personal view about cliches like "it's all about team effort " and some nostalgic ( religious) opinions.

This forum used to be filled with knowledgeable folks . They uploaded nice clips of quality ballshells, posted construction pictures and were strictly on topic. Replied to questions in regard to their creations. They never indulged in very boring personal views like : I sat around a campfire with..I talked to ....I am not a CINO, I believe in God..He is a lesser believer then me, I am a true believer..this or that happened to my sister/mother/other family member. .Who gives a f*ck about that stuff, I thought this forum is supposed to be about pyrotechnics. One could say "don't read it then ", but the point is I come here to read about interesting pyrotechnic stuff. And more and more I have to delve through these endless threads filled with opinions and half truths in search of something interesting.

I love living in South Carolina, but there is a severe lack of Italian bakeries around here! So I've learned that if I want good cannoli, you have to make them yourself! This traditional homemade cannoli recipe has crispy fried shell and is filled with a creamy whipped ricotta filling!

The shell is made of tri-composite material (fiber, carbon and kevlar) and is offered in two shell sizes: it is also available the full carbon version with the shell entirely made of carbon fiber. An easy to mount and remove double Pinlock lens is included to prevent the visor from fogging up. The lining is completely removable and washable made with breathable fabrics. The finishing of the refined materials and features, all made in Italy, such as the five rivets on the rim, the steel air intakes on the neck devise and the leather inserts, remark the care and attention to details.

An extremely rare and delicious, medium-sized mollusc, called dattero di mare (literally: sea date) because its color and shape remind that of a date. The shell of this bivalve mollusc (Lithophaga lithophaga) is slightly similar to a mussel, but brown in color and longer and more narrow in shape. be457b7860

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