
Atlas of Finance: Mapping the Global Story of Money.

Authors: Wójcik, D., Iliopoulos, P., Ioannou, S., Keenan, L., Migozzi, J., Monteath, T., Pažitka, V., Urban, M., Torrance, M., Chesire, J., & Uberti, O.

Description: A unique illustrated exploration of the development of finance that combines data from every part of the world and covers five thousand years of history. From the emergence of money in the ancient world to today’s interconnected landscape of high-frequency trading and cryptocurrency, the story of finance has always taken place on an international stage. This volume, the first visually based book dedicated to finance, uses graphics and maps to bring the complex and abstract world of finance down to earth, showing how geography is fundamental for understanding finance, and vice versa. 

Pre-Order:  Yale University Press; Amazon

Citation: Wójcik, D., Iliopoulos, P., Ioannou, S., Keenan, L., Migozzi, J., Monteath, T., Pažitka, V., Urban, M., Torrance, M., Chesire, J., & Uberti, O. (2024). Atlas of Finance: Mapping the Global Story of Money. Yale University Press.