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Join Our Research Team

We are actively seeking passionate students and postdoctoral researchers interested in network science, as well as AI (with a focus on adversarial attacks and defenses). If our research group piques your interest, we encourage you to reach out to Takemoto.

一緒に研究しませんか? ネットワーク科学やAI(特に、敵対的攻撃・防御)に興味を持つ学生や研究者を探しています。ご興味をもたれましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。

Our team specializes in cross-disciplinary studies, tackling scientific challenges that arise from the intersection of different research fields. We primarily focus on developing and applying network and data science techniques, along with deep neural networks, in environmental, medical, and social science domains. Key research areas include: Genomics and metabolism (at the molecular level), Human microbiome (e.g., gut microbiome), Brain science, Physiology (metabolic rate), Lifespan studies, Earth microbiome (e.g., soil microbiome), Ecosystem stability and resilience, Environmental changes and pollution, Evolution, Medical image-based diagnosis, Adversarial attacks and defenses in AI, Trusted AI, Opinion dynamics, and Collective decision-making


Our studies are primarily computational, involving: Theoretical work, Data analysis, Development of computational methods, and Simulations. While a background in biology is beneficial, strong skills in mathematics (e.g., linear algebra, graph theory, probability, statistics, and differential equations) and programming are essential. We primarily use Python, R, Ruby, and C languages on Linux-based systems. However, proficiency in other programming languages is also welcome.


Note: Direct experimental studies are not conducted in our laboratory. Experimental work is carried out through collaborative studies with partner institutions.


Graduate Students

Graduate School of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Master's Program and Doctoral Program. When applying to join our lab, please select Interdisciplinary Informatics as your major. For both graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, please contact Takemoto well in advance of your intended application date. We will discuss your research interests, potential projects, and life in Japan.



You can consider applying for the JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Overseas Researchers. Additional postdoctoral positions may be available. Please feel free to contact Takemoto.
