吉留 崇 (Takashi Yoshidome)
東北大学 大学院工学研究科 応用物理学専攻 数理物理学分野 准教授
takashi.yoshidome.b1 [AT] tohoku.ac.jp
「次世代放射光X線ナノCT計測の確立と展開」 (研究代表者:高山 裕貴 )CBI学会2024年大会にてポスター賞を受賞しました(2024年10月31日)。
伊藤 祐希、大田 雅照、池口 満徳、吉留 崇 [発表者]
"Deep-Learning model for Predicting the Replacement of Water Molecule upon Ligand Binding"Shota Arai, Gota Kikugawa, and Takashi Yoshidome (Corresponding author, ポスドク指導)
“Extraction of Molecular Information from Experimental Data of Liquids using Manifold Learning”
Journal of Molecular Liquids, Vol. 414, 126251 (2024). [Open access]K. Kawama, Y. Fukushima, M. Ikeguchi, M. Ohta, and T. Yoshidome (Corresponding author, 学生指導)
"gr Predictor: A Deep-Learning Model For Predicting the Hydration Structure of Proteins",
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, Vol. 62, 4460 (2022).
プログラム"gr Predictor":https://github.com/YoshidomeGroup-Hydration/gr-predictor小田垣 孝、吉留 崇、大久保 毅、
「現代の物性物理学」(M. L. Cohen and S. G. Louie: Fundamentals of Condensed Matter Physics)
吉岡書店、2021年9月出版 Amazonのページ
IIS Symposium "Soft and Liquid Matter Physics: Past, Present and Future", University of Tokyo, 2025/3/12
Shota Arai, Yuki Takayama, Gota Kikugawa, and Takashi Yoshidome,
“Machine-learning Approach for Extracting Microscopic Information from Experimental Data on Liquid Substances and Porous Structures”(poster)
American Physical Society Global Physics Summit March Meeting, USA, 2025/3/18
Shota Arai, Yuki Takayama, Gota Kikugawa, and Takashi Yoshidome,
“Machine-Learning Approach to the Extraction of Microscopic Information from Experimental Data”(poster)
StatPhys29, Palazzo dei Congressi & Palaffari, Italy, 2025/07/13
Shota Arai, Yuki Takayama, and Takashi Yoshidome
“Manifold-Learning Approach for Analytical Calculation of Gas Diffusion Coefficients in Porous Structures”(oral or poster)