
Recently, the number of requests for peer review for me has increased rapidly, and in 2023 I received 71 requests. There were times when I received five requests in one day. It is impossible to receive all requests, which far exceed the number of published papers.The reason for this may be the rapidly increasing number of paper submissions, and many researchers do not want to serve as reviewers by killing their precous times,  but of course I cannot stand the fact that some editors  who treated the papers I submitted so poorly would shamelessly ask me to review the papers submitted by other authors.  I try to be as polite as possible, and I welcome submitters who recommend me as a possible reviewer, but I also would ask editors and researchers who have been asked to review my paper to treat with my papers politely as well.  

Abstract and Applied Analysis Acta ArithmeticaActa et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de MathematicaAdvances and Applications in Discrete MathematicsAdvances in Applied Clifford AlgebrasAdvances in Difference equationsAdvanced Studies in Contemporary MathematicsAIMS MathematicsAmerican Journal of Applied MathematicsAmerican Journal of Applied Mathematics and StatisticsAnnales Mathematicae et InformaticaeApplicable Analysis and Discrete MathematicsApplied Mathematical ModellingApplied Mathematics and ComputationArchives of Current Research InternationalArs CombinatoriaAsian Journal of Mathematics and Computer ResearchAsian Research Journal of MathematicsAustralasian Journal of CombinatoricsAxiomsBentham Science Publishers:eBookBoletin de la Sociedad Matematica MexicanaBulletin of the Australian Mathematical SocietyBulletin of the Korean Mathematical SocietyBulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society  Colloquium Mathematicum  Contemporary MathematicsCzechoslovak Mathematical JournalDiscrete MathematicsDiscussiones Mathematicae, General Algebra and ApplicationsEuropean Journal of MathematicsFibonacci QuarterlyFilomatGlasnik MatematickeGraphs and Combinatorics Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and StatisticsHeliyonHokkaido Mathematical JournalIndian Journal of MathematicsIntegers  Integral Transforms and Special Functions                    International Conference on Physics, Mathematics and Statistics (ICPMS 2018)International Journal of Analysis and ApplicationsInternational Journal of Number TheoryIranian Journal of Science and TechnologyISRN Combinatorics Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer ScienceJournal of Applied Mathematics  Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series AJournal of Inequalities and Applications Journal of Integer Sequences Journal of Mathematical Analysis and ApplicationsJournal of Mathematical Sciences and ApplicationsJournal of Number TheoryJournal of Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical SciencesJournal of Visual Languages and ComputingJP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and ApplicationsKorean Journal of MathematicsKragujevac Journal of MathematicsKyungpook Mathematical JournalLithuanian Mathematical Journal   Maejo International Journal of Science and TechnologyMalaysian Journal of Mathematical SciencesMathematica MoravicaMathematical CommunicationsMathematical SciencesMathematics MagazineMediterranean Journal of MathematicsMiskolc Mathematical Notes Montes Taurus Journal of Pure and Applied MathematicsNotes on Number Theory and Discrete MathematicsOptimizationOsaka Journal of MathematicsProceedings of the Japan Academy, Ser. A, Mathematical SciencesProceedings Mathematical SciencesPublication Mathematicae DebrecenQuaestiones MathematicaeQualitative Theory of Dynamical SystemsThe Ramanujan JournalResearch in Number TheoryRevista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. MatemáticasRocky Mountain Journal of MathematicsScience China MathematicsScience Journal of Applied Mathematics and StatisticsSpringerPlusTokyo Journal of MathematicsTurkish Journal of Analysis and Number Theory Turkish Journal of MathematicsTurkic World Mathematical Society Journal of Applied and Engineering MathematicsUniversal Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical SciencesUtilitas Mathematica