Takaaki Shiratori

Research Scientist

Reality Labs Research at Meta


I am a Research Scientist at Reality Labs Research at Meta. My current research interests lie in computer vision and graphics, particularly high-fidelity modeling of human. I also used to work on robotics, motion capture, and HCI for graphics.

Prior to joining Meta Reality Labs Research, I worked at Carnegie Mellon University and Disney Research as a postdoctoral researcher and at Microsoft Research Asia as a researcher. I received my PhD in Information Science and Technology from The University of Tokyo in 2007.


  • Oct. 2022: 1 ECCV paper and 2 SIGGRAPH Asia papers are accepted.

  • May 2022: 1 paper accepted to ICML 2022.

  • Mar. 2021: 2 SIGGRAPH papers are conditionally accepted.

  • Feb. 2021: Invited to give a keynote talk at SSII 2021.

  • Feb. 2021: Our SIGGRAPH Asia paper on hand tracking is featured by Two-Minute Papers!

  • July 2020: 1 SIGGRAPH Asia paper on human hand tracking conditionally accepted.

  • July 2020: 1 BMVC paper on 3D human pose prediction accepted.

  • Jun 2020: 2 ECCV papers on human hand modeling accepted.