李國偉 資深研究員(退休) | 中央研究院數學研究所



Q:誰向 UNESCO 提議要訂定「國際數學日」?

A:國際數學聯盟(International Mathematical Union,簡稱IMU)。

Q:IMU 是怎樣的組織?

A:IMU是隸屬於國際科學理事會(International Council for Science,簡稱 ICSU)的數學學術團體,聯盟成員包括80餘會員國及專業學會。


Q:IMU 的主要活動為何?

A:每四年舉辦一次國際數學家大會(International Congress of Mathematicians,簡稱 ICM),開幕式上會頒發號稱數學界的諾貝爾獎-菲爾茲獎(Fields Medal)與其他重要學術獎項。


Q:ICSU 又是什麼組織?

A:ICSU 前身為International Council of Scientific Unions,本是各種國際性科學團體的結合。2011年至2014年中研院李遠哲前院長曾擔任過 ICSU 的主席。2018年7月 ICSU 與 International Social Science Council合併成為International Science Council,中文名稱仍為國際科學理事會,中研院廖俊智院長目前是該會常務理事之一。


Q:IMU 如何選定「國際數學日」(簡稱 IDM )?

A:2017年4月7日 IMU 秘書長 Helge Holden 發函各會員團體,徵詢是否支持設定「國際數學日」;如果贊成的話,建議挑選哪一天為「國際數學日」。2018年10月5日秘書長通告決議每年3月14日為「國際數學日」,並建請 UNESCO 通告從 2020 年正式確立。


Q:UNESCO 還有設定其他學科的國際日嗎?

A:UNESCO 雖然設有這個日、那個日,可是以學科為主題的較為罕見。比較類似的有:






關於國際數學日的 Q & A 

Q:IMU 舉辦 IDM 的目標為何?


The major goals of an International Day of Mathematics, with expected benefits for students, for teachers, for women and girls and for society at large are to:

1. Improve understanding among the general public, decision makers and in schools, of the importance of mathematics in education;

2. Contribute to capacity building in mathematical and scientific education, with special focus on girls and children from developing countries;

3. Achieve gender equality and empower women and girls in mathematics;

4. Improve understanding among the general public, with decision makers and in schools of the importance of mathematics as a tool for developments which lead to more prosperous economy circumstances;

5. Emphasize the importance of basic research in mathematical sciences as the seed to breakthroughs in technology and the management of society;

6. Highlight the role of mathematics in the organization of modern society, including economic, financial, health and transport systems, telecommunications in the quest for human well-being, etc.;

7. Raise awareness of the role of mathematics in fighting disasters, epidemics, emerging diseases, invasive species;

8. Highlight the role of mathematics in moving to a circular economy of sustainability compatible with preservation of biodiversity;

9. Equip the general public and young people with tools for understanding the planetary challenges and the capacity to respond as knowledgeable citizens;

10. Increase international networking and collaborations in public awareness of mathematics;

11. Increase the access to information, providing a simple way to give citizens a choice in all aspects of their daily life.