About Tongsing

School Introduction

Tongsing is a tiny school located in the rural area of Jiali, which currently has 7 classes including kindergarten.

Tongsing elementary school had a hard time developing learning activities due to the aging place and rural environment. However, staff in Tongsing tried very hard to flip the situation by reaching out for every kind of resource as much as possible. It turned out the hard work paid off that Tongsing earned a good reputation in annual school evaluation and students developed skills through a wide variation of learning activities.

Tongsing’s special courses are about maintenance of cultural assets such as Thai Pen Kua, traditional drumming, and martial arts. The special courses are being complimented by the local community and parents. The special courses along with professional teachers also resulted in increasing students for Tongsing elementary school.

Tongsing elementary school is an utopia for students to learn, to grow , and to dream in the rural area of Jiali. Students in Tongsing elementary school are supposed to learn happily and grow up healthy. The ultimate purpose of Tongsing elementary school is to be a unique school where students can experience diversity courses based on local lifestyles.

School Vision

Transportation Locality and Distances to School