The Second International Workshop on Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare (TAI4H) 

Scope and Topics

The manuscript and final version are up to 12 pages excluding references and supplementary materials. We invite both types of papers for oral and poster presentations. We also welcome perspectives and poster papers to discuss major challenges and future trends. 

Interested topics will include, but not be limited to:

Submission (all times are 23:59 Anywhere On Earth, UTC-12)

Submission Link:

Format: Submissions shall be formatted using the LaTeX style files provided at LaTeX2e Proceedings Templates.

Paper Submission Deadline: May 3, 2024 May 20, 2024

Decision Notification Date: June 4, 2024

Camera-ready Deadline: June 10, 2024

Workshop Date: August 4, 2024


The reviewing process shall be double-blinded