Announcement 公告
Taiwan-Area Heavy rain Observation and Prediction Experiment in 2022
HsinChu // S-Pol
YongAn // TEAM-R
Yonaguni Island // SEA-POL & NU-POL
TAHOPE Workshop 2023
The TAHOPE Experiment Data Analysis and Scientific Research Workshop will be held in-person on November 29 - 30, 2023, at Shih-Liang Intl. Conference Hall, National Taiwan University (NTU) in Taipei City, Taiwan. The December 01 will be the field trip to Yangmingshan National Park.
The main theme of the TAHOPE workshop is to foster and promote scientific interactions on the topics of mesoscale meteorology, tropical cyclones, and high-impact weather across Northern Taiwan and the neighboring Ryukyu Islands to Honshu, Japan, during the TAHOPE/PRECIP/T-PARCII Joint Observation Experiments period (May 25 to August 10, 2022).
Registration and Online Payment deadline extended to November 21st 15:30 Taipei Time (UTC+8)