

Q: How does TagInsights work?

A: TagInsights helps you discover and use high-ranked hashtags for your social media posts. You can explore categories, get recommendations for optimal video lengths and posting times, search for keywords, and even analyze photos to extract relevant hashtags. The app works in real-time to enhance your content strategy and elevate your social media presence.

Q: Does TagInsights store any user information?

A: No, TagInsights does not store any information provided by users. Your privacy is important to us, and we prioritize keeping your data secure and confidential.

Q: Can I use TagInsights on both iPhone and iPad?

A: Absolutely! TagInsights is optimized for both iPhone and iPad devices, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience across different iOS devices.

Q: How does the app analyze photos for hashtags?

A: TagInsights utilizes a smart algorithm to analyze photos and extract relevant hashtags. This feature enhances your hashtag discovery by providing dynamic suggestions based on the content of your images.

Q: Are there in-app purchases in TagInsights?

A: TagInsights is designed to provide a robust set of features for free. Any potential future features or premium versions will be clearly communicated, and users will have the choice to opt-in.

Q: How often is the hashtag database updated?

A: The hashtag database is regularly updated to ensure that you have access to trending and relevant hashtags. The app's algorithms adapt to changes in social media trends to provide you with the most up-to-date recommendations.


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