Nowadays because of the vast of investigations and high level of technology, majority of investigators endeavor to apply appropriate methods in their research; in this case, focusing on research approaches assumed as one of the critical factors in the science world. In research methodology specifically in the social science area, two approaches of qualitative and quantitative have been considered more. These approaches assumed as two practical and essential methods in most investigations. Therefore, the purpose of the current literature review is to distinguish the imperative comparison of quantitative and qualitative in the research methodology and determining the brilliant differences between these two research factors. Furthermore, realizing the accurate approach and apply it in the correct way in every investigation is super important; then, the researchers endeavor to justify this essential fact for future studies.

30 Finding Research Projects Research projects can be one of two types: 1. Basic research intended to enhance basic knowledge about the physical, biological, psychological, or social world or to shed light on historical, cultural, or aesthetic phenomena. 2. Applied research intended to address issues that have immediate relevance to current practices, procedures, and policies; intended to human decision making about practical problems; occasionally address questions in one s immediate work environment (action research). 2-29

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38 Paper-and-Pencil Approach to Identifying Subproblems 1. Copy the problem onto a sheet of paper, leaving considerable space between the lines. 2. Read the problem to discover the areas that require in-depth treatment before the problem can be resolved. 3. Make sure every subproblem contains a word that indicates the necessity to interpret the data within that particular subproblem (e.g., analyze, discover, compare). Underline this word. 4. Arrange the entire problem in a graphic organizer that will serve as a structure of the whole research design. 2-37

47 Why Identify Variables? Identification is helpful in choosing (a) an appropriate research design (b) an appropriate statistical analysis Note: identifying independent and dependent variables does not guarantee that the research data will support the existence of a cause-andeffect relationship. 2-46

CHAPTER 3 Research Design and Research Methods Overview This chapter uses an emphasis on research design to discuss qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research as three major approaches to research

Comparison of Comparison of The following seven tables provide an annotated template to guide you through the comparison of research designs assignment in this course. These tables help you organize your

HOW TO CHOOSE FROM THE DIFFERENT RESEARCH METHODS* The design is the structure of any scientific work. It gives direction and systematizes the research. The method you choose will affect your results and

206 RESEARCH MET HODOLOGY Non-random/non-probability sampling designs in quantitative research N on-probability sampling designs do not follow the theory of probability in the choice of elements from the

External validity refers to a researcher's contribution to knowledge in society. The magnitude to which the results of a study apply to situations outside the study are referred to as external validity (Leedy & Ormrod, 2013). Internal validity is the extent to which the design of the study and the data yielded allows the researcher to draw accurate conclusions regarding the relationships within the data (Leedy & Ormrod, 2013). To ensure internal validity, researchers have to take steps to eradicate other conceivable reasons for the outcomes, such as using a controlled laboratory study, a double blind experiment, unobtrusive measures, or triangulation (Leedy & Ormrod, 2013)

Validity is important to determining the accuracy of data in a research study, and researchers have to consider internal and external validity in planning a research study to ensure that the results are valid and meaningful. Researchers can influence the outcome of a study in many ways, and must design the study to minimize external and construct threats. In order to build a viable study it must include the concepts pertinent to research with an understanding of the effect of validity issues.

This study sought to examine the quality of teaching practice (TP) mentoring in the teaching of music at primary school level through the distance mode of training at one college of education in Zimbabwe. The study examined the experiences and perceptions of lecturers and student teachers on TP mentoring in music within the context of a distance mode of teacher training. A purposive sample of 17 music student teachers and 11 lecturers was selected. The study employed a qualitative case study research design in which one-on-one interviews, focus group discussions and documentary analysis were used to collect data. The main conclusion from the study was that the distance approach to teacher training was not effectively utilised for teacher preparation in music due to inadequate music knowledge and skills of mentor teachers as well as weaknesses of the school curriculum. Recommendations drawn from these conclusions are that the teaching practice period should not be the same for all subjects and more demanding subjects such as music deserve to be practiced more. Student teachers specialising in music must be placed for teaching practice where there are music specialist teachers. This study also recommends that the placement of music student teachers for teaching practice be undertaken jointly by the teaching practice coordinators and the music specialist lecturer.

Sevilla, 10 December 2019. Pablo de Olavide University. Practitioners and researchers met to discuss about the analysis and evaluation of integrated urban development initiatives promoted by the EU. The activity was centred on methodological issues about the design and evaluation

This chapter discusses an applied example of an empirical study featuring a combination of operations research (general analytics) with the action research method. The author holds an interpretative pragmatist ideology. An outline of the manuscript is provided to demonstrate the normative structure of a peer-reviewed article in business and management. Subsequent sections explain how each topic relates to the research design typology layers. Two example studies are used, but the majority of the chapter discusses the operations research article. The main article was taken from the European Journal of Operational Research, where queue theory was utilized to develop a model for a sand refinery plant in Western Australia. A contrast article was added from the International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management to demonstrate the rationale of using grounded theory instead of action research or ethnography. The second study was designed using a far-right pragmatic ideology (close to constructivist), with a unit of analysis focused on discovering how a new product development team at a multinational company in Australia used creativity to develop cellular phone products.

Musicians working as performers, teachers and music directors need to be able to facilitate and lead music performance. The unit content develops conducting techniques, aural skills, score reading and preparation, rehearsal planning, and leadership skills in the context of ensemble direction for school, church, community, and professional ensembles. The unit includes a consideration of the criteria for selecting appropriate repertoire for ensembles based on the age, experience, and skill-level of the musicians. Practical learning activities are central in the design of the unit and experience is gained through participation in performance activities as both director and participant performer. The unit also facilitates students to continue their development as performers outside of formal educational settings.

This unit is designed to develop skills and knowledge related to music performance and the direction of music ensembles. As a 200-level unit, it presumes prior knowledge of music language and of aural perception, and the ability to apply research findings. The unit has a practical bias as it is important that students have the opportunity to practice and demonstrate conducting techniques, sight singing and sight reading, and aspects of selected repertoire. Students employ the skills tied to their musical interests which may include instrumental or vocal performance outcomes. Students are exposed to key knowledge and skills related to music notation and aural acuity to effect music performance and music leadership roles. Students then apply these skills and knowledge first in the context of performance preparation and then in authentic outcomes-based settings. be457b7860

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