Cyber-Physical Power and Energy Systems Laboratory (CPPES)


Concerning worldwide environmental problems, a possible energy  crisis and cybersecurity concerns, Kim’s group is developing the next-generation cyber-resilient power and energy systems such as distributed energy resources (DER) systems, battery energy stroage systems, renewable energy systems, microgrids, electricfied vehicles systems, and digital substation. The current research areas we are focusing on are as follows: 1) Cyber-Physical System Security: malware security, intrusion detection, blockchain, quantum security, and security assessment; 2) Secure and Efficinet AI and Quantum Intelligence: AI security, quantum ML/AI and optimization, and AI hardware;  3) Power Electronics: Smart inverter, controller security, hardware security, and diagnosis; and 4) Cyber-Resilient Power Grid: smart grid device security, network and platform security, security and resilience managment system. 


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