
Image Source: Minerva Protecting Peace from Mars (1629-1930). Oil on canvas, 203.5 × 298 cm. National Gallery, London (Peter Paul Rubens, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

  1. Paper proposals for 20-minute presentations and panel proposals (with 3 speakers) are welcomed.

  2. The deadline of submission is January 31, 2023 (extended).

  3. We accept online submissions only. To submit your proposal, please follow these steps:

(a) Email your abstract (250 words in English or 500 words in Chinese with 3-6 keywords in MS word format) to

(b) Fill out the contributor data form at

Your submission will NOT be considered without completing the above two steps.

4. All abstracts will be subject to blind reviews.

5. Please note, presenters generally should be members of TACMRS if they reside in Taiwan. Membership application forms can be downloaded from the TACMRS website or via email upon request. For more information, please visit the TACMRS website at