Research Group
Current Research Group:
O. Aharon, "Classes of tight Bayesian bounds for parameter estimation," Ph.D.
N. E. Rosenthal, "Misspecified performance bounds," Ph.D..
S. Villeval, "Adaptive space-time waveform design for cognitive MIMO radar," jointly supervised with Dr. I. Bilik, Ph.D.
M. Levy-Israel, "Misspecified Cramér-Rao bound for automotive applications," jointly supervised with Dr. I. Bilik, Ph.D.
H. Sun, "Space-time waveform design for cognitive radar" visiting student, Ph.D.
M. Shifrin, "SAR algorithms with long observation times," jointly supervised with Dr. I. Bilik, Ph.D.
E. Shachor, "Accurate threshold prediction in non-Bayesian parameter estimation," M.Sc.
T. Gucovschi, "Misspecified Bayesian bounds for dynamic state space models," M.Sc.
D. Patel, "Waveform optimization for DFRC," jointly supervised with Dr. I. Bilik, M.Sc.
O. Pinchasov, "DNN-based MIMO radar receiver," jointly supervised with Dr. I. Bilik and Prof. H. Permuter, M.Sc.
A. Granevich, "Diffusion networks for radar target detection," jointly supervised with Dr. I. Bilik and Prof. H. Permuter, M.Sc.
I. Koren, "Blind calibration of MIMO radar," M.Sc.
Graduated Ph.D. Students:
Z. Ren, "Overlapped distributed target resolution" visiting Ph.D. student, December 2022 - November 2023.
E. Nitzan, "Estimation theory with side information for periodic and constrained problems," jointly supervised with Dr. T. Routtenberg, May 2019.
S. Bar, "Detection and estimation theory in the presence of nuisance parameters," (Direct Ph.D. track), December 2018.
T. Routtenberg, "New classes of performance lower bounds for detection and estimation theory," April 2013.
K. Todros, "New classes of lower bounds for parameter estimation," November 2011, with Distinction.
D. Lederman, "EEG-based recognition of audio patterns using array signal processing," Ph.D. jointly supervised with Prof. A. Cohen (R.I.P.), July 2009.
I. Bilik, "Automatic target recognition and classification using Doppler information," October 2007.
Graduated M.Sc. Students:
L. Ben-Zakun, "Waveform design for FDA sonar," jointly supervised with Prof. H. Messer-Yaron, (Tel Aviv University). M.Sc., March 2023.
N. E. Rosenthal, "Model selection in learning systems using misspecified Cramér-Rao bound," M.Sc., February 2023.
M. Levy-Israel, "Misspecified Cramér-Rao bound for direction-of-arrival estimation in the presence of multipath," jointly supervised with Dr. I. Bilik, under review.
S. Feintuch, "Heavy-tailed clutter mitigation using deep learning," jointly supervised with Dr. I. Bilik and Prof. H. Permuter, M.Sc., October 2022.
S. Casspi, "Blind automotive radar array calibration," jointly supervised with Prof. H. Messer-Yaron, M.Sc. October 2022 (Tel Aviv University).
T. Kroutman, "Cognitive radar for moving target detection,” M.Sc., October 2020.
O. Krauz, "Performance bounds for estimation of arbitrary function of unknown deterministic parameters,” M.Sc., October 2020.
N. Rubinstein, "Cognitive FDA radar,” M.Sc., October 2020.
S. Mizrahi, "Efficient computation of MSE lower bounds via matching pursuit and an extension of the Weiss-Weinstein bound," M.Sc., graduation date: October 2019.
O. Isaacs, "Adaptive spatial sampling for cognitive radar," M.Sc., November 2016.
E. Nitzan, "Estimation theory with side information for periodic and constrained problems," M.Sc. (combined with Ph.D.), February 2015.
N. Shraga, "Optimal waveform design for target tracking for MIMO Sonar," M.Sc., jointly supervised with Prof. H. Messer-Yaron, April 2015. (Tel Aviv University).
S. Bar, "Performance bounds and optimal parameter estimation in the presence of nuisance parameters," December 2014 (part of direct Ph.D. track).
M. Teitel, "Adaptive waveform design for optimal sequential detection," August 2013.
Y. Stark, "MMSE-based speech enhancement using a-priori statistical information," February 2013.
W. Huleihel, "Adaptive waveform design for cognitive MIMO radar," jointly supervised with Prof. R. Shavit, October 2012.
R. Winik, "Applicability of the Barankin bound in parameter estimation," October 2010.
Y. Eisenberg, "Low complexity space-frequency waveform design for MIMO-OFDM systems," September 2010.
A. Pinkus, "Barankin bounds for range and Doppler estimation using orthogonal signal transmission," July 2010.
A. Koretz, "Blind source separation of audio signals using a single sensor," December 2009.
M. Levitsky, "SIMO-OFDM channel estimation using geometrical channel model," jointly supervised with Prof. R. Shavit, November 2009.
G. Ofek, "Coherent source localization using neural networks," jointly supervised with Prof. M. Aladjem, February 2008.
Shai Tejman-Yarden, “One-lung intubation detection," M.Sc., jointly supervised with Prof. A. Cohen (R.I.P.), October 2007.
T. Routtenberg, "Blind source separation in MIMO-AR systems using GMM," September 2007.
K. Todros, "Maximum-likelihood based techniques for blind source separation and
approximate joint diagonalization," October 2006.
N. Ofir, "Capacity analysis for frequency-selective fading channels," jointly supervised with Prof. H. Messer-Yaron, May 2006. (Tel Aviv University).
Y. Noam, "Marginal likelihood for estimation and detection theory," March 2006.
M. Arnon-Taragan, "Separation of mixed audio sources," jointly supervised with Dr. S. Dubnov, October 2005.
E. Fisher, "Voicing activity decision in the presence of interference using GLRT," jointly supervised with Dr. S. Dubnov, October 2005.
A. Kisliansky, "Array signal processing in the presence of sensor coupling," M.Sc., jointly supervised with Prof. R. Shavit, October 2005.
Y. Amos, "Parametric modeling of nonstationary signal spectrum," M.Sc., June 2005.
L. Weizman, "Automatic detection of single lung intubation," jointly supervised with Prof. A. Cohen (R.I.P.), October 2004.
I. Bekkerman, "Radar aperture enhancement using orthogonal coded signals," August 2004.
D. Rahamim, "Source localization using polarized smart antennas sources in a multipath environment," jointly supervised with Dr. R. Shavit, July 2003.
M. Wasserblatt, "Underwater acoustic communications using a-priori statistics on channel time-variations," October 2002.
I. Avital, "Sensor gain calibration in an uncertain shallow water environment," jointly supervised with Prof. H. Messer-Yaron, July 2002 (Tel Aviv University).