These cards are meant to be played however you would like to. There are a bunch of different rules you can alter or come up with on your own. Play taboo online here, or play any other sort of word game with our cards. Our cards are completely unique. We have no affiliation with Hasbro or any other major game company. If you would like to submit your own cards, please contact us here. Check out the word finder here which can help you to solve for all possible words you can create. There is also an anagram solver, including multiple words as answers, instead of all single words. Wordle has been all the rage in 2022, and to help you solve the daily word puzzle, check out the wordle solver. If you would like to play crosswords, we recommend the USA Today crossword page. These are some of our word game tips. Words can be funny. We are all trying our best to not get down during these unprecedented times of social distancing. This is a fun way to connect with friends. If you have any other resources, email us to see if we can add it to our list.

Taboo describes an activity or behavior that is considered completely unacceptable or forbidden. A taboo is also the prohibition from engaging in such an activity or behavior through social rules, laws, religious doctrine, and even by your own conscience.


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Many activities that we refer to as crimes are examples of taboos, such as theft, murder, and kidnapping. These activities are considered unacceptable by the government or the law and have strict punishments.

Sometimes, taboos are so unacceptable to a society that laws are not needed to forbid people from doing them. Even thinking about them or reading about them can make you feel disgusted, which gives you an idea of how powerful the label of taboo can be.

Captain James Cook wrote both taboo and tabu for this term in his 1777 journal. He learned about the word on a visit to the island of Tongatapu. Other Pacific islands have similar words for the same idea, such as the Maori tapu and the Hawaiin kapu.

At the beginning of the atomic age, nuclear weapons, for all the devastation they caused in Japan, were expected to become just another weapon and to proliferate widely to any state that could develop them. There was much debate among political and military leaders about their usefulness as a deterrent, but also on the battlefield. And although President Truman established nearly from the beginning that in the United States nuclear weapons should be legally under presidential control, physical control of these weapons remained in military hands. Early on, before safeguards were established, this meant that it might have been possible for military leaders to use them without a presidential order. President Eisenhower, among others, also gave military commanders the authority to use nuclear weapons in urgent situations when they could not reach the president (this is sometimes called pre-delegation of authority).

When states maintain a clear line between nuclear and conventional weapons, reserving nuclear weapons solely for deterrence of nuclear attacks, they help to strengthen the nuclear taboo. Ideally this would mean states declaring that they will never use nuclear weapons first, and backing this up with a nuclear doctrine and force posture that does not include nuclear warfighting capabilities. Out of all the nuclear powers, only China has consistently taken this step, but even its long-standing commitment to a minimal nuclear force may now be coming into question.

The nuclear taboo is a norm, an unstated agreement on appropriate behavior that is strengthened by adherence over time but is not explicitly set out anywhere and is not in any way enforceable. A state that violates the taboo could face repercussions in the form of military action or economic sanctions. Or it could face social stigma that might have a less immediate impact, such as condemnation from other world leaders or censure at the United Nations. The consequences of breaking the nuclear taboo are, thankfully, so far unknown. But this means they are unknown not just to those who might break it, but also to those who must respond. Upholders of the taboo are left figuring out on the fly how to signal that such a violation will not go unpunished without further escalating a dangerous situation.

The only way to put an end to nuclear threats, and the catastrophic potential that they will be carried out, is to eliminate the weapons themselves. This may seem utopian but it is actually a long-recognized goal.

Outside of treaties, some leaders, including US and Russian presidents, have also explicitly called for the abolition of nuclear weapons. After their two countries spent decades building up their nuclear arsenals and facing repeated crises and close calls, President Reagan and Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev in 1986 nearly reached an agreement to eliminate all nuclear weapons by the year 2000. Negotiations ultimately broke down over disagreement on ballistic missile defenses, but both leaders had already stated their beliefs that elimination was possible, and desirable. Neither man was a utopian idealist, they had simply both seen first-hand the dangers of nuclear brinkmanship and understood that as long as nuclear weapons exist, so does the risk that they will be used.

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In fact, thinking about EY's definition - I think it fits better (for me) because I would be able to recognise a game of baseball after only watching a single game... even if I didn't have anybody around to explain the rules to me.

Yeah, but when playing actual Taboo "rational agents should WIN" (Yudkowsky, E.) and therefore favour "nine innings and three outs" over your definition (which would also cover some related-but-different games such as rounders, I think). I suspect something like "Babe Ruth" would in fact lead to a quicker win.

None of which is relevant to your actual point, which I think a very good one. I don't think the tool is all that nonstandard; e.g., it's closely related to the positivist/verificationist idea that a statement has meaning only if it can be paraphrased in terms of directly (ha!) observable stuff.

This strategy can't be that nonstandard, as it is the strategy I've always used when a conversation gets stuck on some word. But now that I think about it, people usually aren't that interesting in following my lead in this direction, so it isn't very common either.

To phrase brent's objection a little more precisely: Because people don't normally think of baseball in those terms, and you're constrained on time, so you have to say something that makes them think of baseball quickly. Tom_Crispin's idea is much more effective at that. Or were you just trying to criticize baseball fans for not see... (read more)

I'd have to agree with PK's protest. This isn't Hasbro's version of the game; you're not trying to help someone figure out that you're talking about a "Friendly AI" without using five words written on a card.

Eliezer seems to want us to strike out some category of words from our vocabulary, but the category is not well defined. Perhaps a meta-Taboo game is necessary to find out what the heck we are supposed to be doing without.I'm not too bothered, grunting and pointing are reasonably effective ways of communicating. Who needs words ?

The hemlock example demonstrates tcpkac's point well. How do you decide to conclude that Albert and Barry expect different results from the same action? To me, it seems obvious that they should taboo the word hemlock, and notice that one correctly expects Socrates to die from a drink made from an herb in the carrot family, and the other correctly expects Socrates to be unharmed by tea made from a coniferous tree. But it's not clear why Eliezer ought to have the knowledge needed to choose to taboo the word hemlock.

Y'know, the 'Taboo game' seems like an effective way to improve the clarity of meaning for individual words - if you have enough clear and precise words to describe those particular words in the first place.

If there isn't a threshold number of agreed-upon meanings, the language doesn't have enough power for Taboo to work. You can't improve one word without already having a suite of sufficiently-good words to work with.

^^^^Thank you. However merely putting the technique into the "toolbox" and never looking back is not enough. We must go further. This technique should be used at which point we will either reach new insights or falsely the method. Would you care to illustrate what FAI means to you Eliezer?(others are also invited to do so)

Maybe the comment section of a blog isn't even the best medium for playing taboo. I don't know. I'm brainstorming of productive ways/mediums to play taboo(assuming the method itself leads to something productive).

Suppose you learn of a powerful way to steer the future into any target you choose as long as that target is specified in the language of mathematics or with the precision needed to write a computer program. What target to choose? One careful and thoughtful choice would go as follows. I do not have a high degree of confidence that I know how to choose wisely, but (at least until I become aware of the existence of nonhuman intelligent beings) I do know that if there exists wisdom enough to choose wisely, that wisdom resides among the humans. So, I will ... (read more)

"This vast inquiry[of the AI] will ask not only what future the humans would create if the humans have the luxury of  [a)] avoiding unfortunate circumstances that no serious sane human observer would want the humans to endure, but also  [b)] what future would be created by whatever intelligent agents ("choosers") the humans would create for the purpose of creating the future if the humans had the lux... (read more) 152ee80cbc

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