
Referred Journal Publications

James, T.L., Qiao, Z., Shen, W., Wang, A., and Fan, P. (2023). Competing for Temporary Advantage in a Hypercompetitive Mobile App Market, Management Information Systems Quarterly, 47(3), 1177-1212. 

Villacis Calderon, E., James, T.L., and Lowry, P.B. (2023). How Facebook’s Newsfeed Algorithm Shapes Childhood Vaccine Hesitancy: An Algorithmic Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAT) Perspective, Data and Information Management, 7(3), 100042. 

Abdalla Mikhaeil, C., and James, T.L., (2023). Examining the Case of French Hesitancy Toward IDaaS Solutions: Technical and Social Contextual Factors of the Organizational IDaaS Privacy Calculus, Information & Management, 60(4), 103779. 

James, T.L., Villacis Calderon, E., Bélanger, F., and Lowry, P.B. (2022). The Role of Group Climate Attributes in Shaping Perceptions of Social Support in Chronic Disease Virtual Health Communities, Information & Management, 59(3), 103606. 

James, T.L., Bélanger, F., and Lowry, P.B. (2022). The Mediating Role of Fitness Technology Enablement of Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration on the Relationship between Goals for Fitness Technology Use and Use Outcomes, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 23(4), 913-965. 

James, T.L., Zhang, J., Li, H., Ziegelmayer, J.L., and Villacis Calderon, E. (2022). The Moderating Effect of Technology Overload on the Ability of Online Learning to Meet Students’ Basic Psychological Needs, Information Technology & People, 35(4), 1364-1382. 

James, T.L., Shen, W., Townsend, D., Junkunc, M., and Wallace, L. (2021). Love Cannot Buy You Money? Economic and Social Exchange on Reward-Based Crowdfunding Platforms, Information Systems Journal, 31(4), 579-609. 

Fox, G., and James, T.L., (2021). Towards an Understanding of the Antecedents to Health Information Privacy Concern: A Comparative Mixed Methods Study, Information Systems Frontiers, 23(6), 1537-1562

James, T.L., Ziegelmayer, J.L., Schuler Scott, A., and Fox, G. (2021). A Multiple-Motive Heuristic-Systematic Model for Examining How Users Process Android Data and Service Access Notifications, The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, 52(1), 91-122. 

Bélanger, F. and James, T.L. (2020). A Theory of Multilevel Information Privacy Decisions, Information Systems Research, 31(2), 510-536.

James, T.L., Deane, J., and Wallace, L. (2019). An Application of Goal Content Theory to Examine How Desired Exercise Outcomes Impact Fitness Technology Feature Set Selection, Information Systems Journal, 29(5), 1010-1039.

James, T.L., Wallace, L., and Deane, J. (2019). Using Organismic Integration Theory to Explore the Associations between Users’ Exercise Motivations and Fitness Technology Feature Set Use, Management Information Systems Quarterly, 43(1), 287-312.

James, T.L., Lowry, P.B., Wallace, L., and Warkentin, M. (2017). Effect of Belongingness on the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in the Use of Online Social Networks, Journal of Management Information Systems, 34(2), 560-596.

James, T.L., Wallace, L., Warkentin, M., Kim, B.C., and Collignon, S. (2017). Exposing Others’ Information on Online Social Networks: Perceived Shared Risk, Its Determinants, and Its Influence on OSN Privacy Control Use, Information & Management, 54(7), 851-865.

Wallace, L., James, T.L., and Warkentin, M. (2017). How Do You Feel About Your Friends? Understanding Situational Envy in Online Social Networks, Information & Management, 54(5), 669-682.

Ramesh, B., Cao, L., Kim, J., Mohan, K., and James, T.L. (2017). Conflicts and Complements between Eastern Cultures and Agile Methods: An Empirical Investigation, European Journal of Information Systems, 26(2), 206-235.

James, T.L., Villacis Calderon, E., and Cook, D.F. (2017). Exploring Patient Perceptions of Healthcare Service Quality through Analysis of Unstructured Feedback, Expert Systems with Applications, 71, 479-492.

James, T.L., Nottingham, Q., Collignon, S., Warkentin, M., and Ziegelmayer, J. (2016). The Interpersonal Privacy Identity (IPI): Development of a Privacy as Control Model, Information Technology and Management, 17(4), 341-360.

James, T.L., Warkentin, M., and Collignon, S.E., (2015). A Dual Privacy Decision Model for Online Social Networks, Information & Management, 52(8), 893-908.

James, T.L., Cook, D.F., Conlon, S., Keeling, K., Collignon, S., and White, T. (2015). A Framework to Explore Innovation at SAP through Bibliometric Analysis of Patent Applications, Expert Systems with Applications, 42(24), 9389-9401.

Bruyaka, O., James, T.L., Cook, D., and Barkhi, R. (2015). Strategic Complementarities in M&As: Evidence from the U.S. Information Retrieval Services Industry, Information Technology and Management, 16(2), 97-116.

James, T.L., Khansa, L., Cook, D., Bruyaka, O., and Keeling, K. (2013). Using Network-Based Text Analysis to Analyze Trends in Microsoft's Security Innovations, Computers & Security, 36, 49-67.

James, T.L., Nottingham, Q., & Kim, B.C. (2013). Determining the Antecedents of Digital Security Practices in the General Public Dimension, Information Technology and Management, 14(2), 69-89.

Khansa, L., Cook, D., James, T.L., & Bruyaka, O. (2012). Impact of HIPAA Provisions on the Stock Market Value of Healthcare Institutions, and Information Security and Other Information Technology Firms, Computers & Security, 31(6), 750-770.

Kim, B.C., Khansa, L., and James, T.L. (2011). Individual Trust and Consumer Risk Perception, Journal of Information Privacy and Security, 7(3), 3-22.

James, T.L., and Rego, C. (2011). Path Relinking with Multi-Start Tabu Search for the Quadratic Assignment Problem, International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research, 2(2), 52-70.

James, T.L., Khansa, L., Cook, D., and Liginlal, D. (2011). Technology and U.S. Politics, IEEE Technology and Society, 30(1), 20-27.

Rego, C., James, T.L., & Glover, F. (2010). An Ejection Chain Algorithm for the Quadratic Assignment Problem, Networks, 56(3), 188-206.

Khansa, L., James, T.L., and Cook, D. (2010). Acceptance, Use, and Influence of Political Technologies among Youth Voters in the 2009 US Presidential Election, International Journal of E-Politics, 1(4), 1-21.

James, T.L., Brown, E., & Ragsdale, C. (2010). A Grouping Genetic Algorithm for the Blockmodel Problem, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 14(1), 103-111.

Gilles, R., James, T.L., Barkhi, R., & Diamantaras, D. (2009). Simulating Social Network Formation: A Case-Based Decision Theoretic Model, International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking, 1(4), 1-20.

James, T.L, Rego, C., & Glover, F. (2009). Multi-Start Tabu Search and Diversification Strategies for the Quadratic Assignment Problem. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 39(3), 579-596.

James, T.L., Rego, C., & Glover, F. (2009). A Cooperative Parallel Tabu Search Algorithm for the Quadratic Assignment Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 195(3), 810-826.

Pirim, T., James, T.L., Boswell, K., Reithel, B., & Barkhi, R. (2008). An Empirical Investigation of an Individual’s Perceived Need for Privacy and Security. International Journal of Information Security and Privacy, 2(1), 42-53.

James, T.L., Nottingham, Q., & Vroblefski, M. (2007). A Hybrid Grouping Genetic Algorithm for the Registration Area Planning Problem. Computer Communications, 30(10), 2180-2190.

James, T.L., Brown, E., & Keeling, K. (2007). A Hybrid Grouping Genetic Algorithm for the Cell Formation Problem. Computers and Operations Research, 34(7), 2059-2079.

Keeling, K., Brown, E., & James, T.L. (2007). Grouping Efficiency Measures and their Impact on Factory Measures for the Machine-Part Cell Formation Problem: A Simulation Study. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 20(1), 63-78.

James, T.L., Barkhi, R., & Johnson, J.D. (2006). Platform Impact on Performance of Parallel Genetic Algorithms: Design and Implementation Considerations. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 19(8), 843-856.

James, T.L., Pirim, T., Boswell, K., Reithel, B., & Barkhi, R. (2006). Determining the Intention to Use of Biometric Devices: An Application and Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 18(3), 1-24.

Barkhi, R., Amiri, A., & James, T.L. (2006). A Study of Communication and Coordination in Collaborative Software Development. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 9(1), 44-61.

James, T.L., Rego, C., & Glover, F. (2005). Sequential and Parallel Path-Relinking Algorithms for the Quadratic Assignment Problem. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 20(4) 58-65.

Conlon, S.J., Conlon, J.R., & James, T.L. (2004). The Economics of Natural Language Interfaces: Natural Language Processing Technology as a Scarce Resource. Decision Support Systems, 38(1), 141-159.

Referred Conference Proceedings

Abdalla Mikhaeil, C., Raman, R., James, T.L., and Venkatesh, V., (2023). Organizational Security Commitment: A Preliminary Study, Proceedings of the 7th Conference for Information & Communication Technologies for Organization & Society, July 6-7, Sorbonne Universite, Paris, France. (Recipient of the Best Paper Award).


Raman, R., Abdalla Mikhaeil, C., James, T.L., and Venkatesh, V., (2023). Self-Disclosure on Social Media: Future Research Directions and Proposed Research Studies, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference and Forum on Business and Digital Economy (IBDE), May 16-18, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.

Bensouda, Y., James, T.L., Abdalla Mikhaeil, C., (2021) Emotion and Information Disclosure on Social Media, Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings. 

James, T.L., Abdalla Mikhaeil, C., and Ziegelmayer, J.L. (2020) The Role of Social Media Affordances in Activating Normative Self-Presentation Behaviours Across Multiple Platforms, Proceedings of the 2020 European Conference on Information Systems. 

Bélanger, F. and James, T.L., (2017). A Qualitative Study of Multilevel Information Privacy Norms, Proceedings of the 2017 Dewald Roode Workshop on Information Systems Security Research IFIP WG8.11/WG11.13.

Bélanger, F. and James, T.L., (2017). A Grounded Theory Model of Mobile Technology Addiction, Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings.

Villacis Calderon, E., James, T.L., Townsend, D., (2017). Crafting a Persuasive Crowdfunding Campaign: The Effect of Big-5 Language Style on Crowdfunding Success, Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings.

Keeling, K.B., Cook, D.F., and James, T.L., (2015). Examining the Topics in the Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education with Text Analytics, Southeast Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings.

Villacis Calderon, E., James, T.L., Cook, D.F., Keeling, K.B., (2014). Exploring the SERVQUAL Dimensions in Healthcare: A Text Mining Approach, Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings (Nominee for Best Paper).

Schuler-Scott, A., James, T.L., Wallace, L., Collignon, S., (2014). A Heuristic-Systematic Processing Model for Android Application Permission Messages, Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings.

White, T., James, T.L., Cook, D.F., (2014). Exploring Tornado Prediction with Neural Modeling of Radar-Indicated Storm Features, Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings (Nominee for Best Paper).

James, T.L., Collignon, S.E., and Warkentin, M. (2013). Developing Scales to Measure Constructs for a Privacy Calculus and Information Privacy Behaviors Specific to Social Computing Technologies, Proceedings of the 2013 Dewald Roode Workshop on Information Systems Security Research IFIP WG8.11/WG11.13.

Collignon, S., James, T.L., Warkentin, M., and Kim, B.C. (2013). What Drives Perceptions of Threats to Your Facebook Friends’ Information?, Annual Symposium on Information Assurance (ASIA) Proceedings (Recipient of the Best Paper Award).

Lanham, M., and James, T.L., (2012). Exploring the Influence of Commonly Cited Statistics on NCAA Basketball Team Efficiency Using Data Envelopment Analysis, Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings.

Collignon, S., James, T.L., and Kim, B.C. (2011). Exploring the Role of Social Technologies in Influencing an Individual’s Privacy Concept and Behaviors, Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings.

King, M., James, T.L., Khansa, L., and Cook, D. (2011). Exploring Malicious Software Trends Using Social Network Analysis, Southeast Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings.

Collignon, S., James, T.L., and Cook, D. (2010). The Future of Enterprise Management Applications: An Examination of the History and Trends in Practice and Research, Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings.

James, T.L., Nottingham, Q., & Ziegelmayer, J. (2008). Determining an Individual’s Privacy Concept. Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings.

Barkhi, R., James, T.L., & Watson, L.T. (2005). Problem Characteristics Determining the Appropriateness of Genetic Algorithm Approaches. Business and Industry Symposium, Spring Simulation Multiconference Proceedings.

James, T.L., & Barkhi, R. (2005). Exploiting Simple Parallelism in a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm. Business and Industry Symposium, Spring Simulation Multiconference Proceedings.

Boswell, K.T., Pirim, T., & James, T.L. (2003). Development of a Measure for Perceived Need for Information Privacy and Perceived Need for Security: Initial Scale Development Study. Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings