TU Delft

Based on my interests I decided to switch after my bachelors from mechanical engineering to materials science. Hopefully this page will soon contain a lot of exciting results from my studies at TU Delft.

First year


First quarter has passed already and so far so good. I have noticed that doing a masters is different from my previous study experience. The level of the material is much higher yet the expect level of comprehension is so much lower compared to HBO (university of applied science). This can be frustrating at times because it feels quite useless to spent time on a subject without understanding it, even if that level of understanding is plenty for getting good grades.  

We explored a veriety of material characterisation methods already. Left optical microscopy photo of pearlite (the layered black and white). 

Right tungsten nanosphere SEM image. This practica was everyones least favourite since it included a lot of waiting for your turn and the room was continuesly airconditioned to keep the humidity low (worth noting it was winter). Nevertheless SEM is super cool.

Below thermal analysis with a quench dilatometer.

Other practica we did include residual stress determination with X-ray diffraction (I had never heard of this method it's super cool)

A simple milled piece made during an introductory milling class (together with another student) 

I liked this very much since we were not allowed to use the mill during my bachelors.

We made a simulation of grain coarsening with the potts model and n-fold way monte carlo method. It's a very simple inefficient simulation but it works. (Made together with Li, Hsin Tien)

Second year

During the second year I followed an internship at QuantWare, an interesting company that produces chips for superconducting quantum computing. Here I learned mostly about working with high vacuum components and surface science.