The Order of Khaz Modan 


The 5 R's of Roleplay

These are our courtesy rules for RP and the most basic etiquette ground rules.

1 Respectful

IC & OOC harmful abuse and bullying, including but not limited to targeted forms of abuse such as racism and homophobia, will not be tolerated in the community. This rule applies everywhere - the client, the forum, the Discord server and any other areas the community gathers. Individuals decide between each other what they deem kind, respectful, or a form of abuse. 

If you feel that someone has OOC threatened you or harmed you, please approach any community leadership you feel the need/comfort to at the earliest chance. 

Please do not let issues fester. 

           We care.

2 Realistic

We do not mean realistic to Earth. 

You are on Azeroth now. 

Or Draenor. 

You’re in a drinking contest in Boralus with a Dwarf and a Kul Tiran.

Be realistic to where your character is and who your character is with. It is a-okay that you aren’t a World of Warcraft universe expert.

3 Reasonable

Make reasonable choices when RPing. This goes hand-in-hand with realism; you have to ask yourself questions about your character, then make decisions from there. It’s an empathy game, trying to fit into your character’s shoes.

Negative emotions and events can shape a character in ways a walk in the park won’t. 

We encourage you to temper your posts with reason by asking yourself things like:

4 Responsive

There are a few things to touch on here:

5 Responsible

Just like the other people you’re RPing with are a part of your universe, you are a part of theirs. Immersion goes both ways. 

Order Ranks

1 merit awarded per attended mission

— Soft Cap Adventurer rank is Steel —

D-10 System

The Accepted Standard

Turn order is determined by contested 1d100 (initiative) rolls at the start of combat.


This is a Miss!

Whatever you were attempting has failed.


This is a Hit!

You may Attack or Heal for 1 point.


This is a Critical Hit!

You may Attack or Heal for 2 points.

8 HP total

The Order of Khaz Modan Timeline


Foreword: Hello, welcome! Please keep in mind that this is by all means not an exhaustive timeline. 

If you need, see a more detailed timeline here. 

Years are either negative or positive. Think BC or AD in Earth history. 

The center time point for World of Warcraft is the start of the First War between humans and orcs.



First War Begins

This is known as year zero or year 592 by the King's Calendar




World of Warcraft 


Year 25




Due to the King’s Calendar and the normal timeline counting of Before or After the first war. There is a lack of clarity for the War Within year. Year 35 is S.L. and Dragon flight is marked as year 40. But using the King’s calendar for 2024 would be the year 639. Which is 47 years after the First War. When I have more information. I will update and edit accordingly.  

For now we have subtracted 3 years from the Calendar and put it together for Dragonflight and the World Soul Saga.
