The Order of Khaz Modan
The 5 R's of Roleplay
These are our courtesy rules for RP and the most basic etiquette ground rules.
1 Respectful
1 Respectful
IC & OOC harmful abuse and bullying, including but not limited to targeted forms of abuse such as racism and homophobia, will not be tolerated in the community. This rule applies everywhere - the client, the forum, the Discord server and any other areas the community gathers. Individuals decide between each other what they deem kind, respectful, or a form of abuse.
If you feel that someone has OOC threatened you or harmed you, please approach any community leadership you feel the need/comfort to at the earliest chance.
Please do not let issues fester.
We care.
2 Realistic
2 Realistic
We do not mean realistic to Earth.
You are on Azeroth now.
Or Draenor.
You’re in a drinking contest in Boralus with a Dwarf and a Kul Tiran.
Be realistic to where your character is and who your character is with. It is a-okay that you aren’t a World of Warcraft universe expert.
3 Reasonable
Make reasonable choices when RPing. This goes hand-in-hand with realism; you have to ask yourself questions about your character, then make decisions from there. It’s an empathy game, trying to fit into your character’s shoes.
Negative emotions and events can shape a character in ways a walk in the park won’t.
We encourage you to temper your posts with reason by asking yourself things like:
Would my character actually be scared right now? How would that affect my character’s next actions?
What is the IC culture of the individual my character is speaking to? Does my character know this?
What would the legal implications of this be in the Warcraft universe?
Does your character know the information they are acting on, or are you acting as an OOC entity?
4 Responsive
There are a few things to touch on here:
Write bits of your posts before your turn comes to help speed up combat
Your clipboard is your best friend! Fn+v on some computers
If you need to step away, please let the DM know either via voice or DMs
Write posts that invite others to respond or end in open ended questions
5 Responsible
Just like the other people you’re RPing with are a part of your universe, you are a part of theirs. Immersion goes both ways.
Order Ranks
1 merit awarded per attended mission
10 Merits
20 Merits
30 Merits
— Soft Cap Adventurer rank is Steel —
Mithril Heroic Tiered Adventurer
50 Merits
Adamantite Legendary Tiered Adventurer. No room for advancement.
75 Merits, Questline Requirement.
D-10 System
The Accepted Standard
Turn order is determined by contested 1d100 (initiative) rolls at the start of combat.
This is a Miss!
Whatever you were attempting has failed.
This is a Hit!
You may Attack or Heal for 1 point.
This is a Critical Hit!
You may Attack or Heal for 2 points.
8 HP total
Curseforge Add-ons & RP Resources
The Order of Khaz Modan Timeline
Foreword: Hello, welcome! Please keep in mind that this is by all means not an exhaustive timeline.
If you need, see a more detailed timeline here.
Years are either negative or positive. Think BC or AD in Earth history.
The center time point for World of Warcraft is the start of the First War between humans and orcs.
-25,000~: The Eredar rise on Argus
-15,000~: The Curse of Flesh affects the various titan constructs such as the Dragonflayer Vrykul who’s children would eventually become human. Around the same time, a Tribe of Dark Trolls settling near the Well of Eternity began to slowly transform into what we know today as Kaldorei or Night Elves.
-13,000 - Corruption of the Eredar by Sargeras on Argus and their addition to his Burning Legion.
-10,000 (One of the most important historical dates.) - The War of the Ancients and the Sundering of Azeroth occurs.
Arluin Balvanis betrays his fellow Highborne and joins the Kaldorei Rebellion. The Sundering separated him from Kalimdor for centuries.
-7,300 - The Highborne are exiled from Kalimdor for their continued use of Arcane magics. They lose their violet hue to their flesh and slowly transform into what we know as High Elves or Quel’dorei.
-2,800 - Troll Wars: Humans in the Northern lands of the Eastern Kingdom for the Kingdom of Arathor. The Arathi and High Elves band together to defeat the Amani trolls. High elves began to teach the first 100 human mages Arcane Magic.
-975 - War of the Shifting Sands
-230 - War of Three Hammers
-200 - The Draenei crash-land on Draenor.
First War Begins
This is known as year zero or year 592 by the King's Calendar
4 - The Second War: The Council of Seven Nations unanimously votes to form The Alliance of Lordaeron. The Order of the Silver Hand is founded and begins training the FIRST Paladins.
15-18 - The Alliance splinters and the Kingdoms of Quel’Thalas, Stromgarde, and Gilneas leave the Alliance of Lordaeron after the costly failure of the Orc internment camps following the Second War. Wall of Gilneas construction begins. Kel’Thuzad and the Cult of the Damned begin blighting Andorhal’s granaries with the Plague.
20-24 The Third War:This year is filled with many Lore Important events that a small summary would not do it justice. My recommendation would be to play Warcraft 3 and experience the Lore first hand or watch a video. Around the Third War is when many of today's average adventurers would have been born. Be careful on age if you are playing a human in his mid 20s during any of the first three wars as you would be mid to late 40s as of Dragonflight if you were an adult during the Third war, Let alone the first or second war.
World of Warcraft
Year 25
A small band of adventurers set aside their differences and decide to unite together to aid other groups in pushing back the rise of Ragnaros from the depths of Black Rock Mountain. When the Fire Lord was pushed back to the elemental plain. This once rag-tag group from all corners of Azeroth forged a seal on the Black Anvil of Shadowforge City. Creating The Order of Khaz Modan. Named in honor of the various dwarven clans that supported their early efforts. Making a vow to the Dwarves and each other to safeguard their mountain namesake.
The Order sends their finest into the Plaguelands to aid the Argent Dawn in taking down the Necropolis of Naxxramas. The Order’s casualties were high and in return, they were granted purified lands in the Western Plaguelands. Naming their Fortress Home, Braemoore.
26- The Burning Crusade
27- Wrath of The Lich King
28- Cataclysm
29- Hour of Twilight
30- Mists of Pandaria
31- Warlords of Draenor
32 - Legion
33 - Battle for Azeroth
34 - Battle for Darkshore, Battle of Dazar’alor
40 - 44 Dragonflight - World Soul Saga Begins
Due to the King’s Calendar and the normal timeline counting of Before or After the first war. There is a lack of clarity for the War Within year. Year 35 is S.L. and Dragon flight is marked as year 40. But using the King’s calendar for 2024 would be the year 639. Which is 47 years after the First War. When I have more information. I will update and edit accordingly.
For now we have subtracted 3 years from the Calendar and put it together for Dragonflight and the World Soul Saga.