Call for papers

Call for papers

Linguists, logicians, philosophers, psychologists, and interested researchers from other areas are cordially invited to join the 20th Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics to be held on the top of the Szrenica mountain in the Giant Mountains on the border of Poland and the Czech Republic on March 1-4, 2019.

This year's invited speakers are:

  • Łukasz Dębowski (Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences)
  • Hana Filip (Institute for Language and Information, HHU Düsseldorf)
  • Justyna Grudzińska (Institute of Philosophy University of Warsaw)
  • Dolf Rami (Department of Philosophy, GAU Göttingen)

We especially invite papers on this year's special theme "Information and language structure". We also welcome contributions relevant to any of the more classical subjects of this workshop series. Experimental as well as theoretical approaches are welcome. We in particular encourage the presentation of innovative ideas, even if still in need of later refinement and submissions by students who have no previous experience presenting at international workshops.

More traditional Szklarska Poręba themes include:

    • Coordination on meaning
    • Inference in natural language
    • Experimental semantics and pragmatics
    • Bayesian models of interpretation
    • Quantum cognition and language
    • Grammaticalisation and other approaches to diachrony
    • Language typology and semantics/pragmatics
    • Game theoretical pragmatics
    • Formal models of language acquisition
    • Explicature and implicature
    • The architecture of the syntax/semantics interface
    • Licensing of polarity elements, quantification etc.
    • The evolution of communication and language
    • Optimality theory

Submission instructions

We invite submission of blind abstracts in PDF format, to be sent to by December 16, 2018. Abstract guidelines are:

  • no longer than one A4 page including references, 2.5 cm margins, 11pt.

If this is your first presentation outside of your home institution, please indicate this in your cover email.