Call for papers

SYSUCB Notice No.3

Call for Papers and Doctoral Awards

The 1st SYSUCB will be held on June 9 – 11, 2023, in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, P. R.C. and is sponsored by the Department of Chinese (Zhuhai) at Sun Yat-sen University. Please send your abstract to by April 29th, 2023. Notification of acceptance will be anonymously communicated by May 15th, 2023. Overseas scholars can select either onsite or online participation. Chinese scholars are onsite by default and online if needed.


Format requirements for submission of abstracts and information about awards

1. Abstracts for presentations in general sessions:

·      Please submit two files. One file contains the authors’ information, including authors’ name(s), affiliations, email, mobile phone number and the title of the abstract. This file is named “[First author’s name] + author info”. The other file contains only the title and the abstract. The abstract will be reviewed anonymously; therefore, the authors’ names, affiliations should not be indicated anywhere in this document. The second file is named “[First author’s name] + abstract”.

·      The abstract must be 300-500 words, written in one page. Any tables, figures and/or references should appear on a second page.

·      Each researcher may submit only one abstract listing themselves as first author. There are no restrictions on number of submissions as second author.

2.     The China Studies Program Doctoral Workshop on Linguistics (co-sponsored by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation in China and Sun Yat-sen University)

·  Doctoral students of any nationality and age. We also welcome interested senior master students.

·       Please submit two files. One file contains the authors’ information, including authors’ name(s), affiliations, email, mobile phone number, and the title of the abstract. This file is named “PhDstudent + [First author’s name] + author info”. The other file contains only the title and the abstract and the authors’ information should not be indicated anywhere in this document. The second file is named “PhDstudent + [First author’s name] + abstract”.

·       The abstract must be 700-1000 words. Any tables and/or figures should appear on a second page.

·        Each student may submit only one abstract and as the sole author unless the second author is the student’s advisor.

·        According to the results of anonymous review, the top 36 doctoral students will be selected as candidates for the Excellent Paper Award (the ratio of Chinese candidates and other nationalities is 1:1) to present their papers in the workshop and receive feedback from experts in relevant fields and editors of prestigious journals. The top 4-6 candidates will be the winners and will receive a cash prize and housing subsidy of up to RMB 600. The top 2 will also receive a transportation subsidy of up to RMB 2000. Other students whose abstracts are accepted yet rank below 36 can participate in other events during the conference and present their studies at the general sessions of SYSUCB.

           All students who submit abstracts to the SYSUCB (including the doctoral workshop) can apply for a student scholarship (free 2-day accommodation). The scholarship committee will determine the winners based on the quality of the paper and travel distance. Doctoral students will be prioritized, other factors being equal. 

   For further questions, please feel free to contact us at We look forward to welcoming you to Zhuhai in June 2023.

3 号通知






1. 大会分组论文摘要提交格式要求

·   请提交2个文件,一个文件是作者信息(姓名、单位、email、手机)和论文题目,文件命名为“[第一作者姓名]+作者信息;另外一个文件是论文题目和论文摘要,这个文件里不能出现作者信息,文件命名为“[第一作者姓名]+摘要

·   摘要字数为300-500,一般为一页,若有图表,请于第二页显示。

·   每位研究者只能投一篇自己为第一作者的摘要。第二作者则可多投。

2.     “新汉学计划语言学博士生工作坊(中外语合中心与中大共同主办)

·       在读博士,不限国籍和年龄。感兴趣的高年级硕士生也欢迎参与。

·       请提交2个文件,一个文件是作者信息(姓名、单位、email、手机)和论文题目,文件命名为博士生+[作者姓名]+作者信息;另外一个文件是论文题目和论文摘要,这个文件里不能出现作者信息,文件命名为博士生+ [作者姓名]+摘要

·       摘要字/词数为700-1000,图表不算字数,请单独列出一页。

·        每位博士生只能投一篇摘要,且为独立作者,除非第二作者为其导师。

·        根据匿名评审结果,选取前36名博士生作为优秀论文奖的候选人(中外籍博士比例1:1)在工作坊中报告自己的论文,并由相关领域专家和中外权威期刊编辑点评,同时角逐优秀论文奖(4-6)。获奖者将获得现金奖励,并获不超过600元的住宿补贴,前两名还将获得不超过2000元人民币的路费补贴。第36名之后、匿名评审结果为接受的论文,其作者可以参加会议期间其它学术活动,并在双语研究大会普通分组报告。

3.     向双语大会投稿的所有学生都可申请学生奖助金(2天免费住宿),奖助金评选组根据论文质量和路程远近决定获奖人选。同等情况下,优先考虑博士生。

有关会议,若有其它问题,请联系 我们期待并欢迎您于20236月来中山大学珠海校区共同参与双语大会。

Call for papers for Doctoral Workshop

(SYSUCB Notice No.2)

 In order to promote academic exchange between linguistics doctoral students in China and abroad and improve students’ academic competency, the China Studies Program Doctoral Workshop on Linguistics will be held on June 9 – 11, 2023, during the SYSUCB. This workshop is sponsored by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation in China and the Department of Chinese (Zhuhai) at Sun Yat-sen University. The theme is “Studies of Bilingualism in the New Era”. Research objects include second languages, heritage languages, diglossia, lingua francas, dialects, etc., and relevant fields of study include but are not limited to: phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, the interface between phonology and syntax, syntax and semantics, etc., psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, computational linguistics, language education, and historical linguistics. Official languages are Chinese and English.

1.  Submission qualifications

Doctoral students of any nationality and age. We also welcome interested senior master students.

2.   Deadline for submission

Please send your abstract for the workshop (as an email attachment) to by April 29, 2023. Notification of acceptance will be communicated by May 15, 2023.

3.   Format Requirements

1) Please submit two files. One file contains the authors’ information, including authors’ name(s), affiliations, email, mobile phone number, and the title of the abstract. This file is named “PhDstudent + [First author’s name] + author info”. The other file contains only the title and the abstract. The abstract will be reviewed anonymously; therefore, the authors’ information should not be indicated anywhere in this document. The second file is named “PhDstudent + [First author’s name] + abstract”.

2) The abstract must be 700-1000 words. Any tables and/or figures should appear on a second page.

3) Each student may submit only one abstract and as the sole author unless the second author is the student’s advisor.

4.   Awards

According to the results of anonymous review, the top 36 doctoral students will be selected as candidates for the Excellent Paper Award (the ratio of Chinese candidates and other nationalities is 1:1) to present their papers in the workshop and receive feedback from experts in relevant fields and editors of prestigious journals. The top 4-6 candidates will be the winners and will receive a cash prize and housing subsidy of up to RMB 600. The top 2 will also receive a transportation subsidy of up to RMB 2000.

Other students whose abstracts are accepted yet rank below 36 can participate in other events during the conference and present their studies at the general sessions of SYSUCB.

Overseas scholars can select either onsite or online participation. Chinese scholars are onsite by default and online if needed. In order to get a visa on time, overseas scholars must submit their abstracts by April 9, and will be notified by April 15. All students who submit abstracts to the SYSUCB (including the doctoral workshop) can apply for a student scholarship (free 2-day accommodation). The scholarship committee will determine the winners based on the quality of the paper and travel distance. Doctoral students will be prioritized, other factors being equal.


(暨中山大学双语研究大会 2号通知)


1.     征稿对象


2.     截稿时间


3.     提交格式要求

1)请提交2个文件,一个文件是作者信息(姓名、单位、email、手机)和论文题目,文件命名为博士生+[作者姓名]+作者信息;另外一个文件是论文题目和论文摘要,这个文件里不能出现作者信息,文件命名为博士生+ [作者姓名]+摘要



4. 论文接受和优秀论文奖




Call for papers

(SYSUCB Notice No.1)

 Sun Yat-sen University Conference on Bilingualism (SYSUCB) is an international inter-disciplinary linguistics conference on bilingualism studies. SYSUCB provides a platform for researchers in the relevant fields of bilingualism to disseminate their research findings, understand cutting-edge studies, and develop collaborations. Official languages are Chinese and English (simultaneous interpreting will be provided). 

The 1st SYSUCB will be held on June 9 – 11, 2023, in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, P. R. C. and is sponsored by the Department of Chinese (Zhuhai) at Sun Yat-sen University.

We welcome studies focusing on second languages, heritage languages, diglossia, lingua francae, dialects, etc. Relevant fields of study include but are not limited to:

·      phonetics and phonology

·      morphology

·      syntax

·      semantics

·      pragmatics

·      the interface between phonology and syntax, syntax and semantics, etc.

·      psycholinguistics

·      sociolinguistics

·      computational linguistics

·  historical linguistics

·      language education

Please send your abstract to by April 29, 2023. Notification of acceptance will be communicated by May 15, 2023. The conference consists of presentations selected through peer review, as well as keynote speakers, invited symposia on topics of current interest, workshops, etc. Funding will be provided to partially support graduates who are presenting papers at the conference. More information will be released soon. 

Format requirements for submission:

1.     Please submit two files. One file contains the authors’ information, including authors’ name(s), affiliations, and contact info (such as email), and the title of the abstract. This file is named “[First author’s name] + author info”. The other file contains only the title and the abstract. The abstract will be reviewed anonymously; therefore, the authors’ names, affiliations should not be indicated anywhere in this document. The second file is named “[First author’s name] + abstract”.

2.     The abstract must be 300-500 words. Any tables, figures and/or references should appear on a second page.

3.     Each researcher may submit only one abstract listing themselves as first author. There are no restrictions on number of submissions as second author.

For further questions, please feel free to contact us at We look forward to welcoming you to Zhuhai in June 2023.







1.  请提交2个文件,一个文件是作者信息(姓名、单位、email、手机)和论文题目,文件命名为“[第一作者姓名]+作者信息”;另外一个文件是论文题目和论文摘要,这个文件里不能出现作者信息,文件命名为“[第一作者姓名]+摘要”。

2.  摘要字数为300-500,一般为一页,若有图表,请于第二页显示。

3.  每位研究者只能投一篇自己为第一作者的摘要。第二作者则可多投。

有关会议,若有其它问题,请联系 我们期待并欢迎您于2023年6月来中山大学珠海校区共同参与双语大会。