
Check with your building Library Media Specialist to locate username and passwords when needed.

Sora eBooks and Audiobooks (for Students & Staff)

Borrow ebooks and audiobooks from your school's library with Sora. Setup is simple - just find the Syracuse City School District and sign in using your student or staff ID. Students access this website via Clever.

Seesaw Online Coursework (Grades K-5)

Seesaw is a digital portfolio that collects students’ digital and physical work in one place. Students can use Seesaw to complete teacher assigned activities, capture their learning, communicate with their teacher, reflect, and develop new skills

Canvas Online Coursework (Grades 6-12)

Students in grades 6-12 can participate in online coursework in the case of an extended emergency school closure. Students access this website via Clever.

Common Sense Media

Families and teachers everywhere trust Common Sense for expert reviews, objective advice, helpful tools, and so much more.