Different videos on YouTube have different sound volems and often times I have to adjust volume manually to have better experience, because some videos migth scare the shit out of you with sudden loud noise and some can be barely heard. Any software / app to deal with that? I would love if I would be able to set range of volume, so no sound is too low or too loud if possible. Or at least make all soudns same volume. Or even if that is impossible set threshold for how loud sounds can be).

I am looking for a way to normalize the sound in MANY MP3 files I have. Some have low sound, while others are louder so I have to turn the volume up or down depending on the song. What ways are there to do this for all files. I specially would like to do it via the terminal but GUI ways are also accepted.

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mp3gain does not just do peak normalization, as many normalizers do. Instead, it does some statistical analysis to determine how loud the file actually sounds to the human ear. Also, the changesmp3gain makes are completely lossless. There is no quality lost in the change because the program adjusts the mp3 file directly, without decoding and re-encoding.

However, when I used to keep my music library in mp3 format, I used to use mp3gain as well, just as Philippe suggested. The dead simplicity of it is great and I really liked it. The problem with normalize-audio though is that it does decode an re-endcode the files, so there is some sound degradation. But unless you're an audiophile and your mp3's are encoded at a high bitrate you shouldn't notice much difference.

I have to constantly adjust the volume, especially to turn down ads and loud action scenes or dramatic soundtrack swells in video, but turn up to keep dialog audible, etc. I need something that does this automatically, like a dynamic compressor/limiter/normalizer. If apps are available for this, I prefer those that are free and don't require root.

I.b.3. Or use "AIMP" for Android or PC {for Real-time auto loudness normalization: options >sound effects > options > Volume Normalization> Replay Gain > select / Tick Replay Gain, Untick at Use values from tags (as not required for real time mode) , Tick on the fly Analysis> tick (=ok)}. Some times it misses by a few milliseconds at new track.(PC version's UI is not user friendly at present)

In case of real time loudness normalizer, if it is not programmed to know track to track to information or analysis of sufficient length of buffer etc , it may intervene in between / intermittently causing a feeling of unnaturalness or distortion. Same difficult is similar with across system loudness normalizer.

YouTube aggregates its content from millions of creators, which makes it challenging to maintain audio-level consistency across all those billions of videos. You must have noticed when playing a queue that the volume levels often vary considerably when going from one video to another. With the addition of this new tool called Stable volume, unexpected sound bumps will hopefully be a thing of the past.

I work in post and gain staging us always a time consuming. Hence I bought this plugin. And Its works exactly like I wanted. And Hornet plugins are way way way too cheaper and also effective as any pro sounding plugins.

The application can adjust audio volume in various ways. It matches the volumes of separate files. If you have several songs with different volume levels you want to write to a CD, use this software to adjust volume levels of each song so they sound similar. The target volume level can be average of all tracks, or just as same as the volume of other audio or video file.

However, I'm looking for a program that does the same thing for wav files, as mp3 Gain (unsurprisingly) only works with mp3 files. I'm just looking for something simple, where you can load up your wav files, then set the desired 'average' volume level in decibels (or something similar). My multi-track recorder has a hard time mastering songs to an acceptably loud volume, and converting to mp3 causes too much loss in sound quality (so I can't use mp3 Gain).

I know basic volume adjustment is all I need. I've gotten things sounding great with Mp3 Gain normalisation (no worse than a regular compressed wav file anyway), but I just want the normalisation done BEFORE the mp3-compression stage because I'm going to be submitting the masters to a duplicator (as wav files). I do compression et al on my multi-tracker :)

In that respect, there are many very good VST processors and processor collections available. Waves, UAD, IK Multimedia, Steinberg... all make very good plugs....But that's not to say that DAW manufacturers don't also make very good processors for their programs. Samplitude has some of the most effective and best sounding plugs I've ever heard in terms of EQ, Gain Reduction and Modeling. Reaper may have some good processors that come stock with their program as well... again, I can't say, as I'm not a Reaper user.

All of the Reaper plugins are included with the package - there are no add-on purchases made by Cockos. As Donny mentioned, there are a whole lot of commercially available compressors that are not made by Cockos, and work with virtually any DAW. Some of them are intended to change the sound as little as possible. Some impart a unique character that may or may not be desirable, depending on what you're doing. That's another can of worms.

Reverend Lucas, post: 424691, member: 48050 wrote: Some of them are intended to change the sound as little as possible. Some impart a unique character that may or may not be desirable, depending on what you're doing. That's another can of worms.

There are some "classic " compressors, like the 1176, LA2 (3 and 4), Fairchild 670, etc. - along with several other very popular and classic GR (gain reduction) models - that not only apply gain reduction, but that can also add a distinct sonic "character" to the signal at the same time. Within these compressors, some are "faster" than others, (1176) they react quicker, and this imparts a particular "sound" as well. This doesn't mean that "slower" compressors aren't as good - to the contrary, models like the LA2 or the Fairchild 670 models can also sound wonderful because of the way that they react.

There are a few other "classic" compressors that tend to be more towards the neutral side sonically....not that they are entirely transparent, but are more-so than the models mentioned above. The Focusrite Red is one of these, The SSL 2-Bus Compressor is another. But, don't be fooled into thinking that these are substandard, just because these don't have the same obvious "character" that the others mentioned have. These two fairly neutral-sounding compressors work wonderfully, and have been used on thousands of records.

Transparent GR devices will do what they are intended to do (see Rev's explanation on compressors above) but don't add any "color" to the sound, other than the reductive gain result that is intended. Most stock compressors tend to be transparent.

If you are looking for straight ahead GR, I would think that the compressor that comes stock with Reaper would probably do the job just fine. Most popular DAW's provide at least one stock compressor that work and sound just fine.

I'll use the standard gain fader if I totally muck things up, but hopefully I can figure out how to use the ReaComp such that I do actually improve the sound a bit (though I'm sure it's pretty transparent).

This is clearly a flawed approach. To explain - record just three or four tracks from a commercial CD as one long track into your DAW. Then chop them back up into individual tracks. The mastering engineer will have optimised the CD to be 'right'. If you look at the tracks you have, each one can have gain applied to take it to maximum - BUT - each track sits at a different overall level. If you artificially bring them all up, when played back to back, some will sound very wrong.

Yea, but that's the whole point of this thread: there IS headroom available, as the mastering tools in the Tascam don't seem to push the gain to the top of the digital threshold. That's why all I originally need was a gain normaliser - so I could boost the gain of them all by a set level, setting the average level in dB. The suggestions for using Reaper's compressor might help improve the sound of things beyond pure gain though.

Regarding "not relying on a standalone recorder", that's a fair point, but the Tascam is a seriously good unit. The mic preamps have been praised greatly before, and the basic editing functions work well. It doesn't have many effects, but that's kinda cool because it means you HAVE to get a good sound at the source. I think the plethora of choice that modern sound engineers have often results in very artificial, 'manufactured' sound, which turns me off. Especially for the kind of music I'd be recording (more classical instrument configuration), the sound really benefits from minimal adulteration.

Speaking only for myself of course, as a recording and mix engineer, my job is to get the best-sounding final mix possible. It's the M.E.'s job to insure that these mixes sound great no matter where or what they are played back on or thru.

I'm aware of the detriments of the loudness war, and how mixing as quiet as possible for as long as possible is the best way to ensure fidelity. But if I had a dollar for every mix I've handed to band members, only be told "Dude! It's waaaay too quiet!", I'd be able to buy an SSL desk. Yes, I know loudness isn't a recipe for good sound - I definitely like quieter music more than I used to - but this isn't about ME, it's about OTHER PEOPLE. I've found that trying to coach listeners into using their volume dial is futile; you just have to give them what they want. Is that the wrong ethos for mixing classical/jazz music? Audiophiles would say 'yes', but then they're not famous for their empathy. If I can make classical records for classical music lovers, and they like the sound, I've done my job. If a bunch of strangers on the internet want to crap on me because I didn't do it their way, I don't care. If I was doing this professionally, I'd be doing A LOT more research and I'd learn how to use Reaper properly.... but I'm not. be457b7860

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