We are in doubt if Oracle forms and reports could select data from the custom tables (registered schemas) directly i.e. XXSCHEMA.table_name without using the APPS synonym as this is not listed in the GSCC results.

It is just good practice to fix forms and reports that do not point at the APPS editioned view in lieu of pointing at the EBS table (e.g. apps.per_all_people_f in lieu of hr.per_all_people_f or apps.custom_table1 in lieu of xxschema.custom_table1).

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There's a new tag synonym dashboard, which looks nice except for those thumbs up/down buttons. Since we're Stack Exchange, not Facebook, they should be the familiar triangles instead. I've posted an answer asking for a change; that was status-declined, so this userscript aims to fill the gap.

Few moments ago there were 62 questions tagged google-script. Most of the question that I already take a look on them today with this tag looks to be about google-apps-script. The confusion could be originated because on Google Drive the file type is called "Script" and the related URLs use script as the short name for Google Apps Script:

We have a database schema called XX. In this schema I created a custom table XX_CONTRACTS. Since EBS always works with the APPS schema I have granted ALL priviliges on this table to APPS schema. I have created a synonym with the exact same name in APPS schema. This is how EBS wants you to create custom objects.

The next step is to create a view XX_CONTRACTS_V in database schema APPS. I have granted ALL priviliges on this view from APPS to XX. Last step is to create a synonym in XX schema with the exact same name as the view.

Per EBS Standards, the Synonym apps.MTL_TRANSACTION_TYPES should be based the table inv.MTL_TRANSACTION_TYPES but after Upgrade to R12.2.11, it is observed that 

the Synonym APPS.MTL_TRANSACTION_TYPES is based on View INV.MTL_TRANSACTION_TYPES_V and not on the table inv.MTL_TRANSACTION_TYPES, because of this there is a difference in the number of column for table INV.MTL_TRANSACTION_TYPES Vs synonym APPS.MTL_TRANSACTION_TYPES. Similar case for MTL_TXN_SOURCE_TYPES.

Use the CREATE SYNONYM statement to create a synonym, which is an alternative name for a table, view, sequence, operator, procedure, stored function, package, materialized view, Java class schema object, user-defined object type, or another synonym. A synonym places a dependency on its target object and becomes invalid if the target object is changed or dropped.

Synonyms provide both data independence and location transparency. Synonyms permit applications to function without modification regardless of which user owns the table or view and regardless of which database holds the table or view. However, synonyms are not a substitute for privileges on database objects. Appropriate privileges must be granted to a user before the user can use the synonym.

Use these clauses to specify whether the synonym is an editioned or noneditioned object if editioning is enabled for the schema object type SYNONYM in schema. For private synonyms, the default is EDITIONABLE. For public synonyms, the default is NONEDITIONABLE. For information about editioned and noneditioned objects, see Oracle Database Development Guide.

If you omit this clause, then the synonym is private. A private synonym name must be unique in its schema. A private synonym is accessible to users other than the owner only if those users have appropriate privileges on the underlying database object and specify the schema along with the synonym name.

If you create a public synonym and it subsequently has dependent tables or dependent valid user-defined object types, then you cannot create another database object of the same name as the synonym in the same schema as the dependent objects.

If the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter is set to a value of 12.2 or higher, then the maximum length of a synonym name is 128 bytes. The database will allow you to create and drop synonyms of length 129 to 4000 bytes. However, unless these longer synonym names represent a Java name they will not work in any other SQL command.

If the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter is set to a value lower than 12.2, then the maximum length of a synonym name is 30 bytes. The database will allow you to create and drop synonyms of length 31 to 128 bytes. However, unless these longer synonym names represent a Java name they will not work in any other SQL command.

This clause applies only when creating a synonym in an application root. This type of synonym is called an application common object and it can be shared with the application PDBs that belong to the application root. To determine how the synonym is shared, specify one of the following sharing attributes:

If you omit this clause, then the database uses the value of the DEFAULT_SHARING initialization parameter to determine the sharing attribute of the synonym. If the DEFAULT_SHARING initialization parameter does not have a value, then the default is METADATA.

If you are creating a synonym for a procedure or function on a remote database, then you must specify schema in this CREATE statement. Alternatively, you can create a local public synonym on the database where the object resides. However, the database link must then be included in all subsequent calls to the procedure or function.

You can specify a complete or partial database link to create a synonym for a schema object on a remote database where the object is located. If you specify dblink and omit schema, then the synonym refers to an object in the schema specified by the database link. Oracle recommends that you specify the schema containing the object in the remote database.

Oracle Database attempts to resolve references to objects at the schema level before resolving them at the PUBLIC synonym level. For example, the schemas oe and sh both contain tables named customers. In the next example, user SYSTEM creates a PUBLIC synonym named customers for oe.customers:

If the user hr's schema does not contain an object named customers, and if hr has select permission on oe.customers, then hr can access the customers table in oe's schema by using the public synonym customers:

When a synonym has multiple words separated by a space, like "belt bag", it's used as a phrase search when returning synonoumous search results. A phrase search returns results where the words appear in the exact order of the synonym.

All apps, even those not specifically using SiriKit, should provide a CFBundleDisplayName key in their Info.plist. The string value for this key is displayed to the user throughout the system, such as below the app icon on the home screen. The presence of this key will help Siri to identify your app, even if your app does not use SiriKit.

All apps, even those not specifically using SiriKit, can provide a CFBundleSpokenName key in their Info.plist. The string value of this key represents the expected pronunciation of your app's name, such as "My app one two three" for an app with a bundle display name "MyApp123." This key is also used by VoiceOver to speak the app name.

All apps adopting SiriKit, regardless of the specific SiriKit domain, should provide Siri with example phrases that demonstrate the different ways your users will use your app through Siri. This is done using the IntentPhrases key of the global vocabulary file, named AppIntentVocabulary.plist.

This blog is a continuation to MTA Services blog series Part 1 and Part 2, here we will understand the importance and usage of synonym config file in XSA Web IDE project. Also, go through the relevance and usage of _SYS_BIC and _SYS_BI schemas in XSA analytics scenario.

While we create the .hdbsynonym file, target container service is also provided. But we do not want to hard code the target service name here. So what I do, I will describe the target service in the .hdbsynonymconfig file and service will be know during deployment time. This file has to be configured in cfg folder of db module.

The syntax of the .hdbsynonymconfig file is very similar to the code in .hdbsynonym file. So basically synonym config file will overwrite the target objects mentioned in .hdbsynonym file. If there is no config file defined, then the target objects described in .hdbsynonym file will be applied by default.

It is the default setting to create the synonym during deployment. This can be overridden by synonymconfig file, so let us take a look at the .hdbsynonymconfig file for the above synonym file. I can target the synonym to a schema or grantor service(hdi container).

now there is a grantor name provided here, it is the name of the service created for remote container. In case of creating a synonym for accessing a classic schema object, I can give target the schema name of the object. But in this example I have shown a service created for a container in another MTA project, grantor service is provided.

Users with more than 2500 reputation and a total answer score of 5 or more on the tag, can suggest tag synonyms. Users with a total answer score (total upvotes minus total downvotes) of 5 or more on the tag, can vote for tag synonyms. Suggestions will be automatically approved when they reach a score of 4, and automatically deleted when they reach a score of -2.

A synonym is a word that has the same meaning as another word (or nearly the same meaning). For example, beautiful and attractive are synonyms of each other because they both refer to someone or something that looks good.

Notice how the meanings are not always identical; for example, excellent is a high degree of good, while satisfactory is more like a minimal amount of good. Still, the central idea is the same: All these synonyms refer to something that is positive and not bad.

When discussing synonyms, the term antonym often comes up. While synonyms are words with the same or similar meaning, antonyms are words with opposite meanings. For example, an antonym of good is bad, while a synonym of good is fine. 006ab0faaa

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