It works very well, but we have to use it when no user are logged in the server. When we add a task in the Windows scheduler, it does not work. The script runs, but it seems GBak cannot do the backup.

FIBS is a lightweight, fast scheduler designed to meet most backup needs. It uses the Firebird/InterBase command line tool gbak. FIBS can also create PKZip compatible compressed backup files, if user wants to. FIBS uses a multi-threaded architecture. Every backup process (including zipping) is executed in a separate thread.

Gbak Scheduler Download

Download File šŸ”„ šŸ”„

Save the file to the Firebird bin directory at: C:\Program Files\Firebird\KZFirebird\bin

The batch file must be located in the bin directory which contains the gbak utility.

Windows 2000/2003:

In Windows, go to Start --> All Programs --> Accessories --> System Tools --> Scheduled TasksĀ 

- or - Start --> Run --> control.exe schedtasks

Click "Add a scheduled task"

Click "Next"

Click "Browse..." and then select the batch file you downloaded in Step 1.

Select the radio button to perform this task "Daily"

Click "Next"

Select a start time and then click the "Next" button.

Enter the user name and password for the Windows account which will be used to execute the task, and then click the "Next" button.

Click the "Finish" button.

Windows 2008/2012/2016:

In Windows, go to Start --> All Programs --> Accessories --> System Tools --> Task Scheduler

- or - Start --> Run --> control.exe schedtasks

Click the "Create Task" link in the Actions pane on the right side of the window, and then set the following:

General Tab:

Enter a Name: Backup [Asset, Training, or Vehicle] Manager

Enter a description: Backup the [Asset, Training, or Vehicle] Manager database

Select "Run whether user is logged on or not"

Triggers Tab:

Add a new trigger to run the task Daily.

Action Tab:

Add a new Action to "Start a program".

Select the Backup[Asset, Training, or Vehicle]Manager.bat file which you have previously saved in the KZFirebird\bin directory.

Important: Run the scheduled task to test it as described below and confirm that the database backup file is created as expected.

Run the scheduled task and confirm the operation.

In Windows, go to Start --> All Programs --> Accessories --> System Tools --> Task Scheduler

- or - Start --> Run --> control.exe schedtasks

Right-click on the scheduled task you created and select "Run".

A console window will open and execute the command automatically before closing.

After the window closes, confirm that a backup file has been created in the folder at C:\Backup.

The backup file will be compressed, and may be much smaller than the uncompressed database file.

If the backup file is not created, open the batch file in Notepad, and confirm/update the file path to the gbak utility if needed.

When finished, log off the computer and allow the backup task to run at it's scheduled time, and then confirm that a new file has been created when the task ran as scheduled.

After you have confirmed that the backup file is being created as expected, be sure to update your organization's disaster recovery preparedness procedures to include the system information. A good plan will include a schedule to periodically audit the process and test a database recovery on a separate test system.

More information about the batch file

By default, the batch file will keep the 10 most recent backups of your database.

On the 11th day, the oldest backup file will be replaced with the current backup file.

Backup files are named using the database name plus a number at the end. The most recent backup file ends with the number 1. The oldest backup file ends with the number 10.

The default backup location is at C:\Backup.

The default number of copies to keep and the default backup location may be changed by editing the batch file in Notepad.

Right click on the batch file and select "Edit" to make changes.

Change only the values listed in the SET statements at the top of the batch file.

Make only one change at a time, and test between each change to aid troubleshooting if necessary.

This is a lightweight, solid and fast scheduler so as to meet most backup-tasks-needs. It uses firebird/interbase command line tool gbak.exe to backup safety and mirrors it to any other disc or computer for extra protection against backup-disc crash. With this program you can create GZip compatible compressed backup files if you want to save backup disc space. Every backup process (including zipping) is executed in a separate thread.

nbackup is a new backup utility that comes with Firebird 2.0. It offers possibilities not present in gbak - Firebird's pre-existing backup tool - but doesn't replace the latter. Both programmes have their strengths and weaknesses; they will likely coexist for some time to come.

And I couldn't just call nbackup directly from the task scheduler as I'm erasing old DB files and numbering new backups based on existing backup file names (a running counter in the file name) and some more logic is required for this.

Ah, Ok. I wanted my backup script to make transportable backups. nbackup doesn't do that (but is faster because of it). Because speed isn't an issue (because both can backup a database while in use and I only make daily backups, not hourly) I went for gbak.

That is all; you can create an automated task saving copies of your Firebird database according to the settings used in your task. You can tune up a Firebird/InterBase backup scheduler, allowing starting a task by specified time, by logging on or off, or by plugging an USB device.

Backup and restore are executed by Firebird using the gbak utility. The gbak utility may be installed on any computer, even on the database server itself. It can be found in the Firebird bin directory.

The database must be named as source and the backup file named as the target. The target must be a filename in the computer file system which is executing gbak. If no directory is explicitly named, the current directory is used.

All Firebird service users are stored in the user database, security2.fdb in the Firebird root directory. For a complete data backup a backup of this database should also be made. gbak can be used for this.

The full verified backup with gbak.exe is the primary backup method for Firebird databases.The standard Firebird distribution includes command line tool gbak.exe to perform it, however, it will not work with the encrypted database in the production mode (without keys on the server). After the encryption, only authorized applications can access an encrypted database, and standard gbak is not an authorized application.

We all know how important backup and restore for the database health and performance, so, in order to perform backup and restore for the encrypted databases, we have developed gbak.exe with the encryption support, and included it into the FEPF.

Open Gbak scheduler by double clicking on the icon on your taskbar. Now select a backup task. Click on the button that resembles a lightning bolt. A screen will pop up asking "Are you sure you want to backup task now ? " , say yes , a terminal window will pop up indicating the backup is being made. When the terminal window closes, it means that the backup is complete.

The program allows you to set up periodic backups using the built-in task scheduler. Add the Database backup task and specify the directory where the program will save the .fbk archive. If you specify a network path to a folder on another host, you must run the monitoring service as a user who has access to this folder, and not as LocalSystem, who does not have the network access.

With the schedule can build up a task schedule. The task can execute to a fix time and write the the Interbase database in a defined directory or on a tape. It ist possible to create a plan, when the Interbase database has to be backup and restored. With both actions will also a execute a repair of the data and the scheduler write a statistik of all actions.

Under backup we understand the restore of the databse to a fix date and time. The scheduler use the interbase program GBAK, which is above mentioned under II.1 . An other possibility is to use or batch programm dbrefresh with a backup and restore with gbak. This batch program is able to close both application server, to execute backup and restore and restart the software server. An other possibility is to write a protocol whith the scheduler and th send a email to an extern adress or to send to the client if one client is logged in. With doubleclick on restore the backup data will be restored. 006ab0faaa

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