If anybody has some notes in Synology Note-Station and wish to move them to Obsidian I have written a note converter program and one of its options is Synology export to Obsidian Markdown. Hopefully somebody may find this useful.

Additionally if you have notes in one of many Markdown formats you can use the same program to convert them into another Markdown format. For example Joplin common mark to Obsidian. You can also convert HTML to Markdown or Markdown to HTML. The handling of items of content not Supported by Pandoc make this a useful utility in any Markdown migration.

Synology Ds Note Download

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://bytlly.com/2y5Jey 🔥

There is an example page that shows the markdown that has been generated. At the top of the page there is a link to a pdf that was generated from inside of Obsidian. At the very bottom of the example page page, there is a link to a file test-page.pdf. This is a pdf of the original Note-Station note that you can compare the markdown-test-page. pdf against.

My Note-Station export had 5 notebooks plus the recycle bin, these contained 431 pages, 3166, images and 24 file attachments and was converted in 103 seconds. I opened in Obsidian and immediately got this graph view and all the notes are as good as they were in Note-Station.

If you have notes in one markdown format you can convert them into another version of Markdown. For example if you have notes in commonmark used by Joplin, into Obsidian, gfm or one of several other Markdown formats, or HTML if you wish.

Trying to get it to work, but am stymied.

I created a test notebook in Note Station - 4 notes, including 2 attachments.

When I run the script it creates the appropriate directories and places the attached files in the attachments folder, but no md (or any other) files are created.

Im trying to run this script and it seams to read all my notes but begins to fail when trying to write them into Joplin. Im not sure how to fix this, but I know I cant switch if I cant get my notes out.

OK, so here is my workaround. Luckily each "Writing note" output line includes the title of the note, so I went back to Synology Note Station to find the offending note. It was not important, so I moved it to a new notebook called "Transfer Errors". Then I exported from Synology Note Station again but I excluded the "Transfer Errors" notebook.

Examining a particular note and comparing it to the original in Synology Note Station, looking in the attachments subfolder for the converted notebook, I can see that the image (PNG file) is there, but correctly linking to it seems to have failed. 17dc91bb1f

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