SynObs Kick-off Workshop Recording Files

Day 1 (15th)

Opening Session

Opening Session  

9:00 9:08 Takayuki Matsumura (MRI-JMA (Director-General) ,JP)  

Greeting on behalf of JMA-MRI

9:08 9:16 Shuhei Masuda (JMASTEC (Director-General of RIGC), JP) 

Greeting on behalf of JAMSTEC

9:16 9:24 Yutaka Michida (University of Tokyo, JP) 

Greeting on behalf of UN Ocean Decade Japanese domestic committee

9:24  9:35  Yuhei Takaya (MRI-JMA, JP) 

Workshop Purpose and Logistic Information

9:35  9:55  Yosuke Fujii (MRI-JMA, JP) 

SynObs Introduction


Session 1-1 & Session 3-1

9:55  10:15  Caihong Wen (NOAA/NWS/NCEP/CPC, US) 

Invited:Real-time Ocean Reanalyses Intercomparison Project


10:15 10:40 Coffee Break

10:40 11:00 Iwao Ueki (JAMSTEC, JP)

         Tropical Pacific Observing System - synergy with modeling and assimilation activities –


11:00 11:20 Takuma Yoshida (JMA, JP) 

       Ocean Initialization of the Coupled Prediction System Version 3 (CPS3) for Seasonal Forecasts


11:20 11:40 Danni Du (University of Colorado, Boulder, US) 

         Assessing the Impact of Ocean In-situ Observations on MJO Propagation across the Maritime Continent in ECMWF Subseasonal Forecasts


11:40 12:00 Yuhei Takaya (MRI-JMA, JP) 

       Importance of ocean observations for sub-seasonal to seasonal forecast in East Asia


12:00 12:20 Dimitris Menemenlis (NASA JPL, US) 

          Invited:Potential NASA GEOS Nature Runs for Next Generation Colocated Air-Sea Measurement Satellite


Flash Talk for Poster Presentation

Flash Talk for Poster Presentation

12:20 12:40 Flash Talk for Poster Presentation

12:40 12:50 Onsite Photo Session

12:50 14:00 Lunch Break

14:00 14:50 Poster Session & Coffee Break

Session 1-2 & Session 2-1

14:50 15:10 Mounir Benkiran (Mercator-Ocean International, FR)  

Impact of SWOT observations in a global high-resolution analysis and forecasting system


15:10 15:30 Nozomi Sugiura (JAMSTEC, JP) 

       Ocean data assimilation based on MMD between sets of profiles


15:30 15:50 Dimitris Menemenlis (NASA JPL, US) 

       Introduction to the Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) project


15:50 16:10 Toshio Suga (JAMSTEC and Tohoku University, JP) 

       Argo "Abrupt Salty Drifters" – the problem, impacts, and lessons learned


16:10 16:30 Miki Hattori  (JAMSTEC, JP)  

       Potential Impact of Aeroclipper Observations on a Tropical Cyclone Analysis in a Global Model


16:30 16:50 Marilaure Gregoire (Liege University, BE) 

       Invited:The WMO Rolling Review of Requirements process: Ocean perspective


Day 2 (16th)

Session 1-3

8:50  9:10 Matthieu Le Henaff  (University of Miami/CIMAS-NOAA/AOML, US)

Observing System Evaluation showcase: Impact of ocean observations on hurricane forecasts - The cases of Hurricanes Maria (2017) and Michael (2018)


9:10  9:30 Andrew Moore (University of California Santa Cruz, US)

Invited:Forecast Sensitivity-based Observation Impact (FSOI) in an Analysis-Forecast System of the California Current Circulation


9:30  9:50 Lidia Cucurull (NOAA, US)

Invited:Ongoing efforts at NOAA to develop a global ocean Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSEs) capability


Discussion 1

Discussion 1

9:50  10:40 Discussion 1 Observing System and OSE/OSSE      

10:40 11:00 Coffee Break  

Session 1-4 & Session 2-2 

11:00 11:20 Julie Jakoboski (MetOcean Solutions, NZ) 

                         Crowdsourcing Ocean Observations in Partnership with the Fishing Sector and Coastal Ocean   


11:20 11:40 Joao M. A. C. de Souza (MetOcean Solutions, NZ) 

                         Assimilation of new operational fishing vessel derived observations for New Zealand 


11:40 12:50 Naoki Hirose (RIAM, Kyushu University, JP)

                         Invited:Coastal ocean data assimilation with fishing vessels 


Discussion 2

Discussion 2

12:00 12:50 Discussion 2 Use of Fishery Data and coastal data   

13:15  14:30  Official Lunch (Onsite Speakers and Foreign Guests only)

Day 2 (Nov. 16th )  Evening

Session 2-3 & 3-2

17:00 17:20 Olivier Goux (CERFACS, FR) 

                         Accounting for correlated observation error in variational ocean data assimilation: application to wide-swath altimeter data


17:20 17:40 Hao Zuo (ECMWF, UK) 

                         Assimilation of SST observations with the new ECMWF Ensemble Ocean DA system


17:40 18:00 Siva Reddy Sanikommu (KAUST, SA) 

                         Insights from Large Ensembles Experiments with the Red Sea Ensemble Data Assimilation System


18:00 18:20 Jennifer Waters (Met Office, UK) 

                         Assessing the impact of proposed satellite observations in a global ocean forecasting system


18:20 18:40 David Ford  (Met Office, UK) 

                         Two-way physics-biogeochemistry coupling constrained by ocean colour data assimilation


18:40 20:40   Dinner Break

20:40 21:00   Magdalena Balmaseada (ECMWF, UK) 

                         Impact of Ocean Observations in ECMWF S2S forecasts


21:00 21:20   Ronan McAdam (CMCC, IT) 

                         Seasonal forecasting of subsurface marine heat waves


Discussion 3

Discussion 3

21:20 22:50  Discussion 3 CP-TT Activity Plan                        

Day 3 (17th)

Session 1-5 & 2-4 & 3-3

9:10 9:30 Annie Wong (University of Washington, US) 

                      Argo salinity: bias and uncertainty evaluation


9:30 9:50 Jieshun Zhu (CPC/NCEP/NOAA, US) 

                      Next Generation Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (NG-GODAS): a new reanalysis and OSSE applications


9:50 10:10  Patrick Heimbach (University of Texas at Austin, US) 

                      Ocean Climate Observing Network Design in the Subpolar North Atlantic via Hessian Uncertainty Quanti cation


10:10   10:30  Coffee Break

10:30   10:50  Eric Hackert (NASA/GMAO, US) 

                        Evaluation of TAO Observation System on ENSO Predictions from the GMAO S2S Forecast System


10:50   11:10  Andrew Peterson  (Environment and Climate Change Canada, CA)

                      Towards creating an ensemble of global ocean analysis: Ensemble GIOPS


11:10   11:30  Inseong Chang (Pukyong national university, KR) 

                       Impact of in situ and satellite data assimilation on ocean circulation prediction system in Northwest Pacific


11:30   11:50  Paul Chamberlain  (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, US)

                      Optimizing The Biogeochemical Argo Float Distribution


Day 3 (Nov. 17th)  Evening

Session 1-6

17:00   17:20  Elisabeth Rémy (Mercator Ocean International, FR)  

                       On the control of spatial and temporal oceanic scales by existing and future observing systems: an OSSE approach


17:20   17:40  David Ford (Met Office, UK) 

                       Towards adaptive monitoring of coastal oceans integrating marine robots and operational forecasts


17:40   18:00  Aurélien Prat (UMR 8105 LACy et Inria, FR) 

                       Pre-processing of sea turtle biologging observations using a clustering algorithm


18:00   18:20  Stefano Ciavatta (Mercator Ocean International, FR) 

                       Monitoring and predicting marine ecosystems by fusing observations and models


18:20   18:40  Hugo Dayan (CMCC, FR) 

                       Marine heat waves in the Mediterranean Sea: an assessment from the surface to the subsurface to meet national needs


18:40   19:00  Victor Turpin (OceanOPS/WMO, FR) 

                       Leveraging the multi-system glider data assimilation experiments within  EuroSea to the international level


19:00   20:40  inner Break

Session 4-1

20:40   21:00  Yosuke Fujii (MRI-JMA, JP) 

                       Evaluation of Argo array impacts in the global and regional ocean data assimilation systems in JMA/MRI and the international collaboration through SynObs


21:00   21:20  Magdalena Balmaseada (ECMWF, UK) 

                       OSES for S2S and evaluation of future TPOS


21:20 21:25 Online Photo Session

Discussion 4

Discussion 4

21:25   22:55  Discussion 4  SynObs Plan                        

Day 4 (18th)

Session 1-7 & 4-2

8:50    9:10   Clemente Tanajura (UFBA/REMO, BR) 

                     Investigating the future impact of SWOT data in the South Atlantic circulation with OSSEs


9:10     9:30  Matthieu Le Henaff (University of Miami/CIMAS-NOAA/AOML, US)

                     Recipe for rigorous OSSE assessments - Illustration in the Gulf of Mexico


9:30     9:50  David Legler (NOAA, US) 

                     Strengthening ocean observation and modelling integration through co-design of a fit-for-purpose ocean observing system


9:50    10:10  Coffee Break

10:10  10:30  Cheyenne Stienbarger (NOAA/GOMOProgram, US)

                      Co-Designing an Observing System for Improved Tropical Cyclone Forecasts


10:30  10:50  Tong Lee (JPL, California Institute of Technology, US) 

                  A satellite mission concept to unravel small-scale ocean dynamics and air-sea interactions:  Ocean Dynamics and Surface Exchange with the Atmosphere (ODYSEA)


10:50  10:55  Online Photo Session

Summarizing Session

Summarizing Session

10:55   11:02  Lidia Cucurull (NOAA, US) 

                       Summary of the Theme 1: Co-design and evaluation of ocean observing systems

11:02   11:09  Dimitris Menemenlis (NASA JPL, US) 

                       Summary of the Theme 2: Data assimilation development for better use of observation data

11:09   11:16  Danni Du (University of Colorado, Boulder, US) 

                       Summary of the Theme 3: Ocean modeling and initialization in earth system predictions

11:16   11:23  Yosuke Fujii (MRI-JMA, JP) 

                       Summary of the Theme 4: Discussion on the future activities

11:23   11:40  General Discussion

11:40   11:50  Goro Yamanaka   (MRI-JMA, JP) 

                       Concluding Remarks from the Japan Representative of OceanPredic

You can find the presentation files and the workshop summary at the workshop webpage in the OceanPredict website.  

Presentation Files

Worskshop Summary