It might be easier to have a third device that has syncthing running permanently on it, and just access the files on that device via a network share. Or run linux in a vm inside Windows and mount a windows folder in the linux vm (or vice versa). My $0.02 of alternatives.

You can use group permissions, so the plex user and syncthing user can be in the same group, and the same group has all permissions on the folders. I am pretty sure you can find information on the internet how to do this.

Syncthing Linux Download

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I have two laptops and one always on headless box all running Syncthing on Debian 8 with no Master. The two laptops have upgraded to v0.14.15, Linux (64 bit) but the-box is stuck on v0.14.13-dfsg1, Linux (64 bit). apt-get upgrade does nothing so I have tried:me@the-box:~$ sudo syncthing -upgrade10:41:09 INFO: Default folder created and/or linked to new config10:41:09 FATAL: Upgrade: upgrade unsupportedme@the-box:~$ sudo syncthing -upgrade-to=" -linux-amd64-v0.14.15.tar.gz"

10:45:18 FATAL: Upgrade: upgrade unsupportedI have never tried direct commands to Syncthing before so I apologise if the answer is RTFM.

Syncthing is now installed, but we need to enable it manually using the systemctl command to automatically start it at bootup. The official Syncthing package ships with the needed systemd service file under /lib/systemd/system/syncthing@.service.

Now there is one issue left. When I start syncthing on the server there is a lot of output to the console. I tried putting it into background with syncthing & but this is not working. I did not set up a systemctl service yet. Is there a simple way to manually start it in the background? I can not find anything in --help

Generally Syncthing is meant to be used for a single user, yes. I.e. you run one instance of Syncthing for every user if data is separate, or if data is shared let it be owned by the user syncthing is running as.

Syncthing is an open-source file synchronization client/server application written in Go, which implements its own - equally free - Block Exchange Protocol. All transit communications between syncthing nodes are encrypted using TLS and all nodes are uniquely identified with cryptographic certificates.

Running Syncthing as a system service ensures that it is running at startup even if the user has no active session, it is intended to be used on a server.Enable and start the syncthing@myusername.service where myusername is the actual name of the Syncthing user.

Running Syncthing as a systemd user service ensures that Syncthing only starts after the user has logged into the system (e.g., via the graphical login screen, or ssh). This method is intended to be used on a (multiuser) computer. To run the user service, start/enable the user unit syncthing.service (i.e. with the --user flag).

syncthing-gtkAUR provides a GTK graphical user interface, desktop notifications and integration with the file managers Nautilus, Nemo and Caja.Syncthing can be launched by Syncthing-GTK: use the interface settings to run syncthing-gtk at startup, and to state whether to launch the syncthing daemon.

syncthingtrayAUR complements the Web-GUI by providing a Qt-based system tray icon and desktop notifications. There exists a desktop environment neutral version and a Plasmoid for Plasma. It also provides integration with systemd and the Dolphin file manager.

To add another node, click "Add Node" underneath the list of nodes. You will be prompted for their Node ID (which can be found on the other machine by clicking Edit > Show ID) as well as a short name and the address.If you specify "dynamic" for the address, the syncthing announce server will be used to automatically exchange addresses between nodes. If you want to know more about Node IDs, including the cryptographic implications, you can read the appropriate Syncthing documentation page.

After saving the configuration, the syncthing server restarts automatically. Next, you can either change the configuration of the default node (click its name and then Edit), or create a new one to share data with. Simply tick the node you wish to share the data with, and they will have permission to access it.

Anyone can run a relay server and it will automatically join the Syncthing relay pool and be available to all Syncthing's users. To run your own relay, install syncthing-relaysrv and Start/Enable syncthing-relaysrv.service. Rate limiting and other options can be configured via the command line. These options can be set in the ExecStart directive of the service drop-in file as follows:

The discovery server requires certificates to run, which should ideally be placed in /var/discosrv. The user/group syncthing needs permissions to be able to read the certificate files. You need to edit the systemd unit file to correctly point to the certificates (and to undertake any other configuration change you may want, see list).

SyncthingFUSE is a FUSE driver which provides access to a syncthing share without actually syncing it to local storage. When you open a file, the contents are served from a local cache, if possible. If the contents are not in the cache, SyncthingFUSE asks peers for the contents and adds them to the cache. The local cache will not grow larger than a fixed size, though. If no peers are currently available for the file, opening it will fail.

So I tried finding for the log output via the syncthing -paths command and the log file directory is blank. So using the syncthing -logfilecommand and pointing it to my user directory, everything starts working again.

The INVALIDARGUMENT made me think there might be something wrong with the value of ExecStart in the syncthing@.service file. I checked the Syncthing manpage and found no mention of the serve argument anywhere. Also, the option flags in the manpage have a single leading -, not double. I stopped the service and edited the file. I removed the serve argument and changed the options to have one leading dash and saved the file. Then ran:

Man, I am so glad I found this thread. I had the same issue and was quite confused, since the exact same steps to configure a user-based syncthing service worked last year. I looked into it a bit and found that the changes were made based on this:

I seem to be clueless on where to find the log file. The primary source of synced files is on a linux file server (computers in the office the server directly, computers are home or laptops in the field use synced files among themselves and with the file server).

Hi, I manually installed my syncthing linux binaries (version 0.9.4) under /usr/local/bin with permissions 755 and owner root. I guessed this is where they should be. Syncthing is started with my regular user. I never used the autoupdater from...

It came from this Topic:

 Syncthing Forum Automatic Upgrade isn't workingHi. I really like syncthing for working on multiple computers. I have it set up on OS X, Peppermint OS, and Linux Mint. The only issue I'm having is that on Linux Mint I get the following message all of the time: "2016-09-21 14:47:19: Automatic...

My OS is Ubuntu 22.04 & I installed syncthing. After exploring it a bit, it didn't fit my need (local backup to USB) so I've tried deleting it with no success. I have a remnant somewhere that I can't seem to clean out. This is what I see in apt:

Hi there,

I am new to openSUSE, using syncthing. The problem is application starts at boot, but it seems the application is set-up to run without systemd. Do you have any information on how can I debug the program so I can disable syncthing startup at boot.

I do not use this new-fangled stuff like syncthing myself (rsync is about my limit), but I did notice that the syncthing package contains




which suggests to me that you might want to try disabling syncthing-resume.service.

you will be able to see which user each instance is running as.

It is recommended that syncthing not be run as root, but as a normal user(s). It can then be controlled with the @ service file. That is

I use rsync too on local networks, however syncthing can sync between various machines almost simultaneously without scripting and can solve the discovery of different machines on different networks easily.

I installed syncthing together with syncthikg-gtk and once mistakenly ran another instance by commandline. However syncthing does not allow for two instances by the same user. As of late syncthing-gtk is uninstalled because of these problems.

There seems to be a strange bootup breakage in systemd bootup when i kill all the syncthing PIDs and disable all syncthing systemd instances, but after pressing Ctrl-D it then starts things as usual with 2 instances of syncthing once again.

Oh and what I have to do at each login is open the syncthing web access on local and stop the first instance. That instance is not really set up right (even has a different server name I remember some foul up at install) and then the real server config and syncthing is started and all is well.

Have you been able to enjoy syncthing with no problem since then?

I am trying to use the /home/yunohost.multimedia/share folder to create a shared file zone that is shared among the users.

I am very new to the ACL file permissions, so I looked at the man page to understand better.

So here where I ended up:

I am not sure what I have done is the proper way of doing it, but here is what I found to be functional.

The basic idea is to adapt the group members to allow the modifications by nextcloud, syncthing, and later any other program of file sharing. ff782bc1db

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