The primary goals of Sync Services are for syncing to be efficient and unobtrusive to the user. Most applications are expected to sync often, with small sets of changes. Applications may sync simultaneously with other applications. A sync operation can be interrupted or postponed, without data loss, to respond to user requests.

To achieve this, the Sync Services uses a finite state machine to manage a sync session. The API reveals this state machine, so developers have fine control over each state. Hence, the API is more flexible to meet the needs of diverse applications.

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Syncing is also a coordinated effort between a number of client processes and a server running on a single computer. To use Sync Services, you first need to understand its architecture and the role of each component in that architecture. Then you need to understand sync modes and how to manage a sync session (covered in detail in Managing Your Sync Session).

The Sync Services architecture is depicted in Figure 1. All the processes and the truth database reside on a single computer. For each user account, there is one sync engine and one truth database. The sync engine is responsible for coordinating and synchronizing data between multiple clients. The sync engine stores the aggregate of all client records in the truth database. The sync engine is the only process that accesses the truth database directly.

The sync engine selects the appropriate sync mode for each client, depending on the situation. Selecting a sync mode is typically a negotiation between the client and the sync engine. This is because syncing depends on the state of all the processes involved in the sync, not just on a single client. And because multiple clients may join the same sync session and have different requirements, a client is not necessarily given the sync mode it requests. Instead, the sync engine may force another mode.

Sometimes, a client might want to replace all the truth database records with its own records. This mode is called push the truth. In contrast, a client might want to replace all its records with the records in the truth database. This mode, called pull the truth, can be initiated by the client or the sync engine. If a client initiates a sync and then pushes the truth, the sync engine may force all other clients participating in the sync to pull the truth.

The sync engine may also reduce a complicated sequence of changes into simpler ones if changes from multiple clients are redundant. For this reason, clients should not rely on the order in which changes are applied.

A sync schema is based on an entity-relationship model similar to that used by other Cocoa technologies. Read Cocoa Design Patterns in Cocoa Fundamentals Guide to learn more about entity-relationship models and terms such as entity, property, attribute, relationship, to-one, and to-many.

This format, called sync schema, is a property list that specifies details about the entities in your model. For entities, you might specify the name of the entity and names of its attributes and relationships (collectively referred to as its properties). For attributes, you might specify the name of the attribute and its data type. For relationships, you might specify the name, destination entity name, cardinality, and delete rule. See Creating a Sync Schema for a complete description of the sync schema property list.

A sync schema defines a template for records stored in a database whose records are of a particular type (records belong to an entity) and may have relationships to other records. Records stored in the truth database are dictionary objects with key-value pairs, one for each property defined in the entity. Each record dictionary also has an entity name property and an associated unique record identifier. The record identifier is not stored with the record but is instead used by the client and sync engine when referring to a record. The truth database can also store custom fields in a record that are not defined in the schema. For example, these fields can be used to store client information added by a device.

Typically, a client is an end-user applications (like your Cocoa application, iCal, or Address Book), a server applications (like MobileMe), or a tool that syncs a device (such as a phone). A device client is a liaison between the sync engine and a device. A server client is a liaison for a remote server that stores user data. Actually, a client can be any application or tool running on Mac OS X that uses an existing schema, extends an existing schema or defines its own. Sync Services can be used to sync your custom objects. Clients may vary dramatically in their capacity to store records and in the complexity of their object models. For example:

During any given sync session, a client might want to push or pull only a subset of the entities it supports. For example, a phone device client might pull only calendar events that occur during the next two weeks.

The sync engine is flexible enough to support a diverse set of clients as long as the clients do their part. Clients need to specify their capabilities, filter records, format records, and resolve conflicts when they arise. Any client that wants to sync records using Sync Services has several responsibilities, described next.

If a client extends an existing schema or defines its own schema, it needs to register that schema with the sync engine. Ideally, a client should register a schema once and thereafter reregister it only if it changed. (Reregistering the same schema is harmless if the schema is unchanged.)

Changing schemas should be done cautiously and infrequently. Changing schemas can cause data loss if entities and properties are removed. It can also require that all clients using the schema slow sync during the next sync.

A client must provide the sync engine with a description of its capabilities. At a minimum, the client must specify the schemas it uses, and the entities and properties in those schemas that it supports. You can also specify which entities are read-only and which entities are read-write allowing the sync engine to skip the pushing and mingling states when it can. The client description is one way a client can filter records.

A client description is stored in a property list file specified when registering the client with the sync engine. The sync engine periodically checks this file for changes and forces the client to slow sync on the next sync if the property list changes.

Note that the client description specifies the entities and properties that a client can support but not necessarily the entities and properties that a client can sync. The entities and properties that a client can sync must be a subset of the supported ones.

In contrast, a client may not initiate a sync if it shares a schema with another application. If a client is an observer of another client, it may be alerted by the sync engine to sync when the other client syncs. For example, a client that uses calendar records might receive an alert when iCal syncs. When alerted, the client can optionally join the sync session.

The client is also responsible for managing the sync session and performing the sync operations in the expected sequence: that is, negotiate a sync mode, push changes to the sync engine, and pull changes from the sync engine. See Managing Your Sync Session for more information on managing a sync session.

Device clients might be able to obtain this information from the device itself. Otherwise, clients that use their own data stores need to record this information when users change records. If your client cannot provide this information, then it should slow sync each time it syncs.

Clients may specify filters that are applied to records pulled from the sync engine. A filter simply conforms to a filtering protocol that takes a record and either accepts or rejects that record. A client does not see rejected records. You can program business logic into the filters. You can also apply logical AND and OR binary operators to a set of filters creating composite filters. See Filtering Records for more information on setting filters.

An ISyncSession object manages a single sync operation. You create an ISyncSession object, use it to sync your records, and then throw it away. ISyncSession supports multiple sync modes that you negotiate before pushing and pulling records.

You always use the shared ISyncManager instance and register your schema with it. Sync Services provides three canonical schemas: Bookmarks, Contacts, and Calendars. You can extend one of these schemas or register your own (read Creating a Sync Schema for how to design your own schema). Your schemas must be registered before beginning any sync operations (read Registering Schemas).

Typically, you create one ISyncClient object per application or tool and then register it with the ISyncManager (read Registering Clients). However, if your application syncs multiple devices or data files, you could have a client per device or data file.

You create an ISyncSession object each time you sync your records. ISyncSession is implemented as a finite state machine, so the order in which you invoke its methods is critical. Read Managing Your Sync Session for an in-depth discussion of syncing.

Alternatively, you can use the ISyncSessionDriver class that uses a delegation model to control a sync session without using any of the core classes directly. Read Using a Session Driver for more information on this approach.

The Garmin Connect app needs to run in the background to keep your Garmin device connected with key features such as smart notifications and weather information. This also allows background data syncing to send data from your device to your Garmin Connect account.

The Data Validation API is an asynchronous export API that enables the No Longer with Company validation export. The API performs validation of data ingested via CRM Sync and when called, returns an export for a CRM instance that identifies contact and lead records whose current company on LinkedIn does not match the company in the CRM. This data can be used to enable data integrity workflows within the CRM application to keep CRM contact records up-to-date. ff782bc1db

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