VIII International Conference "Synesthesia: Science and Art"

* Special Edition / Twenty-Year 2005-2025 *

Call for Abstracts open 15th October 2024 

with deadline 15th February 2025

new deadline 25 February 2025

Updated 12 February 2025:

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This VIII edition of the International Congress of Synaesthesia: Science and Art 2025, is an Special Edition / Twenty-Year 2005-2025 of the celebration of our first Congress, as an act of constitution of the artecittà International Foundation.

This edition of the conference seeks to define the current disciplinary knowledge that relates Synesthesia to the disciplines. Therefore Chairs of the various Tracks are well-known authors on the topic who have already participated in several previous editions of the conference.

You can see the contribution programs of previous editions at the link, and on this same site the program of the latest 2022 edition (SYN22). 

For this Edition, contributions can be submitted for one of the following tracks:

  Track01: Synesthesia and Neuroscience

                   Chair: Helena Melero Carrasco (Universidad Complutense Madrid)

                   Keynote Speaker: Janina Neufeld (Center of Neurodevelopmental Disorders at Karolinska Institutet, KIND)

                   Special paper: Danko Nikolić (CEO, Robots Go Mental)

  Track02: Synesthesia and Psychology

                   Chairs: Oscar Iborra (University of Granada), Noam Sagiv (Brunel University London)

                   Keynote Speaker: Emilio Gómez Milán (University of Granada)

  Track03: Synesthesia and Medecine

                   Chairs: Markus Zedler (Hannover Medical School | MHH)

                   Keynote Speaker: Sean A. Day (Trident Technical College, United States)

  Track04: Synesthesia and Arts

                   Chairs:  Mª José de Córdoba (University of Granada), Ninghui Xiong (Delegation FIAC, China)

                   Keynote Speaker: Timothy B. Layden (Multi-disciplinary artist and art educator, London) 

  Track05: Synesthesia and Design

                   Chairs: Dina Riccò and Weihuan Hou (Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

    Keynote Speaker: Michael Haverkamp (Author on cross-sensory design, Germany)

  Track06: Synesthesia and Music

                   Chair: In progress

                   Keynote Speaker: Joerg Jewanski (Department of Musicology, University of Vienna)

  Track07: Synesthesia and Technology

    Chairs: Sergio Basbaum (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo,  Brasil), André Rángel, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto, Portugal), Paz Tornero (Faculty of Fine Arte, University of Granada) 

  Keynote Speaker: Verónica Metello (Gullander Metelo, University of Coimbra, Portugal)

  Track08: Synesthesia and Linguistic

                   Chair: Laura Carlucci (Department of Translation and Interpreting, University of Granada)

                   Keynote Speaker: Anton Sidoroff-Dorso (Psychology Department, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia)

  Track09: Synesthesia and Literature

                   Chairs: Francisco Acuyo Donaire (Poet, writer, publisher, Granada)

                   Keynote Speaker: Juan Vellido


Track10: Emerging Research on Synesthesia 

Chairs: CC Hart (IASAS Synaesthesia Association)

Keynote Speaker: James Wannerton (UK Synaesthesia Association) 

Each Chair, with the Scientific committee, selects a maximum of 9 speakers, 4 by direct invitation and 5 speakers chosen from among the participants in the call.

This Congress counts with the support of:

As in previous editions, MuVi7 International Contest will take place and be displayed in several venues.

Check these links for information about Muvi5 and ADI INDEX DESIGN 2019 recognition.

More information:

Organization Commitee 

Chair: Mª José de Córdoba ( F.I.A.C, and Department of Drawing, UGR)

Co-Chair: Dina Riccò. (Politecnico di Milano, Italy, and FIAC)

FIAC Coordinator: Julia López de la Torre (FIAC)

International Coordinators: Sean A Day (IASAS and FIAC); Anton Sidorof Dorso (Delegation FIAC Russia); Ninghui Xiong (Delegation FIAC, China); Timothy B Layden (Delegation FIAC, England);  Gaby Cardoso (Argentina).

Chairs MuVi7: Dina Riccò  (Politecnico di Milano and FIAC) and Mª José de Córdoba (Granada University and FIAC). 

Scientific Committee: Sean A Day, Joerg Jewanski, Anton Sidoroff Dorso, Danko Nikolic, Dina Riccò, Mª José de Córdoba, Helena Melero, Oscar Iborra

Collaborators and coordinators: Representantes de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Helena Melero; (Decanato Bellas Artes, UGR); Gloria Lapeña, Jesús Pertíñez López (Máster Dibujo,UGR); Francisco Toro Ceballos, técnico de cultura, Alcalá la Real; Federico Barquero Mesa, Delegación FIAC, Alcalá la Real; Antonio Horno,Manuela García Lirio y Ana Tirado, UJA; Juan García Villar, Dpto, Pintura, UGR. Emilio Gómez UGR, Dpto de Psicología Experimental, UGR; ; Ninghui Xiong (Painting Music Synesthesia in Art Studio coodinador con Hangzhou Normal University). Svetlana Rudenko and Jame Ward, UK Synaethesia; Markus Zedler, Hannover Medical School, Clinic for Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychotherapy ;head of the Hannover Synaesthesia Workgroup, founder of the German Synaesthesia Association (DSG). Mohamed Ahmed Radi Abouarab (Universidad Kafrelsheikh, Egipto, delegado y coordinador Internacional en Egipto, Oriente Medio Africa y Países Arabes); Oscar Iborra, Dpto.Psicología Social, UGR. Reynal do Fernández Manzano, Centro de documentación musical, Junta de Andalucía.

Simultaneous Translation: Julia López de la Torre and Timothy B Layden (expert translators on the subject)

Contact: All questions about submissions should be emailed to:

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Pcta. la Santísima Trinidad, 2, 23680 Alcalá la Real, Jaén

Conference venue:  Convento La Trinidad,  Palacio Abacial and Teatro Martínez Montañés, Alcalá la Real, Jaén, Spain

Three days of conference with speeches, exhibitions, and concerts 

Keynote Speakers

Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Trident Technical College (Charleston, USA). Member of IASAS and FIAC. 

Programme SYN 2025